Team-BHP - Do You believe in existence of GOD?

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Hey another contoversial topics.just wanted to know what opinions people have on this.

PS:do not bring religions and castes into this thread.consider GOD as a central authority regardless of the religion.ALL men are equal.

Ahhh ... another controversial topic. :)

I am pretty ambiguous to this issue. I cannot prove that there is a 'God', but at the same time I cannot prove that there is not. So it is option 3 for me. When I look at the question objectively and without the bias of my upbringing, then everything points to the fact that there is not God. But if I get into a crisis, I am out there praying. LOL. Pretty pathetic right? I know. :( All said and done if my parents were not religious, then maybe I would have been a 100% atheist.

my views on this 'controversial' topic- yes i have experienced the existence of God. this reminds me of following incidents-

We were returning back after visiting some religious place near Junagarh. It is located at a height of about 10000 steps (though not sure about that count). While returning we faced lot of torential rain as well as teething cold winds. I was expecting a severe cold / head ache- as it is usual for me after getting wet in rain. But to my surprise, this never occurred. All of us reached safely to our destination without any sickness. This makes me believe in God.

Another incident was when we travelled about 150 Kms on our bicycles in 11 Hrs (7Hrs cycling + 4 Hrs break) towards a religious place. It was done for the fun of cycling than for pilgrimage. We started early at 4:00 AM and some parts of the road were so dark that we could not differentiate the LHS and RHS of the road. But the God took care of us so that we completed our journey unscratched.


What about the people who do not make it back safely? And what about those who get killed in 'religious' riots?

GOD is one among the grossly mis-interpreted word in this world.

If some thing happens to good to us we think that GOD is there and helped us. If some thing bad happen to us, is GOD is not there ?

For me, its some thing more. Understanding/knowing GOD is not a simple thing.

For example, to understand a technical book we sit and spend few hours. To understand IEEE thesis or a NP complete problem we need to spend years and years in research.

So understanding GOD is not a simple matter. It requires huge concentration, discipline etc etc

this is a very common hindi people even say .."jab bhagwan ka bulawa ...and stuff like that..."
this actually happens...there are people who want to go to some of the religious places but then something or the other happens becuase of which they are not able to go..and suddenly one day something happens that all friends get together and decide to leave for that place....this is when they say god has called them...theres this family..who was going to leave for this religious place...very famous can i forget the gujarat..ive been there...anyways..before leaving...something happened to the car...they had nicely made a plan for a week...and now becuase of car they were not able to go..still they did soemthing and managed to get a rented car early morning..they left...faced bad puncture..everything...that gave them a hint that god has not called them yet...still they managed to go...and then they reached...when they reached...something happened over there...becuase of which the cable car stopped working..and people hadto go by stairs...but then the news spread that the stairs are screwed ..something had happened...snow or what i dont remember...and the best part is would take exactly 1 week...adn these people confused...because they had gone exactly for a week...and they had climbed half the stairs...came back to bombay..they promised they will never go to such places again...BUT...just after a month or so..for no reason...without any proper plan..they just decided to go and reached without any problem...

very very true experience...we were going to this same place in gujarat...loong back..i had this jeep which was covered with plastic on top ....6-7 people in the car...loong back this had happened...suddenly car car went towardz the sand...cause of which it got pulled py the sand and it overturned twice...and got back normally to the track..we checked the car...not even a single scratch...passengerz all cool...not even a single problem to any one...

another thing we had gone to mussooriee...dont know how to spell it ..anyways...go try this thing out guys...theres this temple out there...or dehradun...1 of these hillstations...anyways...theres this temple on COMPLETE TOP...imean the whole thing built...but should go check out the complete top...because on 1side u stand...where got is not is sooooo WINDY...u leave a bottle it will go flying....JUST 4-5 STEPS towardss the place where god is facing..stand there...noteven 1% force of air...was very tellyoull properly...iam standing where there was no air i take my hand towards the place where there is actuall wind force...keep my hand thre..i could feel it..slowly move it..get it towards myself...and suddenly i stopped feeling that was toofunny that time man.....

1 more very true story...there is this god..i dont remember the name..will tell you guys by tonight..and the temple where it is obvious that ..god statues do not have anything right...i mean they dont drink eat or anything..just a statue...
this god...u take milk close to its will come out..ull see its coming out and not going inside...though there is a small ...verry small opening in the lips..all statues have...then u try giving it wont have ull see it not going and juss falling dfrom the mouth...try juice it wont have...but trust me guyss....put will gulp it in...not even a drop will be wasted...all will go inside....and there is no limit to how much alcohol it can have...1 more thing...if u take an open beer..and go will not have it'll keep falling fromthe mouth...but if you take the bottle there and open it in front of the statue and then give will have the whole thing...scientists and all had gone there to check whats there...they thought something will be there insidebecause of which it take up alcohol..but after the tests also they wwere confused...they went back..beacuse they were can that happen.....
anyways...after reading this sure there is nobody who will ever think that god does not exist...andthis god's statue is still there...will post the name and the place where the statue is in the night

i do belive that there must be something,somewhere that man with his limited knowledge and bainpower will never be able to figure.but i dont want to call it as god.and i never pray to god.infact i never is all in human hands how one behaves or uses his brain(for good or bad).

everyone is responsible for his own troubles.and these things some people say that they felt god(p:s not intended on anyone in this forum)i think it is just a state of ur is all that the brain makes one see,wether it is real or not can never be proved.

if one just sits quiety and thinks where is the end of this universe then one will find that this thought alone leads into a feeling of infinity.a really blank one.

In March we had gone to Shirdi, my wife wanted to go for a long time. So we did.

We entered the temple, and when we were about 10-15 feet away from the Sai Baba idol, suddenly there was lot of pushing and both me and wife tried to protect our son from getting smothered. Right then somebody stole Rs.3000 cash, ATM card and Credit card from my wife's dangling purse, right in front of the Idol. We realised the theft when she opened the purse to donate some money in the Hundi right after crossing the Idol. I think we lost half of our faith in the deity right away.


Originally Posted by Samurai
In March we had gone to Shirdi, my wife wanted to go for a long time. So we did.

We entered the temple, and when we were about 10-15 feet away from the Sai Baba idol, suddenly there was lot of pushing and both me and wife tried to protect our son from getting smothered. Right then somebody stole Rs.3000 cash, ATM card and Credit card from my wife's dangling purse, right in front of the Idol. We realised the theft when she opened the purse to donate some money in the Hundi right after crossing the Idol. I think we lost half of our faith in the deity right away.

Hahahahaa... u were expecting the idol to stop the thief and thus let ur faith remain intact??


Originally Posted by amitoj
Hahahahaa... u were expecting the idol to stop the thief and thus let ur faith remain intact??

Not exactly. :) As we walked into the temple, the vendor who sold us the puja material warned about gangs of thiefs operating inside the temple. And then it happens. If this local gang of thiefs can happily operate within the temple without any fear of Saibaba's wrath, it was just too much to take... :mad:

theres just science .. nature .. which is unfathomable by us mortals .. on the basis of which this universe runs ..

and then there's faith and hope .. we feel safe in the thought that there is someone/something taking care of us .. something we insecure mortals (including me) cling on to, specially at times of need .. that is the way we have evolved.

IMO, a combination of these is what most of us conceive as god ..


Originally Posted by Samurai
No exactly. As we walked into the temple, the vendor who sold us the puja material warned about gangs of thiefs operating inside the temple. And then it happens. If this local gang of thiefs can happily operate within the temple without any fear of Saibaba's wrath, it was just too much to take...

Well, right there is one reason for me to believe in God. There has to be some power that will teach such crooks a lesson... maybe not today, not tomorrow, not even in this lifetime, but sometime it will! Call it the extremely long arm of God.

I don't believe in god. But at the same time I would not make fun at whom believe in it.

If the belief is bringing good for the individual & inturn if he does the same to masses. That's great thing.

My personal opinion is that everything is created by human being to educate the good things by posing a invisible creature in front of them.

For example:

1. Hindu's will not take sea foods in a particular month. This was educated on the religious background. The reason behind it was fish/prawn ect are prone to diseases in this particular month.

2. In the month of January they will wake up in the early morning. It was good for the health to feel the morning air in that month.

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