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compartment with two boot lamps#External mirror defogger with timer>Light Assistant - automatic headlight system with light sensor IlluminationAirbags VisibilitySAFETYSECURITYCOMFORT Entertainment Upholstery CONVENIENCESTORAGEDESIGNMoreWheelsRear seat centre armrest*12-way electrically adjustable driver seat4Driver seat with three programmable memory functions6Height adjustment for driver and front passenger seatsEight speakersClimate ControlOdour filter and pollen filter7Rear air conditioning vents under front passenger seatsRetractable headlight washersBrakingTraction Stability Tyre Pressure'Seatbelt pre-tensioners for front seats6Two Isofix child-seat preparations on outer rear seats/Three height adjustable head restraints at rear%Remote control with foldable key, two.Remote control opening and closing of windows Seats6Front centre armrest, adjustable for length and height6.5inch LCD TFT colour display Integrated six-CD changerSD/MMC data card readerDual-zone ClimatronicDual Climatronic displayLeather wrapped steering wheelLeather wrapped gearshift knob&Retractable screen for rear windscreenExternal Mirrors)Electrically adjustable external mirrors 'Electrically foldable external mirrors #Auto-tilt on reverse gear selectionWindows0Front and rear electrically adjustable windows One-touch operation Bounce-back systemElectronic setup for MFD, Convenience, Lights and vision, Time, Winter tyres, Language, Units, Assistant, Alternate speed display, Tourist light, Service interval-Automatic front wiper system with rain sensorBoarding spot lamps+Trim on loading sill in luggage compartment1Six load anchoring points in luggage compartment .Rear seat centre armrest with through-loading 560:40 split and completely folding rear seat backrest-Front glovebox with cooling and illumination -Rear centre armrest with storage compartment Ticket holder on A pillar #Retaining strip on front sun visors1Parktronic display on central infotainment systemDual front airbagsCentral infotainment system"Turn indicator in external mirrorsABS (Anti-lock Braking System)(EBD (Electronic Brakeforce Distribution) MBA (Mechanical Brake Assistant)HBA (Hydraulic Brake Assistant)ASR (Anti Slip Regulation)"EDL (Electronic Differential Lock)TCS (Traction Control System)$ESP (Electronic Stability Programme)TPM (Tyre Pressure Monitoring)-Security code for central infotainment systemPark Distance ControlOccupant RestraintUndercarriage ProtectionXClimatronic - automatic air conditioning with electronic regulation of cabin temperature"Three programmable memory settingsInformation DisplayPersonal Comfort SettingsElectronic Driving AidExterior Illumination6Light Assistant  coming home and leaving home lights Interior Illumination)Reading spot lamps at the front and rear Lights-on acoustic signal,Two foldable roof handles, at front and rearLuggage CompartmentPassenger Compartment1Storage compartments in the front and rear doors :Storage compartments in the front and rear centre console #Rear windscreen defogger with timer",Engine immobiliser with floating code system"0Auxiliary audio input for portable media players"Electronic Theft DeterrenceRemote Operation:Remote control locking and unlocking of doors and boot lid,`koda audio player with touchscreen controlsUnderbody protective coverRear fog lightTechnical specifications Engine Engine typekturbocharged petrol engine, in-line, liquid cooling system, direct injection, 16V DOHC, transverse in front Cylinders DisplacementMax. power/revs [kW(bhp) at rpm]118(160)/4500 6200 103(140)/4000Max. torque/revs [Nm at rpm] 250/1500 4500 Transmission Wheel drivefront wheel drive;automatic 6-speed, DSG, with Tiptronic manual gear changingChassis Front axleGMcPherson suspension with lower triangular links and torsion stabiliser Rear axle]multi-element axle, with one longitudinal and three transverse links, with torsion stabiliserBraking systemThydraulic dual-diagonal circuit braking system vacuum assisted with Dual Rate system Brake  frontCdisc brakes with inner cooling, with single/piston floating caliper Brake  rear disc brakesSteering systemDdirect rack and pinion steering with electro mechanic power steeringTyres 205/55 R16Outside dimensionsLength[mm]WidthHeight Wheel baseGround clearance Inside dimensionsStorage capacity [l]/Storage capacity with rear seatback folded downWeights Kerb weight[kg] Gross weightLiquids Tank capacity PerformanceTurning circle diameter[m] [cm3]( Key Equipment16inch alloy wheelsWood design interior dcor Cruise control ENGINE;TSI (Turbocharged Fuel Stratified Injection) petrol engine High specific torque High specific power Variable valve timing Turbocharging !Fuel stratified direct injection TRANSMISSIONSix-speed DSG automatic -Tiptronic  sequential manual gear selection $Dual-mode automatic with Sport mode TrimPVARIANTSCOLOURScappuccino beige candy white magic blackIDENTITY Make group VolkswagenHondaToyotaMake`kodaModelVersionEngine, Gearbox DIMENSION Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm)Wheelbase (mm)Ground clearance (mm)na"Luggage compartment volume (litre)POWERTRAIN ADJUSTMENTEngine, fuel typepetroldieselEngine, cylindersEngine, capacity "Engine, perfomance, maximum power $Engine, performance, maximum torque &Transmission, number of forward ratiosTransmission, automatic / DSGS-:Transmission, sequential manual gear selection / TiptronicTransmission, drive, 4x4EQUIPMENT ADJUSTMENT Brake, ABSBrake, disc (rear)Brake, hill-holdTraction controlStability controlRain sensor, automatic wipersTyre pressure monitoringParking, distance sensors frontParking, distance sensors rearLight, projector lensLight, front fog-lightsLight, rear fog-light Light, XenonLight, Bi-XenonLight, LED (rear)+Light, cornering lights / curb illuminationLight, washers"Light, sensor, automatic switch-on Wheels, alloyWheels, rim diameter (inch) Chrome, door protective stripsChrome, door handles (exterior)Chrome, exhaust tailpipe(Doors, side protective strips, unpainted(Doors, back door, remote control openingDoors, back door, spoilerPower locks, manualPower locks, remote/Power locks, smart card automatic (keyless go) Door mirrors, passenger side *Door mirrors, manual internally adjustable%Door mirrors, electrically adjustable+Door mirrors, electrically foldable mirrorsDoor mirrors, heatedDoor mirrors, automatic dimmingDoor mirrors, turn indicatorsInside mirror, manual dimming Inside mirror, automatic dimming%Window, power windows, electric front$Window, power windows, electric rearWindow, rear, sun blind< Sunroof, electricalWindscreen, rear, heatedWindscreen, rear, wiper$Windscreen, rear, sun blind (manual)&Windscreen, rear, sun blind (electric)/Cargo area, rear parcel shelf/cover (hatchback)Cargo area, lamp2Paint, colour bumpers, body colour or part-painted5Paint, door mirror cover, body colour or part-painted Paint, door handles, body colour.Paint, side door protective strip, body colourDcor, luxury trim woodAirbag, front driver Airbag, front passenger Airbag, knee airbag, driver $Airbag, knee airbag, front passengerAirbag, side airbag front Airbag, side airbag rear Airbag, roof airbag front Airbag, roof airbag rear %Audio, preparation (cabling, antenna) Audio, radio Audio, CD-Player MP3 Audio, disc changer Audio, speakers Audio, separate remote controlAudio, auxiliary socketNavigational systems, full map 3Cellular phone, preparation, bluethooth or cullman Air conditioning, manual'Air conditioning, adjustable rear ventsAir conditioning, automatic&Air conditioning, automatic dual-zone Leather, part-leather trimLeather, leather trim "Steering wheel, tilting adjustment%Steering wheel, telescopic adjustmentSteering wheel, leather / woodSteering wheel, multi-function)Steering wheel, rocker switch / Tiptronic)Front seats, seatbelts, height adjustable#Front seats, active head restraints+Front seats, height adjustment, driver seat4Front seats, height adjustment, front passenger seat+Front seats, lumbar adjustment, driver seat4Front seats, lumbar adjustment, front passenger seat!Front seats, heated (driver seat)*Front seats, heated (front passenger seat)DFront seats, electrical adjustments, driver seat (up to 2 functions)HFront seats, electrical adjustments, driver seat (more than 2 functions)BFront seats, electrical adjustments, driver seat (memory function)MFront seats, electrical adjustments, front passenger seat (up to 2 functions)QFront seats, electrical adjustments, front passenger seat (more than 2 functions)Front seats, center armrest Rear seats, head restraints 'Rear seats, head restraints, adjustableRear seats, heatedRear seats, center armrest +Rear seats, centre armrest, through loadingRear seats, foldable one-piece!Rear seats, foldable asymmetricalRear seats, removableRear seats, reading lamp/s12volt electrical socket,12volt electrical socket, cigarette lighter TachometerOn-board computerEngine immobilizerAnti-theft alarm1.8 TSI/118 kW!manual 6-speed fully synchronized!manual 5-speed fully synchronized 6.5J15"- 6.5J15" (Ambiente) / 6.5J16" (Elegance) 6.5J16" 195/65 R150195/65 R15 (Ambiente) / 205/55 R16 (Elegance) 10.2AmbienteEleganceLaurin & KlementAlloy wheels 15inch, PyxislAlloy wheels 16inch, LyraAlloy wheels 16inch, CraterisChrome PackageEChrome trim on controls for infotainment system and air conditioning gChrome trim on steering wheel and storage compartment lids on dashboard, front console and rear console3Chrome interior door handles and gear selector knobInterior Dcor and Colours EWood design dcor on front dashboard, centre console and door panels XSilver alloy dcor with weave design on front dashboard, centre console and door panels DDual tone Onyx-Ivory front dashboard, centre console and door panelsIvory colour upholsteryExterior Colour Coding'Body colour protective side door strips7Body colour bumpers, external mirrors, and door handles.Badge 'Laurin & Klement' on front vehicle side7Xenon curve projector headlights with dynamic levelling2Halogen projector headlights with manual levellingWarning lights on front doors/Automatically dimming interior rear view mirror"/Automatically dimming external rear view mirrorParktronic sensors at rearParktronic sensors at frontParktronic speaker at rearParktronic speaker at front-Two height adjustable head restraints at rearRough road package&Remote control closing of door mirrors>Lumbar support adjustment for driver and front passenger seatsHeated front seats`koda Swing audio playerTwelve speakers.Climatic - manually regulated air conditioning=Adjustable rear air conditioning vents on rear centre console)"Leather seat upholstery Rear ScreenTinted windows Height adjustable steering wheel Length adjustable steering wheelTextile floor matsMulti function display (MFD) of Travelling time, Distance travelled, Average speed, Immediate consumption, Average consumption, Travel distance before refuelling, Service Interval, Outside temperature, Clock IMaxiDOT  large pixel display of multi function data and warning messageseIllumination of cabin storage spaces including front glovebox and compartment in front centre console"12V power socket in centre console%Front sun visors with vanity mirrors $560 litres luggage compartment space-Foldable baggage hook in luggage compartment 'Net storage below the rear parcel shelf2Storage compartment under the front passenger seat;Storage compartment on the top of central dashboard, closedHJumbo box  storage compartment under front centre armrest, with cooling"Bottle holders in the front doors Cup holders2Storage compartments on the side of the front seat,Storage compartment under the steering wheel2Storage pockets on the backrest of the front seats,Coat hook on rear roof handles and B pillarsl - standard equipment - - not availableDual tone Onyx-Ivory interior1Parktronic - front and rear park distance control Six airbags'Automatically dimming rear view mirrors,Engine immobiliser with floating code systemK`koda audio player with 6.5inch LCD TFT colour touchscreen and 6-CD changer&Adjustable rear air conditioning ventsMulti function display (MFD) Personal comfort settingsSix-speed manual transmissionFive-speed manual transmission1.8 TSI arctic breezeP (Supreme Ivory - leather)*P (Shadow Ivory - fabric)*#`koda, Laura, Ambiente, 1.8 TSI, MTHonda, Civic, V, 1.8 IVTEC, MTHonda, Civic, V, 1.8 IVTEC, AT&Toyota, Corolla Altis, J, 1.8 VVTI, MT&Toyota, Corolla Altis, G, 1.8 VVTI, MT'Toyota, Corolla Altis, GL, 1.8 VVTI, MT'Toyota, Corolla Altis, VL, 1.8 VVTI, AT)Volkswagen, Jetta, Trendline, 1.6 MPI, MTLauraCivic Corolla AltisJettaVJGGLVL Trendline Comfortline 1.8 TSI, MT 1.8 IVTEC, MT 1.8 IVTEC, AT 1.8 VVTI, MT 1.8 VVTI, AT 1.6 MPI, MTbrilliant silver=Automatic air circulation, including AQS (Air Quality Sensor)Honda, Civic, S, 1.8 IVTEC, MT!Chevrolet, Cruz, LT, 2.0 VCDI, MTGM ChevroletCruzLT 2.0 VCDI, MT"Chevrolet, Cruz, LTZ, 2.0 VCDI, MTLTZ"Chevrolet, Cruz, LTZ, 2.0 VCDI, AT 2.0 VCDI, AT2.0 TDI CR/81 kW2.0 TDI CR/103 kW (A) 81(110)/4200 250/1500 2500 320/1750 2500&`koda, Laura, Ambiente, 2.0 TDI CR, MT2.0 TDI CR, MT&`koda, Laura, Ambiente, 2.0 TDI CR, AT2.0 TDI CR, AT&`koda, Laura, Elegance, 2.0 TDI CR, MT&`koda, Laura, Elegance, 2.0 TDI CR, AT.`koda, Laura, Laurin & Klement, 2.0 TDI CR, AT/Gear change indicator (for manual transmission) 2.0 TDI CR2.0 TDI CR (A)FTDI CR (Turbocharged Direct Injection with Common Rail) diesel engine turbocharged diesel engine, turbocharger with self-aligning blades, in-line, liquid cooling system, high-pressure direct injection system, OHC, transverse in frontturbocharged diesel engine, turbocharger with self-aligning blades, in-line, liquid cooling system, high-pressure direct injection system, 16V DOHC, trans<verse in front>1430 litres of total luggage space with rear seatbacks folded PRICE#Price (in INR at ex-showroom Delhi).Volkswagen, Jetta, Comfortline, 2.0 TDI CR, MT,Volkswagen, Jetta, Trendline, 2.0 TDI CR, MTw EZgaPUCґgْnS V ޖs z RߜtJ]l<$zNѦf',Q5tqͭE`3?>  ! x 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