Team-BHP - Proposed action against erring cabbies.

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Originally Posted by Wheeliej (Post 356083)
As someone said in another post - it had to happen sooner or later....

Should I let the taxi drivers get away scot-free after threatening me, my life and my property? Should I wait to become the next case-file/statistic after the late Ms Pratibha? What gives these taxi drivers the right to threaten any citizen of the country after clearly being in the wrong? Should I now sell my car (i.e., incur a loss of 1-2 lacs), buy myself a new car just to feel safer/anonymous while driving around in this city? Am I not entitled to feel safe from goondas who are masquerading as taxi drivers and who have terrorised the entire car owning community in the country? Just who is responsible if one of these taxi drivers manage to knock me off the living list one fine day? Should I have walked away? These are some of the questions that are bothering me. I am feeling quite scared.

When will the multinational companies contracting these taxies ensure that the taxi drivers are sensitised (especially gender sensitisation) towards the other citizens (whether drivers or pedestrians)? All of them spend money in training their employees. Are the taxi drivers not their 'employees'? Shouldnt they be trained on how to deal with situations such as accidents and the correct procedure to follow instead of following a mob mentality?

What can we do?
We represent almost all the cities where these cabs are running for the IT or ITES companies. And its true that most of us know their insenstiveness towards the traffic.

The thread started by Wheeliej :
has prompted me to post this thread.

What I am proposing is "can we approach any body or organisation like NASSCOM to lay some guidelines for the IT or ITES companies regarding their responsibility towards the cabs their hire."

As most of you know that the companies "outsource" the trasnsportation for their employees, they have a good reason to not take up the responsibility of taking action against those cab drivers. (I hope I am able to make across the point clearly). The companies do claim that they take action but the main point what I want to focus is the ATTITUDE of those companies. Do they have a right attitude.

We can make an effort from our side (considering that there are a good number of active team-bhpians, oh!!, they knew others who drive their vehicles, the number further increases) to bring this thing on a large scale notice to the NASSCOM. I think with atleast a hundred mails from each of the city to the NASSCOM can make them think about the whole issue more seriously.

P.S. If I have posted this thread in a wrong place, the mods can move it to appropriate place.

Not NASSCOM.. This will strengthen the divide between IT and others..
It has to be taken up with the respective govts/mayors by all sections of the society.

No offence meant to any one here. I really appreciate your concern about the state of affairs.

There are already a lot of organizations both gov. and otherwise for this purpose. Everyone taking up this issue will only dilute the issue itself and eventually loose its effectiveness. I thought of responding to Wheeliej's thread, but every one else had already mentioned what I wanted to say. Yes those are the right direction that fellow BHPians have given.

1. Do not get into friction then an there/handle the situation and let get heated up.

2. Collect evidence. May be take pictures. Refuse to talk till police arrives.

3. Make it a point to complian to Police (abide by law), company help line etc.. and let them realise it is a serious issue and YOU are serious about it.

4. If necessary involve media (say if police refuse to accept your complaint) and add some wieght to the issue.

5. If you are woman, seek help of " mahila sahaya vaani" and NGO who tries to help woman in need. this may be necessary since people around tend to take woman lightly on the streets.

Fact is these are all getting weaker because we do not use them effectively.

Remember... anything un-used will rust, anything rusted will not work, anything that does not work will rust further:mad: .


Originally Posted by DRC (Post 356629)
Remember... anything un-used will rust, anything rusted will not work, anything that does not work will rust further:mad: .

Hey DRC,
Thats an excellant statement. I think we are also responsible for the impotency of our system. We have not been using it making it weak.

But my idea of starting this thread is to start treating the transposrtation by ITES companies as a major issue which should be dealt with, also to bring this issue to the notice of the right authorities and also the IT or ITES companies should keep in mind about the growing resentment agianst the cab drivers.

I was also talking about what can be done so as that they start taking some repsonsibilty as well, rather than washing away their hands.


Originally Posted by kkr2k2 (Post 356635)
Hey DRC,
Thats an excellant statement. I think we are also responsible for the impotency of our system. We have not been using it making it weak.

But my idea of starting this thread is to start treating the transposrtation by ITES companies as a major issue which should be dealt with.

Unfortunately yes, We are contributing. Best I think we can do about it is to share what needs to be done (as I mentioned in my post) in such an event. May be share the telephone numbers of respective organisations and responsible people.

I recently noticed, the tel numbers which are madatorily be pasted on the cabs are mutilated by the cabbies. If some one can compile a list of those numbers against the companies, and circulated among the community it would be great. Just as a little contribution to the well being of everyone.


Originally Posted by DRC (Post 356637)
"in such an event"....

What you said is right, "in such an event".
But what about the prevention apart from the cure you have mentioned.

The solution you have suggested works for individual case after the event is occured. How about a campaign so as the occurances of such events is reduced (complete elemination of such events is highly impossible, but can be reduced to a lot extent)

Despite the amount of time as well as effort we invest in tryin to get the cab companies or the companies utilizing their services to listen to our problems, we would arrive back at Square one in no time. Main reasons being :

1) Cab companies are so engrossed with extracting the maximum number of trips from each vehicle as well as driver from their fleet, they would not be willing to lose out on that, just coz some 'rich' guy's car took a 'minor' beating.
2) Cab drivers seem to have some sort of bonding between themselves, as is with the auto drivers, thus in most cases acting as a deterrent to private vehicle owners.
3) General level of indifference among all the so-called 'have-nots' with respect to the 'haves'.

A couple of suggestions from me :

1. Boycott the cab company that encourages its drivers to misbehave in accident cases. They think only they can gang up and organise against us. They dont realise exactly how dependent they are on us.
2. Start a 'Rogue driver' registry where details of these drivers should be maintained; drivers who have behaved in this manner. If we hire employees based on 'References', why not drivers?
3. Companies normally organise a 2-3 day induction programme for its employees. Cant they spare 1/2 a day for their new drivers? Explain to them the company philosophy and how to act in the event of accidents and how to behave responsibly. Companies are already paying for extra costs of having security guards accompany drivers with women passenger(s) travelling alone, why not extend that a bit and sensitise drivers towards women in general?


Originally Posted by Wheeliej (Post 356693)
. Companies normally organise a 2-3 day induction programme for its employees. Cant they spare 1/2 a day for their new drivers? Explain to them the company philosophy and how to act in the event of accidents and how to behave responsibly. Companies are already paying for extra costs of having security guards accompany drivers with women passenger(s) travelling alone, why not extend that a bit and sensitise drivers towards women in general?

They won't due to implications of co-employment


Originally Posted by Wheeliej (Post 356693)
A couple of suggestions from me :...

yeah, atlast suggestions are comming up... which requires action from our side to prevent.
From now on, I shall request all my friends who are working with any of the IT companies travelling by the cabs to boycott a particular driver who doesnt drive carefully. And even after the authorities fail to notice the issue, boycott the cab company itself. (like this the cab companies cannot threaten the IT companies as its the employees demand :D )


Originally Posted by ajmat (Post 356702)
They won't due to implications of co-employment

I didnt understand what you said.
Is it that the companies dont want to train the cab drivers because, it is not the companies which hire them but they are hired by the cab companies which the IT companies hire.
In that case then it can be called as a flaw in their system.
I think its high time for the companies to think on this issue.


Originally Posted by ajmat (Post 356702)
They won't due to implications of co-employment

Well, the drivers were proudly announcing that they were employed by AOL. They had AOL stickers on the taxis parked there. Co-employment exists and is acknowledged in many ways. If not the companies themselves, they can insist on the cab companies holding this training session and having a test at the end of it, the results of which should be lodged with the hiring company. An incident like that will prove whether the taxi company has been following the norms set by the hiring company or not and could qualify for immediate termination of the contract.

Someone somewhere has to make a start. We cant be held to ransom by the likes of them. And we cant stick our heads in the sand that it wont happen to us or our family members.


Originally Posted by Wheeliej (Post 356713)
Well, the drivers were proudly announcing that they were employed by AOL. They had AOL stickers on the taxis parked there. Co-employment exists and is acknowledged in many ways. rs.

In that case, who is Janani enterprises ??? AOL are on a sticky wicket if the drivers claim to be employed by AOL and that too for more than 180 days.

Yes, AOL should insist on ensuring safety standards, my company insists and enforces this. They will not conduct the classes but clearly lays down and follows up on what needs to be done

Janani Travels and Tours (They sport a JT sticker on the rear screen) is the cab contractor for AOL.


Originally Posted by Wheeliej (Post 356755)
Janani Travels and Tours (They sport a JT sticker on the rear screen) is the cab contractor for AOL.

So how do the drivers claim to be employed by AOL....leads to a nice gey area and AOL if not careful could end up with 300 cab drivers on their books

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