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Old 24th December 2019, 13:11   #826
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Re: 3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)

Wifee's Ignis was being neglected last few months since i was kind of busy with stuff in general. She decided to go for a trek and i thought this was the right time to get the car attended. Sunday took the car for the water wash to my specialized local shop for a thorough undercarriage clean up, before giving to 3M, and they have shut down I usually do this, since that shop used to really scrub the underbody down and shampoo it also lol and takes off all the tar marks from the body using diesel, which eases up the work for detailers.

Anyhow drove to HSR 3M and the supervisor Anil received the car noon, but then there were already few cars in Q for the day. So he requested if i could leave the car and pick it back up on Monday, so that they don't have to hurry up with the job. Fair enough request, so dropped the car and went back.

Yesterday evening went and collected the car back and am really happy with the work done! They have cleaned up all the cob web's thanks to the apartment car wash guy. Cleared up lot of small marks thanks to BLR traffic. They have removed the door edges PPF to clean it up thoroughly, so have to get that done after a couple of days once the polishing settles in. They took the time but was well worth it. If i have to really crib, it would be the final wipe down after wax but then again i usually go home and put one last layer of Mcguire on my own. So let pics to do the talking as it was delivered from 3M.

Thank you Pradeep, Anil and HSR 3M team.. you have a done a great job.

3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)-img_5752.jpg

3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)-img_5753.jpg

Hood was really bad and had lot of swirls and kinda rough. Now all clean and clear view to the flakes. Lights reflecting perfectly.

3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)-img_5754.jpg

3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)-img_5755.jpg

3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)-img_5756.jpg

Our lil angry bird IGNUS!

3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)-img_5757.jpg
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Old 4th February 2020, 18:17   #827
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Re: 3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)

Just a general query, had gone to 3M for getting a quick wash and wax and was surprised to find out that the little Ignis is considered as a medium-size vehicle, similar to Creta and all? Store said this is controlled by 3M and they cannot make any changes. Any idea if this is the case and can we list vehicles and how they are categorized by 3M billing.

I felt it was a rip off to pay some INR 1523 for a basic wash and wax, I remember I used to pay hardly some 500 bucks for the swift when they opened up. Need to figure out a better way to keep the car clean.
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Old 20th September 2020, 20:42   #828
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Re: 3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)

Originally Posted by Jaggu View Post
Any idea if this is the case and can we list vehicles and how they are categorized by 3M billing.

I felt it was a rip off to pay some INR 1523 for a basic wash and wax...
Yes, that is sadly true. I had a good rapport with a 3M store manager in Mumbai and when I asked the same question about how is my Polo the same size as a Brezza, he let me take a look at the car list in the system. Sure enough, Polo, Grand i10, Swift, etc. were "Medium" sized cars. Not sure if I saw the Ignis there, but I'm sure they consider that a medium sized car too.
The only cars I remember seeing in the "Small" category were Alto sized cars IIRC.

The 3M at Sarjapur Road is offering the Exterior AMC (2 paint sealant + 2 UV Wash) for 2 years now.
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Old 15th January 2022, 17:53   #829
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Re: 3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)

Has anyone got sun film installed? How was the cost and experience?
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Old 7th February 2022, 12:18   #830
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Re: 3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)


I need to get my Crysta & Jazz detailed and the interiors cleaned.

- Any discounts on offer? How do I reduce the cost of this?
- What options are to be picked - I am easily swayed at the point-of-sale and hence want to be sure before I go in. I have a leather interior in both the cars.
- Which center is better for this: the HSR one or the Sarjapur one?

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Old 7th February 2022, 13:36   #831
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Re: 3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)

Originally Posted by sridhu View Post
I am easily swayed at the point-of-sale and hence want to be sure before I go in.
Then don't even go there. I visited the Sarjapur center a year ago and was clear on what I wanted. But the manager was hell-bent on selling me some package worth 30k, without even asking me my requirement. Haven't visited the place since.
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Old 26th May 2023, 15:29   #832
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Re: 3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)

Any recent feedback on this place? Surprised that there is no 3M shops in the whitefield area anymore.
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Old 26th May 2023, 16:59   #833
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Re: 3M Car Care (HSR Layout, Bangalore)

Originally Posted by dass View Post
Any recent feedback on this place?
I had taken my car there few months back to remove bloodstains (had helped to take an accident victim to hospital while in Kerala the week prior). On phone they insisted the stains can't be removed; but even my rudimentary effort with Colin seemed to work. I chose to drive there and then they realised I have leather-wrapped seats so their treatment would work after all.

But they did a thorough job, removing stains from everywhere - seats, doors, mats, handles - for 5.5K.
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