Team-BHP - Can poll promises get any wierder ?

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It's local body election time in Chennai and the candidates are at their wierdest best when it comes to promises. Maybe they are taking a leaf from the DMK's success after promising TVs, land etc.

A woman candidate, contesting for the post of councillor of the 153rd ward in the city, has the following promises to the electorate.

1) She will build a temple for Lord Vinayaka on the moon, thereby ensuring Chennai Corporation’s entry into the Guinness Book of World Records.
Wow, that should solve all problems of the Chennai populace.

2) She promises to aircondition the whole of Chennai.
Now that should be some serious competition to B'lore.

3) She will plant sandalwood trees throughout the city.
Maybe with the intention to eradicate the smell of the Cooum (aka the Buckingham canal).

4) She also promises to construct a building which would allow those inside it to feel like they were travelling in a plane.
Not sure of the purpose. Maybe some airplane simulation for future pilots.

5) She will make a chair of gold and other precious stones at a cost of Rs10,000 crore, which she would then allow people to sit on and take photographs.
Her bit for tourism and nostalgic memories.

6) She says she will eradicate the stray dog menace. And how ?
By providing free “dog briyanis” once a week to the people. :Shockked:

7) She also has a solution for solving the Cauvery row. “If seawater can be made potable and supplied to Chennaiites for Rs 10,00 crores, we need to spend only another Rs 50,000 crores to make more of it potable and fill the Mettur Dam with it. This could solve the problem with Karnataka,” she says.
Wow. Who needs linking of rivers etc with such lofty ideas ?

Some more of her ideas :

She has also promised to install a satellite to track dacoits and murderers, install a weighing machine to check the weight of gas cylinders, make a movie in Hollywood style on how the Pokhran nuclear test was conducted and last but not least set up a centre for registering one’s ideas.

What do you guys think about us, the poor voters at Chennai that are (un)fortunate to get such leaders ? :mad:

give a complaint about her to the animal rights group about the dog biryani thing that will keep her busy instead of contesting elections,she surely must be a crackpot


Originally Posted by supremeBaleno
set up a centre for registering one’s ideas.

she surely knows where to register ideas, eh.. ??


Originally Posted by nikhilb2008
friggin politicians make full use of that..... Irritates me to the core..... I am so disgusted with the way our country is run.....

Yes that's what they do, and very successfully. Question is if it irks you so much, what do you see yourself doing about it? Coffee house revolutionists don't change anything. I'm not singling you out or trying to be holier than thou, it's a general thought process, and the current state of affairs.


Originally Posted by ported_head
Yes that's what they do, and very successfully. Question is if it irks you so much, what do you see yourself doing about it? Coffee house revolutionists don't change anything. I'm not singling you out or trying to be holier than thou, it's a general thought process, and the current state of affairs.

rofl.... I knew that was coming !!! I knew SOMEONE would point that out :p

BTW, why is my post missing ??:mad:

Anyway, I WANT to do something for my country...... And I hope to do so sometime in my life......

Let me work hard and earn lot of money and THEN enter politics...

Missing posts, eh....for starters why don't you try to familiarise yourself with the rules of the forum, which can be found in the Announcements sub section. You will then realise that more than two smileys, chat/sms language, profanity or substitutes for profanity, etc. etc. don't really make the cut, and then posts mysteriously disappear. I'm guessing you already know what to do next!


Originally Posted by ported_head
Yes that's what they do, and very successfully. Question is if it irks you so much, what do you see yourself doing about it? Coffee house revolutionists don't change anything. I'm not singling you out or trying to be holier than thou, it's a general thought process, and the current state of affairs.

ported head,he has atleast voiced his concerns on a public forum.
Now u cant expect everyone to start dandi march,only Gandhi could do it but he is no more with us.

On my last visit to Chennai, I had heard a debate about Tamil Nadu's strange political scenario. Don't know what is wierder, the politicians that make up these promises, or the voter's that believe them.
This concept may not be one some of us can understand, I guess like it's been said, we're a sub-continent, not a country and each state is practically another country.
Where else in the world can you travel for a few hours within your own country and become a foreigner, in a place with new customs, different looking people and a different language?:)

Originally Posted by rsjaurr
Now u cant expect everyone to start dandi march

How about a dandiya march then? :p


Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
How about a dandiya march then? :p

why not......I can do bhangra and i always dreamt to combine these two great dances...fusion dnace on the line of fusion music:)

And most of u guys r doing it already for the last few dyas.
Do take care of navin,old men tend to tire at mild physical exertion....:)

Wow! What about making her the Prime minister? :D
And I was thinking Bush was bad.

Is she an independent candidate or contesting for any party


Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
On my last visit to Chennai, I had heard a debate about Tamil Nadu's strange political scenario.

tamilnadu has this peculiar trait that once they select one party & then in the next election the other wins by a landslide. i mean they have some of the brightest brains in the software biz, how come those come from such people?

Are politicians officially allowed to smoke weed?

Scratch that, methinks this is something heavier - LSD or mushrooms maybe.

I'm in on the Dandya March - maybe we can storm the state capital, a la Rang De Basanti & have a dancing dharna or something...


Originally Posted by Surprise
Is she an independent candidate or contesting for any party

She belongs to the BJP.


Originally Posted by naveendhyani
tamilnadu has this peculiar trait that once they select one party & then in the next election the other wins by a landslide.

Actually, it's a Kerala phenomenon. Without fail, every 5 years, Mallus have been changing their leaders, alternating between the Congress and the Communists, neither of whom have been any better than the other. But then, there is no other option for them.
In TN, this is a recent phenomenon. Till the time MGR was around, he ruled for years, without a break. It is only after his death, that this system has come into place.


Originally Posted by naveendhyani
i mean they have some of the brightest brains in the software biz, how come those come from such people?

No amount of brainy voters can change the political scenario (thriving on money, goondaism) that we have currently. And this applies to all states in India.
And I would be surprised if even half the educated voters take the trouble to exercise their franchise.

Someone should ask here where she plans to get the money for all this?

And BJP wonders why it is not popular in SOuth India!!!!

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