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Old 10th November 2022, 16:50   #751
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

Originally Posted by fogg_23 View Post
I informed the loan approval details to the SA, and he allotted 7th Nov (Monday) at 11.30 AM for PDI. I will post my findings on Monday once the PDI is done.
I posted my findings in Nexon official thread. You can find it at (Tata Nexon : Official Review)

Main issues:
  1. Sunroof not closing
  2. Crack near the left headlamp
Decision: Reject
Reason: It took 2.5 days to rectify the sunroof problem. That explains the complications involved with the sunroof. We fear this problem can arise anytime, as there is a lot of uncertainty.

Alternative: We are going with Honda City V CVT. We find it comfortable and reliable. Not having a sunroof on the head gives us a lot of peace, and the cabin is well-ventilated thanks to the wide and big windows on the honda city.

Last edited by Turbanator : 13th November 2022 at 12:45. Reason: Minor typo.
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Old 13th November 2022, 12:32   #752
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

Originally Posted by India2022 View Post
Do not pay any other amount unless done with proper physical inspection (follow PDI checklist). Once payment is released, you have to keep the car even if it has any issue or damage.
Same in my case, booked the Octavia and the dealer is asking for the full ex-showroom price to be paid before the car arrives in the stockyard. He mentioned that the registration etc. can be paid post-PDI and is quite firm/adamant about the payment. He says in case I reject for whatever reason, he will get me another car. Am unsure but he won't budge. Kindly advise.

Last edited by Turbanator : 13th November 2022 at 12:43. Reason: Fixed quote. No short names.
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Old 22nd November 2022, 10:37   #753
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

Request feedback.

Is it normal for the Skoda dealership (Mumbai) to ask me for a full payment (ex-showroom price) before the car even reaches their stockyard or VIN allocation? What options do I have since am very keen on the car. The SM at the dealership has gone back on his commitment about when the car will be with them, pushing me to get loan disbursed soon and pay-up. Now am told that the car will arrive anywhere between 2-3rd week of December 2022 (earlier it was end of Nov. and according to him, since I didn't pay anything except the booking amount, he couldn't honour the timeline)

The SM at the dealership mentioned that they can register it in January 2023. Since I am not in the country this entire December, the timeline is okay for me but paying in full seems sketchy.
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Old 13th December 2022, 23:27   #754
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

Originally Posted by Az_Dan View Post
Request feedback.

Is it normal for the Skoda dealership (Mumbai) to ask me for a full payment (ex-showroom price) before the car even reaches their stockyard or VIN allocation? What options do I have since am very keen on the car. The SM at the dealership has gone back on his commitment about when the car will be with them, pushing me to get loan disbursed soon and pay-up. Now am told that the car will arrive anywhere between 2-3rd week of December 2022 (earlier it was end of Nov. and according to him, since I didn't pay anything except the booking amount, he couldn't honour the timeline)

The SM at the dealership mentioned that they can register it in January 2023. Since I am not in the country this entire December, the timeline is okay for me but paying in full seems sketchy.
Just basis the fact that the dealer and the sales guy are trying to push you around to the point of going against the norm of paying after you accept the car unless I am mistaken, I would reject and walk to another dealer. It can be that they are trying to meet their target for the year and the quarter and the month but looks like they are sure the car won't be delivered this month else they would just wait.

All I know from experience of being a consumer is that once you have given them your money you are quite helpless in the entire transaction. With the consumer protection laws we have in our country and their lazy loose enforcement I wouldn't do so.

Would like to know from the seniors and the experts here.
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Old 17th December 2022, 16:45   #755
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

Maruti dealer in Bangalore is asking for full payment (they may agree for partial payment, but not confirmed yet) while the car is still in transit and may take another 5-6 days to reach dealership. Has it become the norm now, specially for high demand cars? This is for Brezza ZXI+ AT, which is allotted after 4 months of waiting.
Dealer has agreed for PDI and verbally mentioned cancellation is possible if PDI is not satisfactory. He also mentioned it is not possible by Maruti to hold the allocation for 15+ days (which is the transport time) if payment is not made.
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Old 3rd February 2023, 20:05   #756
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

Seems like off late lot of sales executives are doing this full payment thing even before PDI. I strictly rejected that aspect , without PDI no further payment till PDI is done.

I'm going to be doing PDI for Seltos HTX diesel AT tomorrow, verified the VIN & its Jan 2023 manufactured, but the executive is saying everything can be checked at the stockyard for PDI apart from starting the vehicle, Unsure if I should continue to insist for car start as the PDI checklist highlights?

Thoughts from my fellow BHPians ?
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Old 5th February 2023, 11:58   #757
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

Originally Posted by CosmicGeneral View Post
Seems like off late lot of sales executives are doing this full payment thing even before PDI.
Executive is saying everything can be checked at the stockyard for PDI apart from starting the vehicle
One should not make any payment apart from the booking amount before completing the PDI.

PDI includes starting the vehicle and then checking the engine/vibration noise, checking power window, central locking, funcioning of lighst and many other features. They can not refuse it, unless until there is something wrong in vehicle which they want to hide. Its advisible to stick to team-bhp PDI checklist (or ready to take the risk )
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Old 6th February 2023, 16:11   #758
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Booked XL6 Zeta AT last week. Any suggestions?

I have made a booking for Suzuki XL6 Zeta Automatic last week. The dealer has promised to deliver the car in a month. We have Hyundai Elite i20 (2016) in our family but this is my first car. Hence, wanted suggestions for PDI and accessories that the members recommend for XL6. Thank you in advance!
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Old 9th February 2023, 10:40   #759
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

My sales rep from Advaith Kia, Bangalore informed me that the vehicle is at 'KR Farms Galarien', a good 55KMs one way from where I'am. Has anybody booked a Seltos from Advaith Kia and is this their usual stock yard where PDI is done? Please let me know.
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Old 16th February 2023, 20:45   #760
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

I am about to take delivery of my new dream machine: A
Thar HT AT Diesel in aquamarine. The vehicle is a Feb 2023 model and in transit at this moment. The dealership shared me the chasis number and told me to process the loan. Should I tell my bank to process the loan with the provided engine and chasis number even before it's arrival at the dealership/ before doing PDI?
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Old 17th February 2023, 14:25   #761
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

Originally Posted by bivision View Post
Maruti dealer in Bangalore is asking for full payment (they may agree for partial payment, but not confirmed yet) while the car is still in transit and may take another 5-6 days to reach dealership. Has it become the norm now, specially for high demand cars? This is for Brezza ZXI+ AT, which is allotted after 4 months of waiting.
Dealer has agreed for PDI and verbally mentioned cancellation is possible if PDI is not satisfactory. He also mentioned it is not possible by Maruti to hold the allocation for 15+ days (which is the transport time) if payment is not made.
I booked an Ignis in September 2022. The car arrived sometime during November 15th. Initially the VIN sent to me showed a July manufactured car which I did not accept. Finally upon dispatch from the factory in November, the Sales Advisor sent me the allocated VIN and it was a November manufactured car.
At no point of time did the dealer (in this case Nexa Palace Orchards) ask me to pay in full. In fact during the PDI, I had only payed the booking amount for Rs.6000/- Once I cleared the PDi from my end, they proceeded for registration and on the next day I transferred the entire amount to the dealer . Car was delivered the next day.
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Old 17th February 2023, 14:30   #762
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

Originally Posted by lipaul View Post
My sales rep from Advaith Kia, Bangalore informed me that the vehicle is at 'KR Farms Galarien', a good 55KMs one way from where I'am. Has anybody booked a Seltos from Advaith Kia and is this their usual stock yard where PDI is done? Please let me know.
When I got my Ignis delivered in Nov 2022 I saw 24km on the ODO. On questioning the dealer (Nexa Palace Orchards), they said that the delivery trucks are only allowed out of the city and that's why their stock yard is there. The vehicle then has to be driven to the customer's dealership and that why the mileage of 24 was there. Sounds reasonable. At least they didnt disconnect the ODO and lie to me.
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Old 23rd February 2023, 04:41   #763
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

How do you all check the engine during the PDI. The showroom denied me any test drive as the vehicle is not insured and hence i cannot take it out of showroom's premises.

So with that thing out, the only things i can during my PDI is the body panels and other stuff as per the list.
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Old 15th April 2023, 16:30   #764
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

Here is my PDI, a bit customized for Scorpio_N. Some might find this a bit lengthy, some items are obvious and some need not be tested necessarily before delivery but might come handy when buying a used car.

I have appended the list of relevant features with the feature list of the specific model picked up from the manufacturer's brochure.

Please feel free to customize the excel version based on your priorities/vehicle purchased
Attached Files
File Type: pdf PDI V1.pdf (388.4 KB, 645 views)
File Type: xlsx PDI V1.0.xlsx (271.0 KB, 353 views)
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Old 12th June 2023, 13:54   #765
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Re: ARTICLE: Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) & Check List

Thanks to the moderators and it indeed feels special to be a member of this elite group.

Here is an updated PDI checklist. It may not be possible to do all these checks while the car is in the yard. However, it will be safe to complete these checks at least within a day after taking delivery of the car.
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File Type: xlsx PDI checklist.xlsx (13.9 KB, 574 views)
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