Team-BHP - Dream come true!

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Hello Fellow TBhpians!

This is my story of finally becoming a Bhpian. I totally echo fellow bhpian Shekhar's words wherein 23 Sep 2017 will always be cherished throughout my life because of the fact I received this golden word 'Team-BHP Membership APPROVED!' on my email subject line which just blew my mind out of the boring weekend I had just started on a Saturday only to see if there was an update on my inbox, which surprisingly made my day!

My attempt at becoming a Bhpian started back in 2013, where in till date I had attempted 3 times which I believe was rejected for good reasons till date. I understood becoming a member of Team-Bhp is not something similar to that of getting a membership of a club or any community. It needed maturity in understanding what it is to be an auto-enthusiast. I started digging further in understanding my zeal to be one of members in this family. Even though my technical knowledge is not even near to the current level of brilliance our fellow members possess, I am certain I would one day come out with my own post reviewing my own car or bike. Then came 21st Sep where I felt I was ready to an extent to be a member here and I started giving my write-ups on registration form. While filling up the form, I realized it is the D-DAY and results came out in less than 48 hours after giving my attempt. I had cleared level 1 of my attempt at being a complete member.

With this, I have started my journey here at TEAM-BHP which I closely follow.

My next step is to flaunt those decals proudly on my car's dicky as to where I come from! I have seen people sticking those decals even though they are not part of the community. Though it seems a bit odd at first, it shows they are really taking this community so seriously and it brings immense pleasure to be part of one through decals if not through membership. I had a different view, I thought of installing one only after I earned my membership here. It's more like getting a VISA approved to fly abroad. This VISA is different, this is to stay in your motherland but gain access to nationality in automotive world.

I believe I have spoken a bit too much out of excitement. I will catch up as time goes-by!

Quick Intro about myself:
I intended to become an automobile engineer but destiny had something else for me in the store. So I'm working now as an investment banker managing a team ( see the word TEAM always reminded me of TEAM-BHP - thus the zeal!)
I am from Mysore (city of palaces) but currently put up in Bangalore (city which feeds many hungry tummies and nomads like me!)
Too lazy I can get (rants my mom and wife), but always overly-energetic when it comes to cars, bikes and even trains! (Wait! did you say TRAINS??! yes, yes! I love the big locomotives churning out more horses and torque with that lovely turbo sound or the whistle that comes out with those massive engines)
I love driving and riding [ENOUGH man - we infer this part from the lengthy intro you have given is what readers might think - remember I'm excited!stupid:]
That's it for this para!

Machines I own / I have owned:

I have owned:
1) Bajaj Pulsar 150 DTS-I (2nd version which carried the alloys) - from 2005 to 2007! (after 2007? :O - I shall let you know as you read through)
2) Maruti Suzuki Baleno 2006 LXI - from 2013 to 2016 - short and memorable stint covering 30k kms. Indeed it had a sweet humming note due to headers installed. Nope I didn't install them but the previous owner did.

Current Possessions:

1) Bajaj Pulsar 220 DTS-FI: Yes, I love this bike to the core for the feel it gave me when I first rode it when I bought it in 2007 after selling my P-150. It still carries the same power and torque purely because of fuel injection unit. Though the service support in Bangalore has been a task for me, I have managed to get it serviced in irregular intervals (sorry yes it was indeed irregular due to more of driving) and it has completed nearly 59000 kms on ODO till date. No plans of selling or replacing. Only plan is to add another one if my beloved mom and wife agrees to it! Yes, I have to call it a perk because I am forced to after being married, else I will be taken away for classes by mum and wife! You know how boring it gets when they give lectures! Okay, enough of my rants :OT- for christ sake this is an intro!
2) Maruti Suzuki Vitara Brezza (my KnightDrive): A car that fueled high octane mixture of enthusiast within me after what Baleno had filled. I will try to come up with a review of this machine sometime later. I will keep this crisp for now because I've taken too much space.

Well this is my certainly not a short intro but a mixture of everything. I hope to catch up more often with my posts and responses to our fellow bhpians.

Have a happy Dasara to you and your family! Signing off until next time (Windows + Logoff)

Guru (RV)

Hey, nice to see another Mysorean on the forum. The intro suggests you're very excited to be a part of the team. Welcome and please do go through the rules of the forum again. Maybe we can plan a meetup of Mysore Team-bhp members soon.

Hey Sourabh. Yes, we can plan to meet up. Preferably plan on a weekend sometime so that I can drive down to meet Mysore team BHP members.

And yes, indeed excited about the entrant into such a huge proud community.

Welcome to your new online home, Guru :). Fantastic to have you with us.

Looking forward to the ownership report of your Vitara Brezza :thumbs up.

Thank you GTO! Looking forward to post one review soon. Before, I can do that, I am familiarising myself with the community to ensure the post comes out well at par with the group's expectations.

Guru (RV)

Your passion shines through your words. Welcome to the forum Guru :)
Enjoy your stay and do go through rules. See you around.

Thanks very much Sheel for the warm welcome. Hoping to keep myself active throughout with learning and sharing :)

Welcome to the forum Gururaj! :)
Getting TBHP membership is indeed a matter of pride, and as you rightly pointed out, needs some good amount of enthusiasm. Hope you enjoy the stay here! And wish you a very happy Dasara.

Thank you Shekhar. I hope to connect more often in this community. Happy Dasara again!

Welcome to this wonderful forum, Gururaj!

And a "same pinch" for our love for similar/ same machines (I own a 2006 Bajaj Avenger 180 DTS-i as well as the Brezza).

Thank you Priyan :) like minds I believe.

Welcome gururajrv and wish you many happy miles / kilometres as your journey progresses!


Originally Posted by VivOverland (Post 4277478)
Welcome gururajrv and wish you many happy miles / kilometres as your journey progresses!

Many thanks VivOverland :)


Originally Posted by gururajrv (Post 4274848)
Preferably plan on a weekend sometime so that I can drive down to meet Mysore team BHP members.

Welcome to the Forum!!

Do PM me if you drive down to Mysore :thumbs up


Originally Posted by Dr.Naren (Post 4287197)
Welcome to the Forum!!

Do PM me if you drive down to Mysore :thumbs up

Thanks for the warm welcome. Surely my friend! I will be coming on the last weekend mostly. Will PM you!

You’re put up in Mysore most of the time?

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