Team-BHP - My Babe! The mighty R1

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Hi! Team
Myself 0-100@2.7sec and this is my Babe.
Aint it HOT?

I love it!

Amazing bike dude ... Really looks mean 2003 R1 aint it pal?

Man that is HOT!! did u get it in india??
where r u frm??

looks like hes not in india...! i mean the bike. that pot ...looks soo much like undesi! the doors too..!!!!! maybe i am wrong.....or not ????

Yes 0-100 is from India (as his profile says), Banglore if i am not mistaken. The first pic in this thread is just a generic internet image though (right 0-100? )

here is his intro, sadly the pics have dissapeared as one was hosted on teambhp before all pics were removed and the other was hosted on angelfire before we figured out it was a no-no i guess!

Cld we get some more awesome pics nannu?


Yes me n my babe both are in India but in Punjab.

cool!! how much does a bike like that cost?? no offence intended jus curious since i dunno much abt bikes..
BTW nice paving too lol.

About 10+


This has got to be one of the most fascinating piece of machinery I have seen in India. Its looks fast standing still...and has an evil look to it, in an extremely good way.

Must feel special owning one of the fastest accelerating machines in the country, eh?


yo 0-100
the bike looks HOT
man has to be one of the best bikes in india
i love its looks
would love to own one but it is a bit scary to own a bike in india with all these truck wallas and cabbies
maybe later when im studin out o india

Hey, wasn't this down at the Speedrun last year?? Landed up directly on Sunday and then blew the clutch during the practice runs? I thought that it was from Bangalore, unless someone there owns a similar one there too.

man, the jap's sure got the look right with this one...enough to take on the Duke's anyday!

Though i dont know anything abt Bikes.... man.. thats superbly awesomely awesome!

Hey 0-100 thats one hot crouch rocket helmets down to you

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