Team-BHP - Smile and wave guys

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I have been wanting to share this with fellow bhpians for a long time but been too lazy

Driving in Bangalore traffic is a pain and all of us know that. For quite some time I have been following a policy of stopping, whenever possible, to let pedestrians cross the road or for other vehicles waiting to join the traffic from other lanes but not getting the chance to do so because of everyone wants to cut them off and go first.

It evokes some very interesting reactions and that is what helps me maintain a smile on my face.

One thing that I have noticed is that most people, in about 80% of the cases, smile and wave as a thank you gesture. This small gesture can really help bring a smile on my face.

It’s so much fun to stop the car just before pedestrians who are waiting at dividers or footpaths and honk telling them to go on ahead and cross the road. You can see a variety of emotions there, smiles, waves, glares (especially from PYT’s) wondering why this pervert is stopping to let them pass hee hee .

I am still a little confused by the reactions of some of the people as they can range from disdain to totally ignoring the gesture.

However, I don’t do this expecting a thank you or a smile. It just feels nice and in most cases brings a smile on the other persons as well as mine.

Guess my day becomes happier this ways. cheers:

hey i do that often too and stop to let pedestrians cross and it really brings a smile to my face seeing them look back and at times smile.feels nice from within and keeps the mood up knowing that somehow you will have a good day further on :)

I do the same thing while i'am driving if some pedestrians are crossing the road but not to the guys who cut in front of me which irritates me. :-)

I stop for pedestrians as well at times, but some of them dont even acknowledge and carry on as if they were born just to cross the road.

born just to cross the road.:uncontrol

If i stop to let them walk by, they also stop. :eek:

That is a nice point you made, sammy!

I too stop my car for pedestrians and let them cross the road. I do it most of the time near shopping malls, when crazy shoppers find it difficult to cross the road with all those heavy bags!! Their reactions are sometimes very funny. Some stare in disbelief, some are scared to move thinking that I will knock them down once they move, some wave at me, some give me the thumbs up sign. It really brings a smile on my face knowing that I was able to help somebody, even if it is in a very insignificant way!!!

hmmm yea i have noticed it too few times, but also have come across people who feel that crossing is their right!

Surely this is a good practice...

I keep doing this but feel like I often end up confusing the pedestrian who in turn ends up with a vary look and thoughts on the lines of 'Does he want me to cross the road so he could run me down, what if he's some weird psycho' ... you get the point, right :) .

It's a nice feeling when people smile back though, makes your day.

When I smile and wave people ahead, I get:

a) the same in return from elderly folks driving, the ones who really know what road manners are
b) no smile but acknowledging waves from truck & bus drivers - most of them appreciate the gesture
c) weird stares from most others, but a lot of them smile and wave back after a few seconds
d) the finger from some!

Good point. I do practice it most of the times.
Especially when I drive in bumper to bumper traffics, I stop and allow people to cross the road.

I use to think of standing in the other end and waiting & cursing drivers who wont give any way.

Had this happen to me when I was visiting Singapore. I was on the side of the road, but was not intending to cross it. Was just looking at some plants. A driver came up the road saw me, slowed down his car and stopped quite far from me.
I waved, indicating him that he could go on, but he waved back, telling me that I could cross. In the end I crossed the road and he went on his way. Then I crossed back :p

It was interesting and quite silent too. No horns were honked :p

yes i do the same, have been rewarded badly till now, nevertheless continue to do so considering i also might be crossing the road someday somewhere and sure would like a car to stop and let the more vulnerable mortal being get to the other side of the street safe.
got hit from the back twice on my bullet, lucky to have survived without anything broken, all my fault was that i stopped to let pedestrians and kids pass. stopped riding then and there and switched to a four-wheeler. just few days back ended up grazing the rear bumper against some stone going to the extreme left to let some walkers do their stuff in the middle of the road.
expect atleast some common sense from people, be courteous and wait for them to pass and people would literally crawl, talking merrily away on their phones in the middle of the road or chatting to one another, testing the patience of the driver who was considerate to them in the first place, ungrateful lot.
but again have learned to wait a few seconds longer, no harm in arriving a little late at my intended destination than arriving too early at some unplanned place.. :-)

To be very honest, I only does these kinda stoppings only when I'm on a mood to do so. Otherwise, I'm a horneee type. Keeps my hands on my horns till I get my way. Yes! I understand, but I'm like that.

BTW, didn't you guys notice some hoardings about something similar doing rounds in your city? Are you a smiling driver? is the subject. And there was a weblink too. Something like: making NAMMA Bengaluru roads better - SmilingDrivers
Keep an eye on the chinnappa stadium side on the St.Mark's road-Cubbon road signal.

Most people who have driven in the US/UK learn this and use it all the time.A noble gesture to allow someone to walk across and get to the other side of the road.
The first time I did that at the Forum,one couple (40-45yrs of age,localites) stood rooted to the side of the path,as if in disbelief. A person standing next to them kept glaring at me,as if I had done something wrong. :Shockked:

Hasn't been that bad,since.
It goes a long way to smile & wave. Helps remove any inkling of anger a person might harbor,for your fault or someone elses.

Well i am a pedestrian in mumbai and when someone stops for me to cross which is kinda rare i give them a smile as he did something which i find a nice gesture and also it will make him feel good that there is some sort of humanity

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