Team-BHP - Harrassments

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Nowadays the harassment over mobile phones got increased like anything. One of my female colleague is getting obscene SMS and cut calls frequently from a prepaid cell phone. Many of them were hesitant to file complaints or share them with others to seek help in this regard, which it becomes advantage for idiots. Infact she changed the number which she has been using it for 2 yrs.

Most of these guys give false address proof and other stuffs to get these connections. Also I remember a 65 yr old housewife being regularly tortured over landline phone in spite of her telling that she was 65 yrs old. Though the top police officials were promising that immediate actions would be initiated on such complaints, it is not the fact when you approach the local police stations. The way they enquire you will add insult to injury.

Also I had read in newspaper that in one of the porn sites, the telephone number and name of a housewife is given as if she was inviting to have xxx. Later the offender, close relative of the woman, got arrested.

Inline with the technological changes, we need to also have some foolproof system to get away from such harassments

Caller ID is the way to go. If you notify the mobile network about the offending number, they can debar is

I think cell phones can be traced, but this service is not available to the general public. This is mostly used in military and police cases.

well thats pretty difficult surprise..some guys just for the fun of it call up numbers which come to their mind and more so ever harass on finding out if the number belongs to a lady!!!! happened to me once,some guy was using abusive language and irritating me day in and day out for about a finally went to the police station and gave a complaint but as usual our cops are least bothered..finally when i added a bit of pressure on them they just called up that number and gave that guy a warning..and never heard from him again..and also i got shouted at by the cop as to why i needed a cell at 21 and that having a cell just leads to such problems..u can complain to the service providers but they wont shell out any info unless u have a FIR to get the info about the guy..and not many go to the cops for these,so the roges get away..well technology helps us in a lot of ways but at the same time pegs us back with these drawbacks..there cant be a foolproof system and dont hope for one in the near future too..
PS:however u can select the users from whom u wish to recieve calls and block others,thats all u can do..


Originally Posted by mclaren1885
PS:however u can select the users from whom u wish to recieve calls and block others,thats all u can do..

Iam not aware of this feature. Is this feature a instrument or service provider specific

This feature is available on TATA Indicoms. You can block all incoming calls, all outgoing calls, selected incoming and selected outgoing calls.

Very useful feature. I think even Reliance has this feature.

its in the instrument .there is something like caller groups.go to profiles and then personalize and then there is something like alert for and at present it will be all calls

so you can change that and only put the users groupes whos calls you would like to recieve.
hope that helped


If u know the landline number. The address can be got from BSNL site.
For mobiles, complaints should be registered at the service provider and also register a police complaint.

Try this..might help in some cases. Although making a police complaint should help. I guess, mumbai police are more cooperating in such cases.

(The phone rang as we were sitting down to dinner. I answered it and was greeted with, "Is this William Wagenhoss?"

This didn't sound anything like my name, so I asked, "Who is calling?"

The telemarketer said he was with The Rubberband-Powered Freezer Company or something like that. I asked him if he knew William personally and why was he was calling this number. I then said, off to the side, "Get really good pictures of the body and all the

I turned back to the phone and advised the caller that he had called a murder scene and must stay on the line because we had already traced this call and he would be receiving a summons to
appear at the local courthouse to testify in this murder case.

I questioned the caller at great length as to his name, address, phone number at home, at work, who he worked for, how he knew the dead guy and could he prove where he had been about one hour before he made this call. The telemarketer was getting
very concerned and his answers were given in a shaky voice.

I proceeded to tell him we had located his position at his work place and the police were entering the building to take him into custody.
At this point, I heard the phone fall and the scurrying of his running away)

There have been few cases where offenders were traced by police and were arrested. Pune news papers carried such stories a few months back. Key is approaching senior police officers if required.

There is an option of screening numbers that you do not want to recieve calls from. This is found in some handsets. For ex, the Nokia 2600 that I am using has this facility. Once you figure out the number, you can screen that number off.

These days people call for anything and everything.

On a lighter note, I had the following conversation with someone on my cell. The guy called me up.

Me: Hello.
Him: Is it wrong number?
Me: Yes.

He then hung up :)

reminds me of one of my conversations :-)

Caller: hi, this is ... from ... bank. we are offering a free card.
Me: No, I don't need one.
Caller: would you like to refer anybody else in your company sir.
Me: what company?
Caller: Which company do u work at, sir.
Me: where did u get my number?
Caller: from the database, sir.
Me: doesn't ur database tell what company I work for?
Me: where did u get my number in ur database from.
Caller hangs up

on a more philosophical note - expect this to become worse in the coming technology power increases, and super computers are reduced to the size of credit cards, just imagine the power in the palm of a tech savvy crook...he may really make life miserable. time to start making friends with some really good software programmers..


Originally Posted by Surprise
Iam not aware of this feature. Is this feature a instrument or service provider specific

I think quite a lot of mobiles have the option to block select callers, atleast in my sony ericsson it is there and it is very useful.

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