Team-BHP - Please Advise - Menace in my apartment building

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I have been facing a real menace in my apartment building. We own a Hyundai Santro & a Yamaha RX135. We have a designated parking area in the building and we have been maintaining our car and bike in mint condition and also crystal clean. Previously once it happened that some kid in the building put some scratches near the bonnet of my car :Frustrati. My dad did complain to the association regarding the same however we did not demand for any compensation as the scratches were taken off by rubbing and polishing.

Yesterday some miscreant has drawn lines all over the body of my santro and my bike. He has used a sharp object to do the same and this time the damage is huge and will cost a bomb to have the damages repaired . All the other cars which are parked next to ours do not have any scratches which means that the miscreant was jealous of my car's and bike's condition :deadhorse. My dad has again complained to the management of the building's association and has demanded to pay for the damages or else he said that we would stop paying for the building maintenance until the bills are settled. We are paying about 1000 Rs as maintenance charges which includes security and other stuffs. The association has called the owners of all the flats for a meeting today evening to discuss the same.

I would like to know the following from my fellow BHPians :

Is there anyways that we can held the building association management responsible for the security lapse and have them pay for the damages legally?
Is it wise to claim for insurance and get the damages repaired? If we claim for insurance do we have to pay a higher premium the next time we renew the insurance?
Please give me your suggestions and advise. Thanks in Advance.

P.S. :Moderators, please move the thread to the appropriate section if you feel that this does not fit in here.

Mods note: Thread moved to shifting gears.

Eeesh! That's cruel!
Sorry about what happened. Some fellows need to be sent to torture chambers for doing these things.:deadhorse
Anyways, how are you going to identify who did it? The association may say that there's no substantiation that the incident happened in the premises. I feel it may be kinda tough to get money out of these guys.
Good luck though.
Regarding insurance, it is better to claim it if you have comprehensive coverage. You will also lose the No Claim Bonus when you renew your policy next term.

This thread should move to the Vandalism section.

I wholeheartedly sympathise with you my friend. I went through the same pain recently when some s*d vandalised my car.

But the trouble is that one can never catch the perpetrators of such evil crimes.

Apartment associations are generally toothless tigers and Im not sure you can get a rise out of them either.

No harm in trying though but please dont lose your cool because that could be detrimental to your interests.

Thanks Vivek.Martin for the good luck. I need those good luck badly. Even I am concerned of the same thing that they might just rubbish this as something that happened outside the premises agree:. My dad brought this to the notice of the president of the association in the morning as soon as he noticed the scratches when he was taking the car out. Even i want these fellows to be put in a torture chamber and be treated in the same way as they treated my car and bike :deadhorse. Its really hard to find the miscreant as there are lot of kids around who play during the evenings and i do not whether this was done by a kid or an adult jealous of my possessions. Can i make the association pay for the damages legally as they are responsible for the security of the resident's property?

My sympathies first. This reminds of something of school days. In every class or so there used to be a guy/gal or a couple of them who turned out everyday spick & span and were complimented by the teachers. This used to get the goat of some like us. So innovative ways were found to step on their "cherry blossom" shoes or ink the shirts. Madness, if you think about it now but loads of fun then.

Your's seems a case similar to above. Pure jealousy if I must say. IMO, calling a meeting of all the residents would serve no purpose. No one is brave & honest enough to admit.

I too stay in a condominium where security is present at every nook & corner. But inspite of that the special metal valve caps that I get for my ride are found missing very often. Complaints when registered initially didn't bring results. Security can't be monitoring closely each & every vehicle parked inside the building as they have other chores to attend as well. Secondly, this is totally an inside job. A resident or his/her's relatives staying in the condo are the culprits. If a resident is found loitering near a car that doesn't belong to him/her, it shall not raise the suspicion of the guards.


Originally Posted by fast_elegance (Post 1437457)
The association has called the owners of all the flats for a meeting today evening to discuss the same.

get an impact sensor for your car, and keep it at high sensitivity. I could have suggested for car cover, but if its intentional attempt, cover will not help

Talking with association might not help as they might wash their hands and ask for inability to help you out. Best solution can shifting of parking place to a place which can be viewed at directly from your flat so as you can keep an eye on the car, you might need to approach association for the same.


Originally Posted by rkbharat (Post 1437583)
get an impact sensor for your car, and keep it at high sensitivity. I could have suggested for car cover, but if its intentional attempt, cover will not help

Can also be considered as a solution, but make sure you don't have wandering pets in your society and a healthy battery :D

Get a motion sensing camera. Connect it to your laptop and place the cam strategically such that it can capture outside movements without being discovered (between the roof and sun visor maybe?).

Review the video and thrash the bugger. I'd say break his fingers too. That ought to teach him a lesson.

Do you know the culprit who put the scrathes near the bonnet earlier?? if yes then it might be the job of the same kid just trying to take revenge for you got him punished earlier...

@ shankar.balan & @gd1418 : Thank you for the sympathies. I am just trying to keep my cool. I will be taking an estimate of the repair cost from the respective service centre to produce them during the meeting.


Originally Posted by rkbharat (Post 1437583)
get an impact sensor for your car, and keep it at high sensitivity. I could have suggested for car cover, but if its intentional attempt, cover will not help

@rkbharat : Even i thought of the impact sensor but i have seen these sensors act weirdly and scream senselessly even when there is no real impact.


Originally Posted by ashthedivx (Post 1437626)
Talking with association might not help as they might wash their hands and ask for inability to help you out. Best solution can shifting of parking place to a place which can be viewed at directly from your flat so as you can keep an eye on the car, you might need to approach association for the same.

@ashthedivx : Even i am thinking of shifting my parking space to near the gate where the security person will be standing, but I am not sure of the feasibility.


Originally Posted by n_aditya (Post 1437632)
Get a motion sensing camera. Connect it to your laptop and place the cam strategically such that it can capture outside movements without being discovered (between the roof and sun visor maybe?).

Review the video and thrash the bugger. I'd say break his fingers too. That ought to teach him a lesson.

@n_aditya : How much will a motion sensor camera cost? I am thinking of this as well. God help meplease:


Originally Posted by The_Warrior (Post 1437648)
Do you know the culprit who put the scrathes near the bonnet earlier?? if yes then it might be the job of the same kid just trying to take revenge for you got him punished earlier...

@The_Warrior : I know the culprit kid who did this the 1st time. My dad had complained it directly to his parents. But this time we dont have a clue on who did it? I am suspecting the same kid but it is pointless to blame without evidence.

The owner's association meeting has been post poned for tomorrow evening as some of the owner's have problems to make it to the meeting today.:Frustrati

First get the association to stop kids from playing/entering in the allocated parking area. The security guy should be sternly advised not to let any kids inside the garage area.

Second, click pictures of the damage, enlarge and post them on the main notice board with a firm warning that any similar act will be registered as a police complaint as this needs to go under vandalism and to get insurance.

The society cannot stop you from doing the above.

I have done this with fairly good results in the place i stay in Goa.


Originally Posted by Spitfire (Post 1437811)
First get the association to stop kids from playing/entering in the allocated parking area. The security guy should be sternly advised not to let any kids inside the garage area.

Second, click pictures of the damage, enlarge and post them on the main notice board with a firm warning that any similar act will be registered as a police complaint as this needs to go under vandalism and to get insurance.

The society cannot stop you from doing the above.

I have done this with fairly good results in the place i stay in Goa.

@ Spitfire : It has already been notified that the kids are not supposed to be playing in the parking area. But kids are kids :Frustrati, They just dont care to listen. Stops for a day or two and then its the same again.

I have taken pictures of the damage already and now they will go on the notice board as you suggested. Thats a great idea :thumbs up.

I would like to know whether its a good idea to claim the insurance for this and what are the steps that i need to take to claim insurance? Please adviceplease:

Sorry to hear that. There are always a sadist in most apartment blocks and its big headache.


Originally Posted by fast_elegance (Post 1437749)
@rkbharat : Even i thought of the impact sensor but i have seen these sensors act weirdly and scream senselessly even when there is no real impact.

With sensors set to high, my car used to go crazy even when some bikes (REs or yezdi etc) crossed or sometimes when aircrafts are flying low. And I doubt it is of any use when someone is keying on the paint or the like.

I liked the using webcam + laptop idea. Here is an article explaining one way to put this to work. How to Use a Webcam to Spy on People: 5 steps - wikiHow. But since you mentioned this happens only to your car/bike, and since it is already damaged, I doubt the culprit will be back until you get the car/bike back to pristine condition.

Just a thought: Most new Dell laptops have webcams and motion detection software built in.....

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