Team-BHP - Intro

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Hello All,

Just joined and taking this opportunity to say hi and introduce m'self.

Am a 30 and change software professional working with an MNC in Bangalore for the past 7 years.

A native of the north-eastern part of the country, grew up in the mountains and roaming in the jungles, liking the 4x4 squeaky mahindras more and more, things like luxury and riding comfort never actually crossed my mind, though things are changing slowly of late with ageing bones ..

It had always been a dream to own a harley and a jeep someday in life, throughout school and college, but sometime towards the middle of college, realization set in and I dropped the harley idea and changed focus to more realistic things, now it was a bullet and a jeep :) got the bullet, a spanking new machismo within one week of probation period completion at the first job.. did some good time on the saddle and finally got onto the second one, though not the open jeep of my dreams, but a bolero, perspectives change and makes one change with them pretty fast.. sigh... and I am not mentioning the Humvee at all...

Two and a half years with the bolero and the odo of life fast ticking up and multiplication factors, finally decided it was time to consider the other aspects of a vehicle, like comfort and safety. The safari it was, a sensible upgrade it seemed.. so I am here researching on the net and that's how I got to know of Team-BHP, went through numerous posts and joined up. Thanks to all the great write-ups, I am already a lot wiser.

My personal choice of vehicles if anyone wants to know is of pure utility, ground clearance matters more to me than the quality of plastics, after all the engine is more important, no-one would blame me for the quality of plastic and fittings, I didn't put them there myself right, I believe in and enjoy learning the tricks of the trade and as such, think there is much more pleasure to be derived in getting an old bullet with an almost dead battery to start up and chug away; than the more modern, press a switch, laat marna bekaar, use your thumb to start the engine kind of mundane acts.. neither am I interested in 0-100 figures, but 100-0, oh yes, that's pretty useful... now that is my personal view in its entirety, no offence to anyone, perhaps this here's an old-fashioned guy

That's it I guess, pretty long for an intro, sorry if you guys are already yawning:)

Look forward to some good learning here, cheers!

:D Very nice intro,aburagohain!
Welcome aboard.

Welcome to TBHP aburagohain !

Thanks Nitin and Aruny!

Welcome to team-BHP aburagohain! That was a very nice intro!

I'm sure you'll have a great time here! :)

Also, go through the rules and announcements. :)

Welcome buddy... good introduction.... I am sure you will have nice time hanging around with BHPians...

Thanks for the welcome Raghu and Hemant! Yeah, there are a lot of things to learn in this forum as I am finding out slowly, great job. See you around.

Welcome aboard Apratim!



Thanks Nitin, very nice to find you here. And cheers of course :-)

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