Team-BHP - Yamaha’s definition of customer service

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“I am not your yaar, ok. Don’t call me yaar, call me SIR or Mr. Nitin…” the Yamaha service manager to me..

I had gone to give my Yamaha gladiator for the third free service at the company operated Yamaha Pro-service centre at Wakkadewadi, Pune, and have decided never to go there again. I ended up having a slightly heated argument with the service manager, and realized how they don’t give a damn if you come to them or not.

My first 2 services were also done here, and my general observation was that they did a good job on the vehicle as compared to other service centres (who just change the oil and wash the bike). On the downside though, they definitely had quite an arrogant attitude, and were least bothered about customer service (It’s like the customer needs them, and they don’t need the customer). I don’t usually bother going to a service station, since I can service my vehicle much better than any service centre does. But I needed to in order to keep the warranty valid:Frustrati, and so I continued going to them since I love my bike, and am willing to put up with their attitude if it means I get a proper job done. Not anymore though.

The history of events preceding today is what really ended up in today’s fiasco. My vehicle was due for the third free service (scheduled between 4500-5000 kms, or 6 months). When the vehicle was at around 4600 kms, I went to leave my vehicle for servicing. This was sometime in the second week of December. On that particular day, they said they were doing up their inventories, and so couldn’t take my vehicle. I tried requesting them to keep my vehicle and give it the next day or the day after that, explaining how my office timings and the timings of the service centre don’t match, and that my house is a good 10-12 kms from the service centre. They flatly said no, “Hum kya kar sakte hain? Aapki gaadi hai toh aapko adjust karna padega..”

I went again 2 weeks later when my vehicle had done 4900 kms (I struggled really hard those 2 weeks to use my bike as little as possible). Once again they said they could not take my vehicle, saying that they were fully booked (I had taken a half day leave just to drop my vehicle off for service). This time, I didn’t try to reason with them, I just said look, my bike is going to exceed 5K kms the next time I come here, and you are going to do the service for me without charge. I also asked for their number (I should have done that a long time ago) which one of the technicians told me was the number in the owner’s manual.

Today, (Saturday, 9-1-10) I tried calling desperately all morning on the number given in the manual, but nobody responds. I needed to get to work as well so I get fed-up and get to the service centre with my vehicle. I reach at around 10:15 am and there were 2 mechanics and the service manager Mr. Nitin. He was busy preparing the invoice for another customer’s accident repair, and so I tried approaching one of the mechanics to take up my job-card. As soon as I started getting near them, they get busy opening up another vehicle. So I decided to wait for Mr. Nitin to finish his invoice, and start timepassing around reading posters and looking at some of the spares lying around. 15-20 mins pass by and I start losing my patience (I still needed to get to work). I then stood near Mr. Nitin and waited for him to take notice. He probably thought I was reading into what he was writing, and I think he got a little irritated with that. So he called one of the mechanics to take my vehicle in and make a job card. Mission accomplished! (or so I thought).

Everything went on well till we got to my vehicle’s ODO reading, 5185 kms. The mechanic immediately stops and says I have exceeded the specified range, and will have to pay for the service. I patiently try to explain to him what all had happened, but he was not the kind who would even let me speak. As soon as I tried to start explaining to him, he would speak over me saying its not his mistake, and he won’t do anything about it and all. I even told him how I tried calling them in the morning to which he said his phone was not working, “Main kya kar sakta hoon, phone kaam nahin kar raha hai toh mera problem nahin hain. Aapko pay karna padega”. Seeing that there was no point trying to reason with him, I said I want to speak with the manager.

At this stage I was guided to Mr. Nitin. I started off saying how everytime I come here I end up having to argue with them, but before I could complete this, he cut across saying, ”Toh aap khud maante hain ki aap jhagade shuru karate hain….” I was taken aback; is this the first thing that the service manager had to say? I was about to reply back that I don’t need to argue unless you guys give me a reason to argue, and that you have made me run back and forth so many times for one service, and you don’t have even the least bit of concern for others difficulties. I started off using the words “Arrey Yaar..” and he cut across saying the line that shook me, “I am not your yaar, ok. Don’t call me yaar, call me SIR or Mr. Nitin…” My reaction was :Shockked. (It’s not even like he was a senior person or anything, he was probably in his late 20’s). I experienced a proper shock for the first time in my life. The service manager of a company operated Yamaha Factory outlet expects me to call him sir…….SIR????? I didn’t speak for the next 10 seconds, and the shock was definitely visible on my face.

He then went on to explain how he does a ‘qualtiy job’ and that’s why he does not take more than a particular number of bikes a day, and how the number I had been calling was wrong (the number was working it seems, unlike the mechanics claim) an gave me the right number. And at the end of it all, he agrees to take the vehicle for a free service. Not without boosting his ego a little bit more though; on the owner’s manual where the service history is recorded, he writes “taken on good will”, like he’s done me a great big favor by giving me a free service.

I realized one more thing at the end of all this though; when I went to collect my vehicle in the evening, there was grease on my clutch lever (which I had to clean off myself), the rear brake had been tightened to a hazardous extent, and the he had left my rear wheel untouched (I had specifically told him that the chain tension was too much, and that it needed to be slackened, and that the rear wheel alignment was off a bit). Infact, he had not even cleaned the chain, all the dirt and muck that had collected at the driving sprocket was inact… guess his standard of quality was not as good as I thought it was:Frustrati…(or maybe he just wanted to kill me..)

Sorry to hear your story. I've alway thought RE was the marketleader in shoddy services, but you've changed my outlook lol:

You should try emailing the contacts from the yahama website, since you've taken the time to write about the incident. That might bring some improvement.

Such behavior from that charlie is unacceptable! kudos to your patience! I in your place would have given him a piece of my mind.
You need to write to yamaha about this. But first i would suggest going back with a friend and asking that charlie to adjust the brake, chain etc. Ask your friend to discreetly record your conversation(video) and pray that he says something he shouldnt. Keep your cool throughout! Next step would be to putup the video here and email it to yamaha top brass. That would add some weightage to this issue.

Its people like these that spoil the name of companies/ service centres and they must be taken to task!

Shoot off a mail to Yamaha India and please add a link to this thread.

Also get the e-mail id of that dealer and send this link to them and tell them you will have it escalated to Yamaha India.

Insist on a proper written apology from that nincompoop service manager.

I would expect him to lose his job at the very least. Absolutely intolerable.

I hops Nitin Sir is reading this. He should regret it.

Its nothing new as far as Yamaha service center guys are concerned, most of them care least about giving good or acceptable service to customers. Its the same in my city as well. But Yamaha produces some real world-class products, its a pity that they can't take care of the after sales.

No one hear when you mail them or contact them from Yamaha India website. I had some problems with my Gladiator too due to bad servicing and they were not fixing the problems I had with vehicle. Tried to contact yamaha from their website, emailed them several times but as if they send all emails to thrash can.

Really sad to hear about the incident.

I guess sending mails to the Yamaha personnel is like a hit and miss. Like hashim has said, they have not responded to the emails. But you might find others to whom there has been quick response etc.

In addition to sending the email, try speaking to the Service Center Manager. If that guy has the same attitude, there will be a complaints number somewhere in your owners manual. You can give that a shot too!

Hope you get over this incident but dont let the Service manager go unpunished!! Man that guy has attitude and then some!!

Just Don't fall lazy and stop working for the appology, Just write mails to Yamaha India, implant a serial number on top & copy it to Yamaha Global, Then Also write down RTI on top. You can also fill in a RTI form available @ Rs.10/- and post them to the local service center.

Just for the sake : I had a Karizma long time back, i always did the service at mostly the limit or above it, but Hero Honda here was very considerate, same was the case with my Pulsar 180 & RE these guys says the more kms the better.

You can also try to remove the Speedo cable to stop the meter readin, lol :D , but now its no use right :(


Originally Posted by shan2129 (Post 1676013)

Just Don't fall lazy and stop working for the appology, Just write mails to Yamaha India, implant a serial number on top & copy it to Yamaha Global, Then Also write down RTI on top. You can also fill in a RTI form available @ Rs.10/- and post them to the local service center.

RTI ????

RTI is applicable to Govt. Departments only. It does not apply to private companies.

Sad to read about your expi with these people. Sometimes they just want to show authority. May be a one off case. I do understand that the representative is the face of the company and by this act of his is spoiling the company's name. But don`t blame it on yamaha completely. I suggest you escalate this to the highest level possible. I sure they would respond. Also you were just 150 odd kms off the odo mark. He should have gone a lill out of way to help you. He should have set an example of cust service.

BTW for my P 220 i gave my 2nd service when i touch 4000 kms and only 20 days from buying the bike. They didn`t object to anything. Also in next day 2 days i was back to them since i travelled another 600 kms and was up for my 3rd service, this time again they happily accepted it. My odo was 4700 kms in just 23 days. My expi with bajaj guys have been awesome. Sometimes its not the company, its the representative which pisses you off just because he is having a bad day or some personal reason and we blame the company for it.


Originally Posted by Abbas (Post 1676080)
BTW for my P 220 i gave my 2nd service when i touch 4000 kms and only 20 days from buying the bike. They didn`t object to anything. Also in next day 2 days i was back to them since i travelled another 600 kms and was up for my 3rd service, this time again they happily accepted it. My odo was 4700 kms in just 23 days.

It is as per whatever comes earlier - days or odo reading. They couldnt have denied you anyways.

The Service Manager has got too big for his boots. Yamaha is doing well in the market so expect inflated egos where there were none before. All part of the cycle. Before they could crawl on their knees to get business.

Mr Nitin, if you are reading this. You are digging your own grave when it comes to your career. Remember what ever posted here is a google query away for your next prospective employer. Think about it.

You set it right nobody else will suffer.


I'm not at all surprised about the shoddy service doled out by Yamaha. Here in Bangalore, a so called service supervisor of Bangalore Wheels, had the nerve to tell me that I need to change the bore(cylinder piston kit) when I had an issue with the cam shaft of my erstwhile YBX. He tried to pass off a rusted cam shaft to me. I went to the regional office here in Bangalore and thus managed to get a replacement free of cost. But, it wasted a lot of my time and caused unpleasantness. Arrogance is a mild word that can be used to describe most Yamaha dealerships(at least in Bangalore) who now don't really give a damn about customer service as their sales are now shooting through the roof. Not so long ago, the same dealerships were struggling to make ends meet and were relying primarily on servicing motorcycles to breakeven. That was just before the R15 was launched. Memories are short and they have forgotten their situation just a few years ago. I won't be surprised if an email to Yamaha remains unanswered. I suggest a visit or a strong letter to the regional office. It worked for me in the past. I will never buy a Yamaha till Yamaha get their after sales service right. A pity, considering that they have very competent products in the market.



Sorry to hear about your bad experience. Especially the part where the guy wants you to address him as "Sir"...... talk about notions of grandeur.

Do shoot of a bunch of emails to all the contact emails on the Yamaha site, and see if they bother to respond. I am sure some one will get in touch with you.

Good luck.

I have already sent a mail to yamaha india, but guess what, there are no mail id's available on their website. it took some searching but finally got it. lets see what happens..
@ vid6639: Thanks for the idea, thats exactly what i intend to do..

Sad to hear your story. I too service my FZ at a company owned showroom/service station, but they've paid proper attention towards the bike every time i went for servicing!
I go there even if there is a small niggle, and they pay attention each time.
In your case, the service manager is to blame, and i'm utterly amazed the way he communicated with you. I think Yamaha as a company has become very serious about its reputation, and i think they will take proper action on receiving your mail. Hope IYM teach a lesson to NITIN SIR on how to respect your customer.

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