Team-BHP - Cab drivers who are 30+ of age - Any benefits?

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Since I live close to my workplace, I usually tend to take my bike or the bus to get to work. After driving my car for 3 weeks now I've begun to hate driving to work because, it tends to get me worked very up early in the morning (I leave for work around 6.45 AM). Due to signals being turned off, and the presence of a large number of unruly and rowdy indica/sumo cabbies on the road the fifteen minute commute becomes like a videogame.

I mean these guys seem to be insane when it comes to driving. Obviously I dont need to explain this to anyone here, but what I've noticed is that its mostly the young gung ho drivers (aged around 20 - 24) who are the worst lot. There are lots of older cabbies, who drive much more sensibly and don't turn the streets into deathrally.

Has anyone else noticed this? I mean, its quite expected that these young kids, coming from rural areas to the city in search of jobs, having only been used to a tractor all their life, suddenly get behind the wheels of a much more powerful vehicle. And as the surge of youth flows in their veins, they cannot help being reckless. And they seem to enjoy it. I'm sure everyone was that way when they started on their first bike/scooter. But we all mellowed down and got more sensible as we went across the latter half of the twenties.

So how would it be if all organizations cab drivers were in their 30s or more? Do you think that would make a difference on the roads? Would they behave better? Would they be more inclined to follow rules? Would they have the concept of thinking before changing lanes? :D

I'm going to talk to my transport folks, to at least help me do a survey to see if such a fact can be observed. Try to observe this on your daily commute. I'd love to hear feedback from folks.

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