Team-BHP - Mozilla OS for Smartphones - Competition to heat up?

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Firefox and ZTE are working on a smartphone -

Why is Firefox doing this? They need to seriously look into fixing their browser and improving its market share that's steadily being eaten away by Chrome before they begin creating operating systems.

Also, the current smartphone market is swamped by three main operating systems - iOS, Android, Windows8. Every thing else will just remain on the sidelines.

It might be a good move too. After Google took over Motorola, all the handset manufacturers are looking for ways to hedge their bets on Android. Mozilla might provide the right platform especially given the fact that it is free license and open source.
No wonder Chinese manufacturer like ZTE are trying to ensure they are on-board.

It may not make very good business sense, but an open platform should always be there. Being from mozilla, this platform will be truly open, rather than hand me down.
Has the potential to corner a chunk of the mid-low market.

I feel that the smartphone market will see lot of flux before consolidating. As in PC market, we may see a lot of handset vendors (LG, Samsung, Nokia, etc.) making handsets with different OSs (Android, Firefox, Windows, etc.). Only the strongest (or the smartest) will survive. One more thing, there is Apple....

If you have a Motorola Defy, you can try it (At your own risk) - Here :

This is not new and some efforts/prototypes I am seeing for last 2-3 years.
actually Mozilla is not just browser , XUL framework provides for App writing and adopting it or mobiles makes sense.

Mozilla is just getting started just as Android and iOS seem to be solidifying their lead. The modular, standards-based nature of firefox OS could attract some open source purists but I am not sure how this will fare. They are already very late to this race.

Look at Windows 7 Mobile, even with all the apps and the giveaways, it just didn't sell.

Taking about open source, don't forget Meego is not dead yet. I think it will be meego vs firefox in near future.

Mozilla has been trying so long to make a dent in the mobile browser market and have made so many revisions of their mobile browser and still haven't got it right. Now they want to make a mobile OS. Well, Good luck with that. I still remember a few years back, when Opera introduced their mobile browser and said that mobile is the future ( this was pre iphone days mind you ), Firefox said mobile is irrelevant and that Opera is being stupid by following the mobile strategy. Boy, how things change in a few years.

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