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Old 3rd August 2014, 01:08   #31
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Hey Parag... Awesome job done on the change. I have a Vdi Ertiga myself and could not agree more that the stock HU is lacking on features, output and bluetooth connectivity is a serious miss even in ZDI

However did you not get tempted to go for a 7 inch full touch display? While it costs double, it sure looks very linear with the flow of the console and much easier to operate. Add to that had you gone for a pioneer, the compatible steering remote would have made the use very simple and convenient...
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Old 3rd August 2014, 08:45   #32
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Hi Parag,

Congratulations! A very detailed and a neat finish, you have got there! Appreciate all the details and probably gives me some guts to go experiment the same on my wife's Brio!!

Good show and thanks!
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Old 4th August 2014, 09:27   #33
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Final tasks:
1. Connect all the plugs – Stereo, Antenna & Microphone
2. Push the Unit, tighten the screws and refit the AC vent cover on the Dash
3. Fix the Microphone to the desired location

Here is how the Dashboard looks after the complete job:Attachment 1268775
And this is how it looks when I turned the unit on adjusting the illumination to match the Dash illumination at night:Attachment 1268776

The Microphone in its final desired location:Attachment 1268792
The microphone would be better placed at the top edge of the A-Pillar cover. This way, the microphone can be used, wven when the sun shade is down and the wires would be concealed completely. Though the convenience factor varies from person to person and is thus subjective

Last edited by khan_sultan : 4th August 2014 at 09:32. Reason: fixed FONT Tags
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Old 4th August 2014, 10:05   #34
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Hi Parag,
First of thanks for sharing this.
Really a nice work.

I think I can also try this on my Ertiga.
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Old 4th August 2014, 11:41   #35
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Originally Posted by yogeshnagpal View Post
Parag, the PAC module may turn out to be costly.

There are interfaces that are locally available too now. Check this site-

Most of the installers in Mumbai are using this, and it works perfectly well as per their feedback.

You may want to research more on this. Here in Mumbai this is selling anywhere between 2000-2500 a piece.

Hope this is of some help.

Thanks Yogesh. I did have a look at the PAC module after downloading the PDF checking for compatibility.

Will surely buzz you when I actually plan the steering control install in future soon!

Originally Posted by rohin4110 View Post
However did you not get tempted to go for a 7 inch full touch display? While it costs double, it sure looks very linear with the flow of the console and much easier to operate. Add to that had you gone for a pioneer, the compatible steering remote would have made the use very simple and convenient...
It did tempt me but like I mentioned earlier, I was not in need of a touchscreen. I have mentioned the reasons earlier. I have a dedicated Tab for my daughter with headrest mount and a touchscreen DVD would tempt the technicians at the ASC more than me .

In fact, I picked up 6.5" Hertz component for what I otherwise would have spent on a touchscreen system.

Originally Posted by rohin4110 View Post
The microphone would be better placed at the top edge of the A-Pillar cover. This way, the microphone can be used, wven when the sun shade is down and the wires would be concealed completely. Though the convenience factor varies from person to person and is thus subjective
Yes indeed but my requirements were different and hence the placement. Quoting myself again on why I would never fold down the Sun visor all my life:

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Absolutely yes batterylow. Here's a single picture depicting various positions of the visor and how lengthy is that extra length of the Mic cable that I factored.I will tell you another secret- In both my cars I never fold the Sun visor no matter how harsh the sun is. Not just mine, even the co-driver doesn't get to fold it. I am 6'3" and when I am driving, a folded down sun visor irritates me as It creates a blind spot on the left side in such a way that I cannot make proper judgement.
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Old 6th August 2014, 09:22   #36
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Hey Parag

This is an outstanding job. Amazes me that you decided for a DIY approach. And yes congratulations on this. I have followed your detailed review as well as this. Outstanding confidence to go through this. We recently also purchased the Xcent and it has all of these features as standard. Made me think a car Rs 106 L cheaper as it and a Zdi version of Ertiga does not!

A question - are all the OE parts that you removed, now fitting exactly the same or are there any loose or rattling parts?

Again, many congratulations, not just for the install but for the DIY approach.

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Old 6th August 2014, 09:31   #37
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Originally Posted by Rajain View Post
A question - are all the OE parts that you removed, now fitting exactly the same or are there any loose or rattling parts?
There were just one major OE part that needed removal to access the OE Head Unit- The center AC vent plastic. This was secured by 6 clips (3 on either side) and barely needed pulling it up safely.

Once this was done, you could access the OE HU's bracket that is mounted onto the dash by 2 screws. Remove them and pull the HU out (again held by plastic clips).

Installation was exactly reverse of this. When removing these OE parts, I had taken extreme care of not using force or abuse which would damage the clips or expand the holes where the clips fit in. Same was ensured when I put things back in place.

Thankfully, the job was handled well and there have been no rattles for this installation as the new HU also fits on the same bracket where the OE was resting.

The 2 DIN Kit that I picked from JC road also was of good quality as the clips resembled the quality what the OE Head units had. If not, I would have removed all clips from the OE unit and fitted them the 2 DIN Kit to make things better!
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Old 6th August 2014, 14:15   #38
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Hello Parag

2 DIN Fascia/Dash Kit which you have bought for 1150 rupees , i got the same OE kit from maruti authorized spare part dealer for less then Rs 400 . I cant remember the money i paid but it was around 350 i think . Anyone who needs this fascia kit please get it from maruti authorized spare parts dealer in your city .
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Old 6th August 2014, 15:59   #39
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Originally Posted by Safari_Beast View Post
Hello Parag

2 DIN Fascia/Dash Kit which you have bought for 1150 rupees , i got the same OE kit from maruti authorized spare part dealer for less then Rs 400 . I cant remember the money i paid but it was around 350 i think . Anyone who needs this fascia kit please get it from maruti authorized spare parts dealer in your city .
That's interesting! Actually I did note that LDi/LXi models come without a Music system and I suspected Maruti to sell that part of the Dash (circled below) to sell too. 400 is real cheap and its MGP like you mention which anyways be of good quality.

I merely picked the one as I realised the seller in Delhi was quoting me 1800 and incidentally my friend was in JC road and I asked him to check at a shop where they gave him 2 options - 900 and 1150 and I picked the latter as my friend informed me that the quality "felt" better (which in fact is true when I compared that to the Dash Plastics of during installation)
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Old 7th August 2014, 08:21   #40
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
That's interesting! Actually I did note that LDi/LXi models come without a Music system and I suspected Maruti to sell that part of the Dash (circled below) to sell too. 400 is real cheap and its MGP like you mention which anyways be of good quality.
Hello Parag

Here is the is snap of Fascia when my ICE was getting installed . It comes with OEM clips and quality is excellent .

Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth-ice-toy-6.jpg

Here is the link to my ICE thread .
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Old 26th August 2014, 18:30   #41
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Hey Parag!

Have been reading your threads from quite some time. Congratulations on excellent DIYs you have been performing(with perfection!).

Your posts and DIYs are quite inspiring to say the least. I am awaiting your DIY for component speakers installation in Ertiga. Since I have a swift Vdi, I am quite interested to see how you did it, which speaker wires you chose and which position you opted for tweeter placement(I want to opt for Siwft Zdi tweeter pods for my install, but they are exorbitantly priced in MGP).

Besides, its my greedy self who really wish to see you doing steering mounted audio controls and outside temp modification in your Ertiga(so that I can follow in your footsteps)

Another mod that I have in plan is fitting the bootlamp in my swift VDi(a standard fitment in Swift ZDi), but not sure if appropriate wiring has been provided from the factory or not.

Awaiting your DIY post for speakers installation.

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Old 26th August 2014, 20:30   #42
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Originally Posted by Grr7 View Post
I am awaiting your DIY for component speakers installation in Ertiga. Since I have a swift Vdi, I am quite interested to see how you did it, which speaker wires you chose and which position you opted for tweeter placement(I want to opt for Siwft Zdi tweeter pods for my install, but they are exorbitantly priced in MGP).
Incidentally, as you posted your query, I was only copying couple of photos to include in this thread about the speaker installation.
I bought Hertz DSK 165.3 6.5" 2 Way components for the Front. I fitted the front speakers may be 3 weeks before with the help of my Dad and the process was not tedious except for the fact that the tweeter fitment had to come out really clean.

The challenge with this DIY was we didn't have the right sized Drill bit handy to make a hole large enough to place the tweeter (See pics below) and had to buy a set of bits from a hardware shop. I made use of good quality Bolts & Nuts to install the MDF spacer rings on top of which I mounted the 6.5" speakers.

I am yet to install the speakers for the rear (Hertz - DCX 165.3) which I am planning some day this week and hence will post complete details of the Installation for the benefit of others who would like to follow. Honestly, when I was installing it for the front, I was too lazy to take pictures.

Here are a few photos of the speakers and the placement of the tweeters:
Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth-20140724_235926.jpg
Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth-20140826_125049.jpg
Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth-20140826_125112.jpg

Besides, its my greedy self who really wish to see you doing steering mounted audio controls and outside temp modification in your Ertiga(so that I can follow in your footsteps)
This will take time but will surely happen!
Another mod that I have in plan is fitting the bootlamp in my swift VDi(a standard fitment in Swift ZDi), but not sure if appropriate wiring has been provided from the factory or not.
There won't be wiring already present for this. You will need to manage it yourself. What I have done in the WagonR is pulled 3 wires running parallel with the driver side roof light. Using stiff metal strings, I pulled 3 wires from behind the roof lining (after removing the cabin light) and cut a small area of the roof lining and took the 3 ends out on the other side (rear) and connected a new cabin light and merely pasted that unit with Fevicol SR Adhesive. I used the Cabin Light of Esteem for this that has OFF-DOOR-ON position for the switches and works independently as well as in parallel to the main cabin light.

When both Primary Cabin Light & Secondary Cabin Light switches are in DOOR position, when you open the door, both of them light up together. When one of them is OFF and you want to turn on either of them, your switch position to ON helps.

The cabin light will have 3 wires behind it - 12v Positive, Ground 1(Door), Ground 2(ON). Just solder these 3 points and pull 3 wires out of them and route them behind the roof lining and you are good.
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Old 15th June 2015, 00:36   #43
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

With Inspiration from this thread, I tried to do the same in my Ertiga, but now stuck with 3 issues.

My head unit - Sony XAV 62BT. Do not have the original female wiring harness with me, so using an aftermarket one.

1. The screws holding the mounting bracket (side plates) of oem stereo were too tight. I really mean it.. Hence while removing the screws with a large screwdriver which covers the complete groove, three screws gave up and got stripped on the head. I have two options now
a. Try to order 2 side plates separately and use it - will check with MGP tomorrow
b. Order a screw extractor and take these 3 screws out. Do you think this will work?

Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth-img_20150615_000338.jpg

2. My head unit has DVD play back and the parking brake input needs a bypass to ground for DVD to work. But the problem is that I am not able to locate the pin position of the parking brake input. Since my harness is an aftermarket one, wire colors mentioned in headunit manual is not matching up.
It should be one of the orange, empty or blue inputs.
I tried with blue, but its not working. So it should be either orange or empty slot.
The auto dimming when lights are on works, so I will need to check if the orange is getting a 12v when lights are switched on; if that is the case its the empty slot that is for the parking.

a. How to make a proper connector at the empty slot if that happens to be the parking input? Is there a way I can take the amp rem input wire and use? I dont have any crimping tools or pins with me.
b. I searched online to see the 16 pin diagram for my headset, but couldnt find one. Any one ?

Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth-img_20150614_132118.jpg

3. This is my oversight. the FM antenna connector is different for Sony. SO buying this one to connect the fm antenna.
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Old 19th June 2015, 20:50   #44
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post

This will take time but will surely happen!
Originally Posted by Grr7 View Post
Hey Parag!

Have been reading your threads from quite some time. Congratulations on excellent DIYs you have been performing(with perfection!).

Besides, its my greedy self who really wish to see you doing steering mounted audio controls and outside temp modification in your Ertiga(so that I can follow in your footsteps)
Add me to the greedy list, have been waiting for Parag Bhai to take these two up for a while now.
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Old 20th June 2015, 21:45   #45
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Re: Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth

Originally Posted by arjithin View Post
With Inspiration from this thread, I tried to do the same in my Ertiga, but now stuck with 3 issues.
Successfully completed the installation today. Here is how I solved the 3 issues

1. Ordered the tuner brackets (left and right) from Popular (MGP dealer). They got one pair in 2 days. Cost Rs 50.
Got 6 screws from a hardware shop - Cost Rs 18.

2. Parking bypass - Wasn't able to locate a proper pin diagram so had to do trial and error method. It was the empty slot as I expected. Pulled the blue crimp from its place and inserted in its place, connected the blue to ground - Problem solved

3. The fm connector arrived by thursday. There is a blue wire for +12v connection. But Parag confirmed he didn't connect it in his install, hence left that as it is properly insulated. FM reception works just fine without it. (But I noticed that the OEM headunit is infact sending 12v at its female connector.)

Also replaced my stock speakers with Cerwin Vega components in front and coaxials in the rear door. Those were pulled from my Ritz. I put the tweeter in the original location itself, not on the door. Crossovers were tied to the frame behind headunit.

Now my Ertiga sounds a LOT better than OEM setup. Only issue that it feels like sound is coming from front because of the placing of tweeter. Need to play with the crossover settings to see if this could be adjusted.

Display dimmer works beautifully when parking lights are turned on.

Here is a picture after everything put back.

Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth-ertiga-dash6.jpg

Other work done:
1. changed interior lighting to LED. Put 2 number of 36SMD LEDs in front and 1 in back. Very bright inside now.

Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth-ertiga-dash5.jpg
Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth-ertiga-dash3.jpg
Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth-ertiga-dash2.jpg

2. Installed arm rest

Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth-ertiga-dash4.jpg

Some observations on original post by Parag.

1. I somehow understood/thought only to remove the silver color ring to access the screws of OEM head unit from parag's post; but its actually this full panel that need to be removed

Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth-ertiga-dash1.jpg

2. The faceplate can be purchased from MGP for JUST Rs 330. Part name is Garnish, center lower (Brown). Same was quoted 1250-1500 across accessory shops.

Ertiga DIY: Installing a 2-DIN Stereo with Bluetooth-ertiga-dash7.jpg

Goof ups:
My Ganesha idol fell into the air vent next to front windshield and there is no way to retrieve it now. It does makes a sound everytime car hits a pot-hole

Next steps:
1. Getting the Steering controls back. Looking forward to Parag's next DIY on that
2. I wan to repurpose the OEM stereos USB connector as a high current charging point.
3. A steering cover - I am a fan of the old style string based steering cover/Grip. Unfortunately not able to source one.
4. Middle row seat is not illuminated well now; thinking of installing a DRL LED strip over there wired to switch on independently.

Last edited by arjithin : 20th June 2015 at 21:48.
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