Team-BHP - 1957 Plymouth Belvedere Unearthed after 50 years

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Continuing from the Guess the car thread. This story is worth a thread on its own

The 1957 Plymouth Belvedere came in five body styles.
Belvedere Sport Coupe, Belvedere Club Sedan, Belvedere Sport Sedan,
Belvedere (4-door post) 4-door sedan and Belvedere Convertible.(V8 only) The entire production run made 2,80,584 fullsize Plymouths.

V8 or 6-cylinder engines were available. Exterior trim package had Sportone side trim, chrome bumper wing guards and stainless steel wheel covers.

The buried Plymouth
1957 was the year, the US state of Oklahoma completed 50 years.
That year, the residents of the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma buried a time capsule in downtown Tulsa, at the SE corner of the lawn of the Tulsa County Courthouse.

It was Saturday, 15th June 1957.
A brand new gold and white 1957 Plymouth Belvedere Sport Coupe was buried along with other historical artifacts in that time capsule.

Now we're in 2007. Oklahoma State celebrates their Centennial.
On Fri. 15th June 2007, at 12 noon CDT [22:30 IST] after a half-century of burial, the historic 1957 Plymouth Belvedere will be unearthed and displayed to the public at the Tulsa Convention Center as a part of the celebration.

Where is it?
Under the sidewalk in front of the Tulsa County Courthouse, approximately 100 ft N of the intersection of 6th Street and Denver Ave.
GPS coordinates: [36.149473N, 95.993636W]

Wrapped in Cosmoline (Styrolene) wax to resist rust and gently placed inside a giant concrete sarcophagus, the brand-new Gold and White 1957 Plymouth Belvedere Sport Coupe was buried on Sat. 15th June 1957 as the centerpiece of a time capsule created for the 21st century citizens of Tulsa 2007.

Why was the Plymouth buried?
To acquaint citizens in 2007 with a suitable representation of civilization in 1957. The Plymouth was chosen because in 1957, it was "an advanced product of American industrial ingenuity with the kind of lasting appeal that will still be in style 50 years from now."

In 1957, citizens of Tulsa were asked to guess what the population of Tulsa would be in the year 2007. The entries were recorded on microfilm, sealed in a steel urn and buried inside the vault with the Belvedere.

On Friday 15th June 2007, when the car is exhumed, sponsors, VIPs and relatives of the 1957 event functionaries will witness the event.
The process will start today, Tuesday, 12th June. The street around the area will be closed to accomodate a giant crane.

After digging out, the 1957 Plymouth will be loaded onto a trailer and transported into the Tulsa Convention Center arena.
It be exhibited at the Tulsa Civic Centre. KOTV channel 6 will cover it.

The Belvedere will become the property of the person whose 1957 guess about the 2007 population was closest to correct. If that person is no longer alive in 2007, their closest identifiable heir will get the car.

Will the Plymouth be still intact? Would the burial vault have leaked moisture and let the car rust in 50 years? Will the winner receive a functioning car when they unearth it?
We will only know on Friday, 15th June, 2007.

This writeup would be incomplete without mention of Christine.
Christine is a paperback novel (horror theme) written by Stephen King. It's about a Plymouth possessed by ghost forces.

A movie was also made in 1983 on the novel.
The book mentions a 1958 Plymouth Fury.
But there were no 4-door Furys. One of the cars (doubles) used in shooting the movie is a 1957 Plymouth Belvedere 4-door Sport Sedan.

well, like i told you, i could only identify it as a member of the DPDC more!

I do remember reading about the time capsule, and cant wait to see what turns keep us posted!

Bad news: As workers began to dig out the plastic-wrapped two-door 1957 Plymouth Belvedere hardtop, they discovered the concrete crypt had gotten partly filled with water over the decades. The Plymouth may well be damaged.

Organizers of the annual Tulsarama festival were reportedly seen crying over the unexpected setback. The discovery of several feet of water in the crypt on Wed. 13 June, brought gasps and tears to the eyes of some spectators who camped at the scene days earlier.

A 58-year-old Tulsa citizen who had watched the car buried as an 8-year-old, took a more philosophical approach: "Fifty years ago I was younger and a little healthier, too. Now, I'm a rust bucket also."

Anyways, the water was pumped out, but the condition of the Belvedere, wrapped in three layers of mud-caked protective Styrolene, remains a mystery.

Will it be a rust-bucket? Will it even start? Is the bit of shiny chrome visible on the bumper a good omen? By 22:30 tonight, Indian Std. Time, we'll know all.


here are the pics btw who is this car owner.

great story! Do keep us updated Ram...this kind of reminds me of the Lagonda V12 of the gaekwad of was sunk in the ocean on its way to be delivered to india when WW 2 broke still languishes there!

Read about it here. - The News On 6
Apparently, the car will be examined before unvieling? We'll just have to wait and watch!!
See the video clip of the removal. - The News On 6

Who would've thought this could happen. An experiment where a car is enclosed in a time capsule to be unearthed after 50 years. Read all about it the link. - The News On 6

This link has the video of the official unearthing of the Vehicle. - The News On 6


We have been building up this story for a week or so, now.
Follow it here.

Finally, a crane lifted out the muddy package containing the 1957 Plymouth Belvedere Sport Coupe, buried a half-century ago in a 12-by-20-foot nuclear-attack-safe concrete box.

The box was waterlogged with a couple of feet of muddy chocolate-milk colored water that had seeped in through the bottom.

The 1957 Belvedere was covered with protective coating sheets. But you could identify the characteristic tailfins, caked though they were, with half a century of red-brown stuff. Mud? (and rust?)

A volunteer lifted the cover to see a clean portion of bumper still showing shiny chrome. Was just wondering how our Fiat/Padminis lost the shine on their chrome bumpers in much less time, under much less adverse circumstances.

A thousand people stood on rooftops and looked out of their office buildings as media helicopters buzzed overhead.

The car was placed on a flatbed truck so it could be unwrapped, spruced up and officially unveiled Friday evening at the Tulsa Convention Center. Spectators lined the streets to watch its journey.

Thousands of tickets were sold for a Friday evening unveiling.

Ram Excellent Article , never heard about this, i guess a lot of homework is to be done, in terms of classics.... help mee help meeee all your vintage and classic car lovers..... any pics of the Plymouth without the cover i mean the recent ones.... after being removed

Ram, that writeup is THE best I've read in some time! One must envy the Tulsa residents for the strong community fibre they've displayed and their sense of character over these 50 years. Well, here's to their Belvedere remaining in pristine condition and lots more such writeups from you!

A properly mummfied Plymouth Belvedere Sport Coupe could have been easily driven away. We remember incidents of Ford Jeeps being hauled
out of the Sahara Desert, ten years after WW -II - washed and driven
driven away.


Originally Posted by ram (Post 469995)
Thousands of tickets were sold for a Friday evening unveiling.

Typical of the Americans, selling tickets for anything and everything. Anything for a buck Inc. i call them.
:OT but I recently went to see the Ground Zero in NY. In a building where the fire station is housed, which is adjacent to where the twin towers were once located, is an entire office dedicated to the Twin tower tragedy. What is shocking that they have a $15/- per head tour taking you around the place. I mean I can understand the unveiling of the 1957 beauty but making money out of selling sorrow? That I could'nt digest. Maybe im feeling a little strongly but thats what i feel.

heres the car after the unveiling...unfortunately shes a mess, but I smell a rat look in the making!

Rusty 1957 Plymouth unearthed in Okla. - Yahoo! News

why do you smell a rat? what's suspicious?

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