Team-BHP - Team BHP on World community grid

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hey guys, hope you all have heard about the new buzzword in computer circles;

'Distributed Computing' or 'Grid Computing'

Well, there is something called World Community Grid (WCG) (its by IBM) and i'll give its intro as mentioned on its site.

Who they are:

World Community Grid's mission is to create the largest public computing grid benefiting humanity. Our work is built on the belief that technological innovation combined with visionary scientific research and large-scale volunteerism can change our world for the better. Our success depends on individuals - like you - collectively contributing their unused computer time to this not-for-profit endeavor.

How can you help:

Donate the time your computer is turned on, but is idle, to projects that benefit humanity! We provide the secure software that does it all for free, and you become part of a community that is helping to change the world. Once you install the software, you will be participating in World Community Grid. No other action must be taken; it's that simple!

All of you'll can be a part of this.
Your computer generates results and you earn points in return. (no monetory returns)

I have created a team on WCG: Team BHP :)

If you are new to WCG, follow this link to download the software as well as join the team:
World Community Grid - Register

If you are already on the grid, follow this link to join the team:
World Community Grid - Team

Join in guys, it does not rob any performance from your computer, only converts that idle time into something productive.
Like, when you are surfing team BHP, only a miniscule part of the processing power of your computer is being used. The rest is just being wasted, put it to some good use. clap:

more info: World Community Grid - Home

any queries welcome.

I came across a community that basically hosts various research projects that need computing. Members will have to download a client which will run these projects in their computers during idle moments. Its managed by IBM and hence looks respected.

World Community Grid - Home

I see research projects on cancer, ground water, energy etc. These are the things that will define the future as well. I downloaded the software on my laptops and it does execute these projects whenever i keep it idle. One can customize a lot of settings as well. I observed it doesnt use much data.

I wanted to bring this to Team-Bhp because members can form a group on worldcommunitygrid and can display the number of computing hours contributed.

Do check it out during your spare time.

Mods - Please delete this if it looks irrelevant.


Originally Posted by jalsa777 (Post 1058552)

Join in guys, it does not rob any performance from your computer, only converts that idle time into something productive.
Like, when you are surfing team BHP, only a miniscule part of the processing power of your computer is being used. The rest is just being wasted, put it to some good use. clap:

more info: World Community Grid - Home

any queries welcome.

Hello Jalsa ! Glad to see you on WorldCommunityGrid. I am extremely passionate about the Grid and have done couple of weird things to get the maximum juice from my machines. My friends think I am mad but I am pretty sure the Grid has done a world of good.

I joined the T-BHP group just now. Hoping to see some more folks joining in :).

WOw!! This looks interesting. My only concern is how much data will be approximately used as I dont have an unlimited plan.

People using it, any approximations on the amount of data used.

I have been a member of WCG since 2004 and I have my own India Grid Team. I have it running on 5 computers and it runs 24x7. From the looks of the Team BHP team stats, nobody is active. SAD.

Some stats of mine.


Originally Posted by Rachit.K.Dogra (Post 2764635)
WOw!! This looks interesting. My only concern is how much data will be approximately used as I dont have an unlimited plan.

People using it, any approximations on the amount of data used.

Actually, it does not consume much at all. Probably just a few MBs per day. I will check in detail and shall get back on that. However, You can have custom settings in place to restrict how much CPU/Disk/RAM/Network it should be consuming.


Originally Posted by vikram_d (Post 2764648)
I have been a member of WCG since 2004 and I have my own India Grid Team. I have it running on 5 computers and it runs 24x7. From the looks of the Team BHP team stats, nobody is active. SAD.

Some stats of mine.

Those stats are brilliant ! Kudos ! Looking at the number of T-BHP members we have, I am pretty sure we have enough potential to outrun some Data Centers stupid:


Originally Posted by vikram_d (Post 2764648)
I have been a member of WCG since 2004 and I have my own India Grid Team. I have it running on 5 computers and it runs 24x7. From the looks of the Team BHP team stats, nobody is active. SAD.

Some stats of mine.

Yeah. I created the Team-BHP team back in 2008 as can be seen from the original post. Sadly no one joined or replied and hence I too left the team. Now, thanks to your interest I have joined the team again. Lets see how many members we can gather.

My history with grid computing goes a long way. Joined SETI@Home back in March 2001 but since 2008 or so have devoted all my processor time to World Community Grid because i feel it is more relevant to current issues.


For all those who want to join World Community Grid, click here.


Originally Posted by jalsa777 (Post 2765130)
My history with grid computing goes a long way. Joined SETI@Home back in March 2001 but since 2008 or so have devoted all my processor time to World Community Grid because i feel it is more relevant to current issues.

I have an almost similar grid computing history to yours except that I ditched SETI for WCG in 2004 and as you said this is more relevant to current issues. I wonder if I can be a member of multiple teams at the same time.

Hello folks,

I ran a trace of the activities the Grid processes run on the machine and did not notice anything unusual. It access only its working folder and I did not find it snooping around.

There is a setting during the install, where you can configure the application to run under a "restrictive" local account. The Grid then runs only under this local account which has access only to the install directory.

Our Team-BHP team is back from a slumber and is busy making a difference ! Hoping to see more joining the grid.


Originally Posted by anand_lukose (Post 2772404)
Hello folks,

I ran a trace of the activities the Grid processes run on the machine and did not notice anything unusual. It access only its working folder and I did not find it snooping around.

There is a setting during the install, where you can configure the application to run under a "restrictive" local account. The Grid then runs only under this local account which has access only to the install directory.

Our Team-BHP team is back from a slumber and is busy making a difference ! Hoping to see more joining the grid.

Thanks man. I hope this gives others the confidence to join in the good work.

Guys, I have joined this team. I never knew Team BHP was there in WCG. I am running the grid for last two years in both my personal & official laptop. Was on my corporate team till now and have quit today morning. My Accumulated Points: 1,222,789 & Current Ranking: 49,298 Now let me contribute to Team BHP.


Originally Posted by Marlon (Post 2773958)
Guys, I have joined this team. I never knew Team BHP was there in WCG. I am running the grid for last two years in both my personal & official laptop. Was on my corporate team till now and have quit today morning. My Accumulated Points: 1,222,789 & Current Ranking: 49,298 Now let me contribute to Team BHP.

Welcome to the team brother. Spread the awareness clap:


Originally Posted by Marlon (Post 2773958)
Now let me contribute to Team BHP.

Excellent Marlon ! Welcome to the club ! Now we are four in total.


I checked the Grid today and Team-BHP contributed 2 years of run time ! clap:

A big thanks to all ! Hoping to see more folks join.

I am in.
Will request other members also to join in.
The amount of time the Laptop is just idling or playing songs can be put to a better use.
As a token to coming generations guys please do join in.

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