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Old 11th March 2013, 14:20   #301
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Re: ARTICLE: How to buy a *USED* Car in India

I am planning to buy a second hand Linea and have the following offer

Linea Petrol Emotion
Dec 2009 Model
Clocked 41000 KM.

The car is in good condition. Its registered in Delhi and I am putting up in Noida and do not have any address proof in Delhi. So I have following question

How much tax do I have to pay if I apply for trasfer from Delhi to Noida and what is the procedure.
Can I get it registered under my name in delhi itself ?
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Old 22nd April 2013, 14:25   #302
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Re: ARTICLE: How to buy a *USED* Car in India

Experts!!! Have few queries for buying a used car, listing them below. Would appreciate the responses and experiences.

Is there any relationship between no. of owners of a car and its resale value? I mean, if I am the third owner of a car which is just two years old, would it be difficult for me to sell off the car in next couple of years, even if its maintained well and is a reliable brand.

One more question, I am out in the market for pre owned Honda Civic (preferrably less than 3 years old). As the current model is discontinued by Honda India, is it going to be challenging to get the spares for the discontinued model?

Thanks in advance.
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Old 23rd April 2013, 13:11   #303
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Re: ARTICLE: How to buy a *USED* Car in India

Can someone suggest a mechanic/workshop to check out a Ford Fiest 1.6S? I'm planning to buy one and looking for help to check the car out thoroughly
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Old 25th April 2013, 06:49   #304
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Originally Posted by jaibir View Post
Can someone suggest a mechanic/workshop to check out a Ford Fiest 1.6S? I'm planning to buy one and looking for help to check the car out thoroughly
Hallo jaibir,

Do have a word with the Ford dealership in Bangalore if they offer a kind of facility on the lines of Autoterrace (preowned division of Honda). If they do, makes perfect sense to get the evaluated by the Ford guys themselves as, they check for error codes and the likes. That in turn gives us a complete picture of how the car is.

Also, in case of any spare replacements/ repairs, they provide a comprehensive list of the same along with the corresponding costs. All this information just helps evaluating the car in a much efficient fashion. Charges should be around 1-1.5 k. That's a small hit for the sense of contentment you'll get that the car has been completely diagnosed.

-Shivang Gandotra
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Old 6th May 2013, 18:54   #305
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Re: ARTICLE: How to buy a *USED* Car in India

Didn't find too much detail on RTO procedures - and don't know any reliable agent either.

Given that previous owner will just sign the papers and won't follow up, I'll have to do all paperwork myself. He also closed the loan recently (to sell the car) and waiting for NOC from the bank. Also the owner and my RTO jurisdictions are different. So can anyone tell me if my understanding to paperwork is correct: (1) I go the original RTO of purchase and get (a) clearance certificate (b) hypothication cancelled; I hope I can do that in 1 visit. (2) They will send the RC book back with clearance certificate in post (to my address or previous owner's address?). (3) Then I visit my nearest RTO, with form 28, 29, 30, insurance copy, pollution cert, my PAN/ID/ADDR proof and do the necessary run up. (4) They send RC book back in post. (5) Then I approach insurance company for transferring the coverage (need to see how can I transfer the NCB from the other thread).

Assume previous owner encashing my cheque and leaving the country for good ...
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Old 6th May 2013, 19:11   #306
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Originally Posted by kousik View Post
Didn't find too much detail on RTO procedures - and don't know any reliable agent either.

Given that previous owner will just sign the papers and won't follow up, I'll have to do all paperwork myself. He also closed the loan recently (to sell the car) and waiting for NOC from the bank. Also the owner and my RTO jurisdictions are different. So can anyone tell me if my understanding to paperwork is correct: (1) I go the original RTO of purchase and get (a) clearance certificate (b) hypothication cancelled; I hope I can do that in 1 visit. (2) They will send the RC book back with clearance certificate in post (to my address or previous owner's address?). (3) Then I visit my nearest RTO, with form 28, 29, 30, insurance copy, pollution cert, my PAN/ID/ADDR proof and do the necessary run up. (4) They send RC book back in post. (5) Then I approach insurance company for transferring the coverage (need to see how can I transfer the NCB from the other thread).

Assume previous owner encashing my cheque and leaving the country for good ...
Here is what I did when I bought a per owned car recently:

Went to the bank with the seller and got the loan closed, the bank gave the noc immediately.
Went to the rto with :
Noc , pan card, address proof, pollution cert, registration , form 28, 29,30 , insurance and 3 photos.
Got hold of an agent, paid him 2200 inr, he filled the form and just took the signatures and told me that he will collect the rc and call me. Two weeks or so later I got a call from him to come and collect the card.

It was easier for me as the seller was a thorough gentleman and accompanied me to the rto too just in case I needed some extra signatures which he might have missed and we were both from the same area so didn't have to change RTOs.
That's it this was in the KR puram rto in bangalore.

The tbhp thread on buying/ selling the car has all the details, so does the rto site along with links to the forms.

Just saw that you are in bangalore too, suggest going to the rto and looking near the office. You will find some good agent, if its the same KR puram rto then I can give you the details. As I did exactly the same think you can keep 2300 inr as the figure to pay. If you can get it lower nothing like it

Went to the insurance company today with : letter from seller stating the sale to me signed by him, copy of old policy, copy of rc . They will charge about 60 bucks plus no claim bonus and give you the figure to pay. They will also survey the car so take it along or they will send a surveyer to take pics and check the car. If you have sold your old car you can get the no claim certificate from the older insurance company and it will be applied to your insurance.

Hope this helps.

Last edited by sammyboy : 6th May 2013 at 19:24.
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Old 6th May 2013, 19:24   #307
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Re: ARTICLE: How to buy a *USED* Car in India

Originally Posted by sammyboy View Post
Got hold of an agent, paid him 2200 inr, he filled the form and just took the signatures and told me that he will collect the rc and call me. Two weeks or so later I got a call from him to come and collect the card.
Just saw that you are in bangalore too, suggest going to the rto and looking near the office. You will find some good agent, if its the same KR puram rto then I can give you the details. As I did exactly the same think you can keep 2300 inr as the figure to pay. If you can get it lower nothing like it
Thanks -- but are you sure the agent has the superpower to collect the RC book himself? I thought you have to attach a self addressed envelope with 25/_ stamp and they post the RC book, it is not handed over in person anymore.

Secondly, I *think* my RTO is under K.R.Puram ... I checked but still confused where people of Marathalli should go to. In that case once I obtain the clearance certificate I can approach your agent, or can he get it done end-to-end, getting CC/Hyp cancellation from Electronic city and then get the transfer in K.R.Puram? 2300/_ sounds a bit high but I'll pay if he is reliable. Kindly PM me his contact.
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Old 6th May 2013, 19:29   #308
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Originally Posted by kousik View Post

Thanks -- but are you sure the agent has the superpower to collect the RC book himself? I thought you have to attach a self addressed envelope with 25/_ stamp and they post the RC book, it is not handed over in person anymore.

Secondly, I *think* my RTO is under K.R.Puram ... I checked but still confused where people of Marathalli should go to. In that case once I obtain the clearance certificate I can approach your agent, or can he get it done end-to-end, getting CC/Hyp cancellation from Electronic city and then get the transfer in K.R.Puram? 2300/_ sounds a bit high but I'll pay if he is reliable. Kindly PM me his contact.
Hi kousik, have added some more info above for you.
If you are in the KR puram rto nothing like it. I was also surprised but I did not have to do a thing, he did end to end work. I just visited him twice, first to give him the papers and the money and next to collect the rc card. He seems to have the contacts as he had told me before hand that I would have to come and collect the card from him and it wouldn't be posted.
I will send you his number, why don't you speak with him and clarify, would be much easier. Check your pm for his details.

Last edited by sammyboy : 6th May 2013 at 19:35.
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Old 24th May 2013, 01:45   #309
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Re: ARTICLE: How to buy a *USED* Car in India

Hi guys, has anyone attempted buying an out-of-state car, directly from the owner? Is it worth the hassle of doing it, even if the car is a gem (atleast from all photos and online descriptions)? The car is in a city 12 hours away by train, and I have no problem spending the weekend to go and take a look at the car if its really that good!
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Old 24th May 2013, 17:03   #310
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Re: ARTICLE: How to buy a *USED* Car in India

Originally Posted by jaibir View Post
Can someone suggest a mechanic/workshop to check out a Ford Fiest 1.6S? I'm planning to buy one and looking for help to check the car out thoroughly
Which years model is it and how much is the seller asking for it? You could try the Ford AS for a check.
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Old 24th May 2013, 17:28   #311
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Re: ARTICLE: How to buy a *USED* Car in India

Originally Posted by fiestarry View Post
Which years model is it and how much is the seller asking for it? You could try the Ford AS for a check.
The one I checked out was a Dec 2008 model. Decided to skip it. Eventually sold for around the 3L mark.
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Old 2nd June 2013, 08:49   #312
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Re: ARTICLE: How to buy a *USED* Car in India

Hello guys,

Though this must have been discussed and debated oft on this topic, I am coming forward with a question. I am planning to buy a used BMW 3 series/AudiA4/MercC class. Budget 16-18 lacs. Running around 30K

There are a million adverts on online sites like Car dekho or Car wale, but ALL the second hand luzury cars seem to be owned by the dealers. The dealers are no way a pleasure to talk to and many of them want to finalise the deal quick. Some cars have odo readings which are very attractive.

I have read the posts of fellow mates and realise that there are a 101 things to check for, like ODo tampering, NOC on hypothecation, things like that.

I just wanted any fellow members advice on whether there is a reliable second hand luxury car dealer in NCR.

Also, I think that since BMWs and Audis and Mercs are rarer on roads than the lower priced cars, is there some correlation b etween them being usually accident free and maintained better because a German car owner might not like to get it serviced through a roadside vendor.

I am unable to get in touch with any owner directly. Its kind of distressing. Help, much appreciated.

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Old 11th June 2013, 16:54   #313
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Re: ARTICLE: How to buy a *USED* Car in India

Hi Guys,
Am in the market looking for a used car, but confused whether to go for a sedan or SUV.
It has to be a DIESEL, monthly it will do >1200 kms.
Will be driven by our driver mostly, in Bangalore city, with my 5 year old son to school, coaching and back home.
I am thinking of:
1. Scorpio - Would give us a sense of safety of the kid
2. Fluidic Verna - Love this car
3. Vento-D

Words of wisdom, please....
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Old 12th June 2013, 16:17   #314
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RTO jurisdiction changed after the first owner registered his car


I have bought a car which was registered in the Jayanagar RTO, Bangalore. My current address also falls in the same zone so the transfer of registration should be fairly simple.

I have submitted:
1. Form 29
2. Form 30
3. Form 35, Finance NOC from the Bank
4. Emission certificate copy
5. Insurance copy
6. ID proof (PAN card copy)
7. Address proof (rental agreement with electricity bill) (*Also submitted company HR letter with company I card copy later)
8. Paid the transfer fee along with hypothecation cancellation charges and smart card charges.

After all this, I received a call last week saying that I needed to collect the docs from the Jayanagar RTO and submit them at the electronics city RTO. I tried to find out the reason but it was not clear. I was repeatedly told that I just needed to submit the same set of doc in electronic city. I had even asked if some doc was missing and the only reply I got was NO.
Being out of town, I could not go there till today.

After reaching there, I was told that even though the car was originally registered in Jayanagar, its current jurisdiction is with the electronics city RTO. So the previous owner needed to get a Clearance Certificate(CC) from the electronics city. For that, he has to submit an application to the electronics city RTO after which they will take about 30 days to issue the CC. After that, I am to re-submit the entire set of docs with the CC attached. However, when I called the electronics city RTO, they say that if the car was initially registered in Jayanagar, they cannot issue the CC as the original file would still be lying with the Jayanagar RTO.
However, he is not sure of the process.

Could someone please throw some light on the process in the current scenario? If this is an internal admin split after the car was registered, shouldn't the Jayanagar RTO send the docs to electronics city for clearance/verfication in case they are not holding the file anymore.
Also, why should I have to pay the hypothecation cancellation charges again at electronics city even though I have already paid them in Jayanagar? I have the challan receipt that mentions it. Does it really take a month to get the CC? Please advise.


*I was told that a rental agreement with an electricity bill was in-suffcient as an address proof since I was staying in a rented accomodation. Therefore, I added the company HR letter acknowledging me as an employee of the company along with a copy of the company issued I card.
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Old 12th June 2013, 21:15   #315
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Re: RTO jurisdiction changed after the first owner registered his car

I can suggest two things with my limited experience in registering vehicles:

1) Give the whole thing to an agent. He might charge you around 3-4k for the job but he'll get it done without much headache.


2) If you don't want to spend on an agent, file an RTI with the Jayanagar RTO asking them the exact process for your current situation. You'll get the right answer, only that it will take a little time.
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