Team-BHP - Baleno: Rolling noise what is the truth?

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Hi all,

First of all I am a brand new member to this forum, so don't know under which section this question to post.

I am considering Baleno but heard about its excessive rolling noise.
I had a short test drive last week but didn't notice it to the extent others are talking.

A quick web search tells that it is only Mr S K Gupta (AutoGuru) of noticed it and made a big issue of it, further he is claiming that based on replies he got from MUL , this rolling noise is because of some design flaws (rear suspension sort of thing) and can't be rectified unless major design changes are carried out.

I saw that this car is highly regarded on this forum, and also there are many forum members who actually own it.

So tell me what is the case, is that rolling noise evident only at a higher speed ?

I will take another test drive of Baleno soon, so I would appreciate if anybody can suggest me how to verify the facts.



I don't think its a major issue!

The best way to verify the noise would be to drive in silence at a speed of about 60-70 in top gear. Take a very smooth road, turn off the blower, roll windows up, no music.

Such noises normally come from the front, I don't know how maruti says from the rear!

All cars make some noise...

Also it could be something to do with some set of cars not all. Like my 800 has excessive rolling noise!.. but not all 800s have!


Originally Posted by SLK
Also it could be something to do with some set of cars not all. Like my 800 has excessive rolling noise!.. but not all 800s have!

Yes I agree this chages from car to car. Also Baleno is a good buy and is known amongst cars with good handling. Go for another drive as SLK suggested and it should be a reassuring ride :)

I had almost decided to buy baleno until i test driven it.Yes the car does make noise at speed 50-80,but i have noticed this on switching off AC and closing all windows.I dont know whether it from rear or from but yes it is there and is considerable.

well i have never heard this "rolling noise" in my car at any speeds!!! in fatc this is the first time i have come across this.. :confused:

Well i can say that i have not experienced any fortunately!!!
She's smooth and silent is what i have to say.
I have experienced a slight suspension sound in a particular type of bump, but i shall put that up as a seperate thread
WHat Boots was the test car wearing?? Some of the tyres tend to make a racket.
I have switched to a set of Michelin Certis immediately and they are dead silent tyres
Had them on my last car too.

i hope this answers the question of the genteman who PM'd me, sorry dude your inbox was full, so i couldnt get my reply across

All of you who already own a Baleno and donot complain of any type of Rollin noise ---- just one question to all of you...
Does any of you have the original tyres that MUL gives or have all of you upgraded to some different tyres?

I have gone through other posts on Baleno and noticed that many of you have upgraded to better tyres.......

so i was just wondering if the noise could be due to those tyres........

Hi Revvhead,thanks for your prompt reply.Just another question,at what maximum speed u have driven ur car?
Any other feedback about this car?Pros and Cons
Thanks and Regards

I had come across a post by S.K.Gupta of Indiacar (AutoGuru), when I was planning to buy a car. (Refer to question/answers section).

If I remember correctly, he was questioned by someone, why is he suggesting tyre upgrade for Baleno, which he was dead against 6 months prior. He replied saying that, he was indeed against replacing OEM tyres, but had noticed "considerable" rolling noise on Baleno with stock tyres. This noise reduced after tyre upgrade.

I couldn't find the link for it, but I am sure that I have read it.

Well Abhi, i just hit 180 a week ago on
Its an easy 160 in Odrive no stress at all, floor it and it makes 170 and after that its a struggle.
I was a bit surprised myself, expected a bit more top end, but i think its maybe geared a bit too short on the 4th & OD (My guess)
But i have been checking elsewhere and that abt all the stock baleno seems to do

And at 160+ ,what about in cabin noise?

hehe...when i am doing 160+ all i can hear is the purr of the exhaust....and no cabin noise!!!
maybe its because the exhaust is loud..


Originally Posted by abhi1881
All of you who already own a Baleno and donot complain of any type of Rollin noise ---- just one question to all of you...
Does any of you have the original tyres that MUL gives or have all of you upgraded to some different tyres?

I have gone through other posts on Baleno and noticed that many of you have upgraded to better tyres.......

so i was just wondering if the noise could be due to those tyres........

- hey abhi.. i think myself and samurai are the newest additions to the Baleno owners list out here.... i have an absolutely stock baleno.. except for the headlamp bulbs.. if at all one were to consider it a mod...

have put in 1300 kms in about 20 odd days... max speed so far ... 120 kms... no ripping yet tho'..all of this in gradual accelarations.. with revvs generally below 2000 with the occasional drives between 2000 to 3000...

no noise whatsoever.. except for the wind noise which i referred to in a different thread today...

As i write this.. i await my baby return from the first service!!!



Originally Posted by vivaid
have put in 1300 kms in about 20 odd days... max speed so far ... 120 kms... no ripping yet tho'..all of this in gradual accelarations.. with revvs generally below 2000 with the occasional drives between 2000 to 3000...

no noise whatsoever.. except for the wind noise which i referred to in a different thread today...

The perception of noise is apparently quite subjective!
I feel my new Baleno is rather noisy, -- and I'm not
talking tyre noise at all. The engine gets quite raucous
by the time it reaches 2000 rpm. It is far from silent even
while idling, -- the noise very much intrudes into the cabin
even with the windows rolled up! And it is not just my car,-
one of my friends bought it a couple of months back, and
his car also behaves the same way, (although he isn't
bothered as much as I am)! Autocar suggests that it is due
to the aluminium engine. However, it is bothersome enough,
since I've driven or seen any no. of cars which are dead
silent in comparison. In the Indian context you could
compare with the Getz to see the difference, and that's a
cheaper car! And Maruti goes to town about 13 so-called
noise-reducing measures! How would it be without those !!!

I have a Vxi, stock, 13" alloys with Bridgestone S248s. Have noticed rolling noise especially when road surface is little rough, though level, E.g, when part of the road is re-surfaced.
If there is anyone who has switched tyres, any difference noticed? Any other noise suppression strategies? BTW, love the car, powerful yet fuel-efficient.

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