Team-BHP - Need help with my Indica...

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Hey guys.... The rains that lashed Mumbai and B'lore has now turned south and is now out to show its force on chennai...

Today morning my immediate superior, who lives nearby, called me and informed that he was leaving to work [we're a BPO and we have a new client coming from Aussie] and so I thot i'd come to work too.... Also, I took the usual route, which works fine on other days, but today, it was flodded unimaginably...

There was water till the bonnet and till the windows on the sides, and the "check eingine" alter flashed twice on the route, and the car wasn't pushing much even at 1800-2k rpm, so that worried me.... It moved very slowly and the engine sound also wasn't the usual, and thats the reason i'm suspecting that water could have entered the engine, but i'm only hoping this hasn't happened... The worst part is that I don't even know to recognise the engine sound with or without water in it.... In a bad soup....

Now, members who've had similar experiences in mumbai and b'lore, do you think that the water would have entered the engine via the exhaust pipe?? I'm too worried about this and the car is not even 2 months old and any big repairs would set us back financially, I don't know..

Also, would any other internal parts get damaged if they were exposed to bonnet level water, which could have entered the engine bay via the grill and air intake slot below..... :confused:

I'd be happy if anyone could help with regards to this, specially from those owning a diesel Indica ...

You there Tsk?? :confused: Help again...

damn same thing happened to my indica too 2 days back..the car went phuss phuss lurked forward and back like a drunken brat and just when i thought its all over somehow managed to crawl out of the flooded road and get back home..did take the car out today but it feels normal..

Your car engine is still running, that i guess from your posts. So there is no water in the engine.
As for the damages do not worry too much of you have insurance. Yours is a new car and if any damage is there it will be fixed almost free.
Now coming to finding about the damages.
If your car has stalled in deep water, dont even try to start the engine. Just get it towed to a worshop. Now assuming your car was running all the time and you got it in dry, serious damage is ruled out.
Now to find out what has been damaged do the following tests. Remeber, do not even try these if your car is stranded in water!!. I am assuming you could come out of the water and now your car is in dry.
1.Start the engine. Rev to 2500-3000 rpm, note the sound.
Now start the AC and then rev to the same rpm. Is there a whining noise? That means the AC compressor bearing is gone. My AC compressor bearing started emitting such noises after deep water wading(bonned level). Now mine was an out of warranty old car so i had to spend 8K for the entire AC compressor overhaul, but in your case most workshops will not be able to prove its a water related damage. If they say its water related, talk to your insurance dude.
2. Now drive the car at slow speed and take sharp turns at slow speed. Any humming would indicate water in the power steering system. This is the most delicate part of an indica. Its placed real low.
3. The most dangerous, ECU damage. This is the most expensive one too. See if check engine light is coming on again and again even when dry. This would mean internal damage. Best looked at in a workshop. Tata is usually lenient with warranty's and you may escape, otherwise its insurance time.
4. Alternator system and electricals. though these are kept high(The relays are behind battery) splashing from the radiator fan can fry fuses etc.,) This is the most difficult to check. Best thing to do is source a multimeter. Hook it to battery. start the car. the voltage should be approx 13V at idle. Then switch on AC at full blower and headlights, the voltage should stay above 12.5V and on revving it should go above 13V. If thats happening that damage is ruled out.
5. The fuel delivery system. This damage is usually rare but not non existant. Try this test once you are sure no other problems in engine exist. Rev to high rpm. At high also the roar should be continuious. If you car is sputtering at very high revs this means Fuel pump adjustment in best case and fuel pump overhaul in worst case. This damage can happen if very little amount of water entered your fuel supply.

As for the engine sound while water wading, since silencer pipe is under water the sounds are altered. So no worry there. What we need to worry is the cars behavior when its in dry now. From your log, it seems water did not enter engine, as the engine has not stalled.

Now whatever the outcome, give your car for full checkup. Try being an early bird because the workshops will be overloaded soon.

Yep, my car acted as if it was intoxicated too... And I also forgot to mention that there was water on the front passenger's side on the floor, and I don't know how water got in there.... Not much, but atleast 2 mugs of water... need to get that water our first... carpet is tho gone.... what surprises me is that there is no water on my side...... too confusing..

ROFLMAO mclaren, your sig is too good!

1. The car waded through water and I made it to office, even while on 1st gear, it did not stall... [sigh of relief].. Now the car is in a dry state, theres no water in our office parking place...
2. I would be going to the showroom tomorrow [today is ruled out], and have the above pointers checked.

I'm just waiting for the rain to atleast come to a minimal, so I can get the water outa the floor and have the engine rev and power steering checks done.... The electricals would have to be done tomorrow at the service center.

I hope all is well with the car... I'll hope to have all the tests done by tomorrow... If there is anything at all, will PM you tsk.... Thanks for being there... Really appreciate it.

check your air filter... see if its wet. If the water has reached the engine its bad news... no, not that it cant be fixed, but opening a new engine would mean that it would never be the same again! I pray I am wrong, but it happened to my cab (indica) once and the repairs cost around 5k, however engine was never same thereafter!

also check the air bags they would have got damaged too. happened to my car. skoda took care of it. this was discussed on another thread on this forum but forget where.

Skoda has been very good i giving me service. Funny the same manager from the same dealer has given Mad Monkey a hard time. So i guess it depends on what sort of day they had.

But then again I realised I use the magic 3 lettered "S" word when i talked to that manager. No it is not "Sex". Get your minds out of the gutter!

indica & airbag . dont confuse the dealer with words like those at a tata showroom pls


Originally Posted by navin
But then again I realised I use the magic 3 lettered "S" word when i talked to that manager. No it is not "Sex". Get your minds out of the gutter!

Very unfair on S** ..
Gutter should be replaced with Paradise :)

No airbags on the Indica navin... and aseem, will get the air filter checked too.... Thanks to everyone out to help with suggestions....!!

Hey guys.... I didn't have internet working at home yest'dy, so couldn't let everyone know of the status of my car.....

Thankfully, my ride is ok... It has no water in the engine, nor the fuel supply, or in the power steering system either.... I just can't express over words on this forum, how glad I really 'am... I'm yet to check the air filter, and the electricals I hope is ok... I haven't got time to go to the showroom to check the electricals, and that I would be doing on sunday......

Thanks aseem for praying positive, it helped.... Am juz so glad, and hope every other chennai member's cars are also fine.... It was just 22cms of rain ystr'dy, but it was hell everywehre.... Its all peace now... Thanks much TSK, you're list REALLY helped... U da man... :)

Congrats ajay, i hope you are happy now and value your ride more, now that its proved loyal. I know you were having hard time with your car after the launch of Indica Turbo, however I am sure this incident would have made you realize that in the greet to get something better, we sometimes forget to value the good we already have. So take care of your baby now and have fun!

Yup buddy... I'm really happy, and yeah, my ride didn't let me down.... And btw, the air filter is also fine, not wet, no problems whatsoever.... Turbo??? Kisko mangta hai.... Boy, i'm too happy with mine.... :)

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