Team-BHP - Gumball 2005

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The Gumball sets off in 14 days from London
Is Gautam Singhania taking part this time?

Note from the moderator: Next time please make thumbnail attachments to post such a huge line up. It would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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hey dude
amazing pics man !! that pic with the banged up merc is crazy and which car is the yellow one with the doors opening upwards??



that pic with the banged up merc is crazy
That is the infamous accident involving Ron Kimble, a kind of demi-god in the exotic car-racing circles. Of-course not for his driving style as you can see. Every Gumball he hires a car (mostly a Mercedes AMG) for the purpose. Watch his Supercar rally next year. Touted to be even bigger and better than Gumball.

Another god (for all the wrong reasons again, except his driving), is Lonman. Drives a Porsche 911 996 GT2. Took it to the US for the 2002 round. Did a crazy 208 mph on highway/freeways. Was never caught by the police who tried hard with their Fords at 90 mph. :D

Gumball is for the crazy and moneyed. A total treat for us enthusiasts.


which car is the yellow one with the doors opening upwards??
That is a Lamborghini Diablo VT 6.0.

i have the 2002 gumball video well as from 2004..if anyone wants em...the 2002 is on my comp...the 2004 is on CDs..i'll be moving to blore this all the blore guys can see the 2004 gumball at the next meet that i attend :)

MTV whatever things covered the event in two episodes. I saw one yesterday but dunno when the next one is


Originally Posted by khanak
MTV whatever things covered the event in two episodes. I saw one yesterday but dunno when the next one is

i have all of the episodes of the 2004 covers 3 was shown on Extreme TV..some british channel.

Isnt it a movie now too? nd a game?

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Originally Posted by Stratos
Note from the Moderator : Last Warning - This thread will be deleted if the Image Credits are not provided within 24 hours.

I got these pics from another forum and the guy who posted this probably got it off google or somthin index.php/t49004.html

The Movie

The 1976 movie

The PS2 Game

I saw Gumball yesterday on MTV .... It was something very crazy ...

yea i saw that one too on mtv. who has the gumball movies guys. can anyone make a copy of the disc for me please. i am crazy after the gumball. thanks

yeah man i got quite few long gumball videos they r really wicked...super cars n their drivers driving the nuts out...
dude i dont have writer on my laptop ...
but u can get them on

Guys check this link out,

for more pictures

It has the portfolio of all the participants for this year;s gumball. The surprise was team - 100. It had one Narein Karthikeyan driving a Phantom (not sure forgot)!

Blimey! Must have got a sponsor i guess. There were a few other Indians on the list too. One crazy guy got his Lambo impounded, continued on his SL 500 and totalled it. Got his Lambo back and messed that too. Must be a real nut to wreck two exotics! :mad:

Have a look anyways. Lots of cars and some pretty famous personalities too. But too bad Kim didnt take part this year. He is busy with his own version of the gumball aka the Ultimate Rally.

Read again Harrie. Post says Karthik Narayan.


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