Team-BHP - The Champ retires... End of an era...(A tribute to Michael Schumacher)

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Just in (on BBC world)
Michael Schumacher has finally called it quits....
Man.... Formula1 will never be the same....

So in the end, the champ does quit... But hopefully on top.

There wasn't a better way to announce his retirement, which he did in style from the bottom of his heart.

That is indeed the end of an era. I doubt if there has been anyone who dominated the sport for so long as he did, enjoyed racing as he did and generally kept a straight face and his counsel despite everything everyone else had to say.

Its not often that one wishes to bow down to the ground with arms raised - this is one such occassion and I wish I were there in Monza joining the tifosi in homage to the greatest driver I have known.

I'm proud to have seen him race live, proud to have seen him in the pits and proud that I could take my son to see the greatest driver alive - these are memories I shall cherish.

All Hail Michael Schumacher - THE Greatest !!!!!

PS: This is a Homage Thread - those that dont like him please show the courtesy of keeping any controversial comments out of this thread. Mods, please help out.

Well, though I'm not supporting MS in the current season, or haven't in the past few seasons, 90 race wins is no mere feat. He got me hooked on to F1 in 1995, so hail to the king. Atleast he retired with dignity, race win at Monza and all, wouldn't be surprised if he finishes the season with a 8th WC either. Oh well, time for a new era, let the young blood take over.

Phew.... I have grown up watching him perform race day after race day.... Dunno know how to react.... Dunno how F1 will be after him.... Dunno how will it be watching the scarlet ferrari without the red helmet of Michael Schumacher.... I almost feel that a void has been created in motor sports... a void that i dont think will ever get filled up...
Long live the champ.... clap:
The legend of Schumi has but just only started....

Yep Race day just got over... like him or not MS is a legend.

Man, I am speechless......hearing him annouce it in the post-race interview was some experience. It still has to sink in, There really will not be another Michael Schumacher.

Buttttttttttttttttttt bringing down the gap to only 2 points is some way to annouce retirement cheers:

Well............Its the end of the Michael Schumacher era:mad: . We will all miss the Rain Master and Michael magic will surely not be matched by the guys around right now in F1.

Just wish he wins the World Championship this year for one last time.:)

It has finally happened. The Champion has done it. I could feel it from the way I saw the faces of the pit crew and Todt after the race win. Everything including the podium seemed so emotional. Couldnt help shedding a tear when he made the big annoucement.

I am glad that I had a chance to see him race in the flesh atleast once in my lifetime which includes pole position and the win.

Its been a previlege to watch Michael Schumacher race and in years to come we shall be telling stories to the future generation of one driver apart from Ayrton Senna that is Michael Schumacher.

We were there.. we saw him race the legend Michael Schumacher

Michael we will miss you....

PS. I hope he wins his 8th Championship

Lets all be honest about this.. from the post-race press conference every 1 knew that Schumi never wanted to retire this season. Ferrari forced him into it by dropping him for younger talent. Thats the way motor racing goes, sadly.

I think its a great for any sportsman to be able to retire when he is at the peak of his prowess...Undoubtedly Schumi is a once in a generation kind of star.... F1 just wont be the same for me anymore...

P.S. Dont really see any of the current crop totally "dominating" the sport...but then hey u never know

the saddest day for me to see him retire,i still havent got the hold of it maybe i will after i no longer see him.a very sad day to see the greatest champion i have even seen retiring.very sad indeed.

RU from were do you get all these.please atleast dont post hate and gossip in a thread dedicated to his retirement.if you like him give your tribute or dont say anything.

merve_extreme: ranjan_united has in no way posted anything derogatory against MS, that would have been against the spirit of the thread. He has just stated what seems obvious to him, and by a lot of people around the world. It is probably just as sad a state of affairs if he was forced by Ferrari to retire.
You have to accept the fact that everybody is not going to see things the way you do and you may not attack them everytime you come across one of them. This is a forum for public discussion and you are going to have to learn to live with it.

Hey, I aint no MS fan but yes I do agree that it is an end of an era in F1 . Dunno if anyone will ever dominate F1 the way he did prior to the last 2 seasons ... though he made it very boring as the result was always him on top of the podium unless he overdid it himself .....

MS, for a minute I bid you a farewell and do admit that you did ROCk !! Happy retirement though without this CS .. though I see him staying involved in some way or the other .

Anyone from the MS camp .. wanna join the Robert Kubica fan club ????



Originally Posted by khaadu75
Anyone from the MS camp .. wanna join the Robert Kubica fan club ????

SIGN ME UP! I think he drove a great race! clap:

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