Team-BHP - My bad experience with the RTO

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I am very much agonized and my mind has shattered while writing this. This is about my worst experience I faced yesterday at our local RT Office.

The stroy goes like this. On Monday I have received a registered post from my local RTO. I opened the envelope and it was a summons sent by the RTO. The issue which they have mentioned in it is that while on a RTO road check back in July 25th (6 months back), I did not stop by bike and drove in a zig-zag way which is dangerous to myself and others on the road. So, the vehicle inspector has recommended to cancel/suspend my driving license with immediate effect.

I was shocked after reading this. I am pretty much sure that I was at home on the day which they have mentioned in the notice. I am a person
who keeps all the records up to date and stops for any signal by police/RTO people. Since it is being a Sunday I had no evidence to prove that I was at my home only.

I went to RTO office yesterday and met the joint RT officer. He said it is a legal thing and he cannot do anything other than to cancel my licence.
He was not ready to accept my statement that I was nowhere near that inspection area during the date and time which they have mentioned in it.
I asked him what is the logic behind sending me a notice for an incident (which they said had happened) 6 months back? He had no answers for

After a lot of talks he said I have to give a compounding fee for not cancelling the license. The amount he said was Rs.2000/- for this. He also wanted me to submit the valid insurance policy during the time of incident along with PUC certificate valid that date. Otherwise, I would need to pay Rs.1000/- additionally. I had no words left with me and I asked him that I dont have that much cash with me right now. Then after a few minutes he said "okay, pay Rs.1500/- and cancel the charges". Finally I had to pay the amount he mentioned and closed the case sheet.

Today I came to know that this is a new technique adapted by the RTO people to meet their target or to raise fund for the government(?), so many people have received such notices during the previous week with the same charge put on them.

This is a daylight robbery and don't know what can be done against this by a common man like me.

:eek: That's really harsh by RTO department. Paying Rs.1500/- for no mistake of yours is really sad. But, at that moment our mind says to pay the amount because we don't want to drag the case further.

Really sorry to know about this incident.
But one question popped up in my mind when I read

Originally Posted by Anoop RD (Post 1600319)
The issue which they have mentioned in it is that while on a RTO road check back in July 25th (6 months back), I did not stop by bike and drove in a zig-zag way which is dangerous to myself and others on the road. So, the vehicle inspector has recommended to cancel/suspend my driving license with immediate effect.

When you did not stop your vehicle, how come they identified that it was you. Just by seeing facing, can RTO inspector recognize and send a notice to the your address. I think you should have asked this question to the joint RTO officer


Originally Posted by vinay.pillai (Post 1600368)
Really sorry to know about this incident.
But one question popped up in my mind when I read

When you did not stop your vehicle, how come they identified that it was you. Just by seeing facing, can RTO inspector recognize and send a notice to the your address. I think you should have asked this question to the joint RTO officer

They can see the registration number.

BTW i'm not sure this is a new technique to mint money from us, there are lot of traffic violations in India. However there are still chances that this might be a new trick or by mistake they noted down wrong registration number.

What !!!! Why did you pay ? Never imagined this would happen in enda keralam.

You have been had. Simple as that. You got a receipt for the Rs 1500?

Please lodge a complaint on the governments greviance site asap with the name of the RTO Inspector.

RTI guys. Please use it. You could have got all the information regarding your case.

It could be highly possible that someone's been driving around bearing a number similar to your vehicle and when they noted down the number, there could have been an error.

Did you get to hear from anyone else who faced such a similar summons? I refer to people whom you know personally, and not word of mouth. The reason i ask is, if someone comes and tell me this happened to them, i may just blurt out that this must be their new way of making money, although i may not have heard the same incident happen to anyone else i know. :) So, just so we dont generalize.

Since the incident has been done and dusted from your side, do try and forget about it, and move on. Ofcourse, we can definitely be better prepared next time. It would have been good if you asked them to enlighten you on which was the vehicle in question, with this number.

Its very bad. In such a manner they can take down any car/scooter/bike numbers and shoot notices after a certain period. Ideal way of collecting money from motorists.:Frustrati

Now, you have paid the money and got out from the case. Remember they are having your number in their diary. What happened if they send another notice again in the near future? (Now, they knew that they can collect money easily from you !)

Can't this be contested in court? Surely the RTO will need to produce some kind of evidence, such as a camera grab or something? You say they sent the summons six months after the event. Why do they need to take so long? The answer, I believe, is that they figured you won't be able to explain where you were at the time. Nor will you be able to produce witnesses or alibis vouching for you. Heck, I can't remember what I was doing last week at this time, let alone six months ago!

If it's a racket it needs media coverage. I recall someone (from Hyderabad?) had posted something similar happening to him when his bike was in fact parked at home the whole time!

@Edsel : Even the cops in Bangalore note down only the registration number for traffic violations. Its only at some major junctions that cameras have been installed. I dont think producing a video grap would be the norm in all such cases.


Originally Posted by benbsb29 (Post 1600415)
Even the cops in Bangalore note down only the registration number for traffic violations.

In that case, it's imperative for the traffic department to send the summons within a reasonable time (say, a week). If they have the vehicle's registration number, finding the owner is a piece of cake. A six-month delay is absolutely unjustified.

Next time something like this happens, it would be good to take a friend along who can (discreetly!) record the RTO's "bargaining" on his mobile. Voice will do, because a video capture would be risky. If it proves to be a racket TV channels will be only too happy to publicise the issue.

One question: How can they prove that it was YOU who was riding the bike on that day?

Okay one more question: If this issue reach the court then who should do the proving - RTO proving that it was indeed OP who was on the bike; or OP proving that it wasn't him?

Eh - Horse crap...

License and RC Book are 2 different Entities (i.e) man and machine are 2 different Entities.

The vehicle may have been in error, but nothing to prove that the person riding it was 'you'. Perfect case for 'court' fight, but question is 'do you want to go thru it?'.


Originally Posted by Sankar (Post 1600463)
One question: How can they prove that it was YOU who was riding the bike on that day?

Isnt the vehicle owner responsible for the vehicle registered in his name?


The traffic cops have started this funny thing these days, one day my car was parked in front of the levis showroom in palayam trivandrum and when i come out the shop i see a you have been booked sticker. I just went to the PS and the guy was like we do not have any offence from your car reg number. I have a AP reg car and all police guys take the reg for KL01 for granted, i doubt their capabilities to note down numbers, Please register a case if you have a recipt and that original letter and ask them to prove that it was your bike. I am sure they cannot prove it and they will have to return the money charged. when thisngs like these happens often some one somewhere will wake up,.


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