Team-BHP - India's largest selling SUV: Mahindra Bolero (Pic-Pg 36. Launch - Pg 41)

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is the Mahindra Bolero…(Jan 07 data)

I was casually looking at the top 10 sales figures for Jan and startled to find that the Bolero is at # 10 spot ahead of SUVs like Sumo/Tavera. Only the Innova comes close.

Clearly Mahindra must be doing something right with this vehicle to be lapped up the junta in such large numbers. I have a hunch that its is mostly B-class small towns and rural areas that are big customers for this vehicle.

So, basically I am trying to understand more about this vehicle because its rarely spoken about (or suggested) on Team BHP, its plus points and who the buyer demographic is and where do these people live because I sure as heck did’nt see too many of these in Bangalore. So... lets talk Bolero.

Just one thing, are the marshalls and the savari's still being sold. Moreover Bolero has the XL range to which the Sumo does not have an answer in terms of internal space which becomes a huge criteria in the rural markets.

Mpower i am pretty sure that quite a few of the sales of the Bolero is due to the way it looks. IMO it looks very very good indeed. Also since its priced pretty well and can carry people and luggage, it becomes a fantastic VFM vehicle for many. Even the handling is better then the Scorpio.

I would suggest MnM put the 2.6CRDe engine in the Bolero and offer 4WD, this way it can cater to people who are looking for a true blue in the 7Lac range.

I must also admit the new Bolero looks hideous.

boss dekho.

In about 5L, you get a fantastically reliable people mover, that has decent seating (among the little options at that price), no fuss go anywhere capability, and with AC/power windows, it chills inside and you dont hear the clatter. put gear in third, and it cruises at 25 kph on its own. Gets respect on roads as well.

aur kya jaan loge 5L mein? :)

there is a joke going on somewhere (i cant really say where)..the new bolero looks like there is a diaper wrapped on its front grille..


Originally Posted by BUSA
Even the handling is better then the Scorpio.

Erm. I wouldn't go that far. The steering rake is definitely more vertical as compared to the Scorpio, which might give a sportier feel, but the Bolero is definitely not a better handler; it is more or less on the same lines.

It has lesser body roll though, attributable to lower roofline & C of G.

The Bolero does come with a 4x4 option, but on the Peugeot 2.5 IDI. The DI version doesn't come with 4x4.

Since MPower started this topic, I just happened to visit the Bolero website and found a very useful feature of Vehicle tracker:

Mahindra Bolero

If one's jeep gets stolen, Mahindra guys also help in finding it across India in case the "thief" takes the vehicle to the showroomclap:

Btw, has Mahindra stopped customizing the Bolero? I.e., its Commando avatar?


Originally Posted by 1100D (Post 715065)
Just one thing, are the marshalls and the savari's still being sold. Moreover Bolero has the XL range to which the Sumo does not have an answer in terms of internal space which becomes a huge criteria in the rural markets.

I remember checking out an Armada grand and it was pretty tight inside. The Bolero is just rebodied version of it IIRC. If it was more spacious than Sumo, then the BPO cabbies would be all over it...but it is not so.


Originally Posted by Mpower (Post 715394)
I remember checking out an Armada grand and it was pretty tight inside. The Bolero is just rebodied version of it IIRC. If it was more spacious than Sumo, then the BPO cabbies would be all over it...but it is not so.

You're talking about the BOLERO. There's an XL which is basically the Mahindra Maxx with a Bolero nose - it has an extended wheelbase with very dodgy bus-like handling. I suspect the chassis is from the Mahindra vans.

Almost all Mahindra vehicles can be traced back to the CJ series or the MM540 series (which was basically a modified CJ series chassis with a 'new' body thanks to discarded dies from Ssangyong, a gearbox from Kia and a tractor engine from Peugeot). Whether it is the Classic, the Van or the Bolero or the Scorpio, they all share the same underpinnings and in most cases the same cabins too.

Damn, and i thought the ugly looks of the new Bolero would keep people away from buying it! But then again, if the ugly looking Estilo can be in the top 10, then why cant the Bolero?!

No offense to the owners of the new Bolero, though. Just a personal opinion.

And all these days I thought it was Innova. Bolero is a good vehicle. One of my colleague travelled all the way from Bangalore till Auli and back in the Bolero. He said the car did not give any problem except some issues on punctures and tyre bursting.

I own a bolero and i can confirm that its not as spacious as the Sumo. That is why cabbies dont prefer this vehicle. That is one of the reasons that lots of families take this vehicle as Taxi waala naam nahin laga hai is gaadi pe(This vehicle is not known as a taxi)
The sales of the bolero is due to its pricing as you feel you get VFM for the price you pay.
When i was looking at a new vehicle we just needed a vehicle which can take our village roads and also be pretty normally priced and also decent looker. We wanted an upgradation for the MM540 which we were planning on selling. The vehicle should have comforts as a car. I found the bolero topend version was around 50000 cheaper than the scorpio base version. SO opted for this vehicle after reading couple of magazines. The aircooler is awesome and i just love the looks of this vehicle from the front. Only drawback is bodyrole which even scorpio does have sop paying more didnt make sense to me.

Mahindra's have been in the market long before the Tata's started offering their passenger cars in the market. Also the rural markets function in a very different manner as compared to the Urban markets, giving the 1st comers a huge advantage. Rural markets take a lot of time & goading before they change mindsets. This is one of the primary reasons that they prefer to buy Mahindra vehicles.

I am Bolero owner from 2001. I had a GLX and now an SLX (one year old)with Peugeot engine (old model, Mahindra stopped selling it with Peugeot engine). It is a very reliable vehicle and had no issues at all in my 7 years of use. In city it is quite manageable since it is very compact lengthwise. . Mahindra can do well with this vehicle if they can do following improvements
- Change the engine to CRDE
- Split foldable seat at the rear to make it a real MPV.

The main reason for Bolero sales is its Turbo DI engine, which offers excellent drivability and bullet proof reliability. The Bolero DI is known to stretch a litre to 14-15km during urban driving.
It is the most rugged of all UVs sold in India (only matched by the Trax) and Mahindra has a well developed service network in the interiors.

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