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Old 16th September 2005, 23:19   #1666
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Originally Posted by moodswings
HI ajay,
Not a specific query but just wanted to know the range of 4 channel amps and Components of Blaupunkt.
Mood, here you go...

GT Series:
GTA 470 4 channel amp - 9500/-

TS Series:
TSc 132 - 5" components with tweeter & crossover - 4250/-

TH Series:
THc 132 - 5" components with tweeter & crossover - 4250/-
THc 172 - 6.5" components with tweeter & crossover - 4750/-

Velocity Series:
Competition speakers:
VPc 172 - 2 way component spkrs - 165mm -10900/- [lol]
VPc 132 - 2 way component spkrs - 130mm -8900/-

Velocity Amplifiers:
VD 504 - 600watts 4/2 channel reference amp - 19990/- [WTH??]
VPA 4120 - 1500watts 4/3/2 channel reference amp - 22750/-
[honestly, beyond this point, am unable to see and write clearly, maybe its the prices....]

And luckily for you, thats all there is with reference to your request. All prices with b&w...

You live in Gurgaon, tho call karo:
Elegant Car Interiors @ 2223746/2391353... yeh loag Blaupunkt ka main distributors hain.....
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Old 16th September 2005, 23:21   #1667
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Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
NO! I'm going to beat you with a stick if you say that again.
sorry mate, u kwn the posts made me wonder. why pio when u can go 4 alpines ( if u have the money of course )
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Old 17th September 2005, 00:20   #1668
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Originally Posted by zzzehar

First of all, Who'z that beautiful girl in the pic?
And if you can please go thru the posts, and suggest something in addition to what Aseem have posted.
Also if I go in only for JBL 506CE (Components) and put them in front and do not but anything else for rear (Budget is very tight) Do you think they will fulfill my requirement of loud and clear sound with appropriate beats (bass)?
In this case the setup will be Sony 5510/Pioneer 5750 HU and only front JBL Components. Nothing else.
for the girl thing we got to wait for sams answer..
well as u said if u go in for the 506ces and put them in the front and nothing in the rear,this will lead to front soundstaging..not sure if all like this kind of its ur choice u got to go with,if ur confortable with front soundstage then go ahead and u can later add the compos at the rear or for that matter coaxials ..coming to the point of loud and clear sound ya the front compos will provide u that but the loudness is in terms of clarity and not take a pick...
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Old 17th September 2005, 01:04   #1669
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Thanks Much ajay.....Much appreciated.....but the prices...cant say
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Old 17th September 2005, 03:39   #1670
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Originally Posted by moodswings
Navin/Sam n others please enlighten.....I am experiencing a problem with my Car audio setup........when ever I acclerate there is a whistling sound and it increases with acceleration. The only option I have right now is to increase the volume of the system so that I do not hear the sound. What is the cause of this and how can this be overcome. You can well imagine that after spending around 50-60K on my Music system such a irritating issue arises and beleive me it is very irritating and it frustrates me to eternity.
Hi. Its a common problem. Its not your syste, probably just your install... I am in gurgaon and can help you fix your problem. Send me a PM or catch me on msn.
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Old 17th September 2005, 10:21   #1671
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gunbir, i suspect the frequency of the noise changes with acceleration and not volume.

now who is the rocket scientist who did that install? *sorry if I sound bugged but this problem has been licked in the 70s and noinstaller should be allowed to get away with this*

any power wires and line level wires should be as far as apart as possible. I prefer to run power wires (from the HU to the amps in the back) on the driver side of the car and RCA wires on the passenger side. No rule. You can reverse it.

did you pay your installer?
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Old 17th September 2005, 10:48   #1672
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Originally Posted by navin
any power wires and line level wires should be as far as apart as possible. I prefer to run power wires (from the HU to the amps in the back) on the driver side of the car and RCA wires on the passenger side. No rule. You can reverse it.

did you pay your installer?
should it be done this way? rf one side and power other? just clarifying as i dont want my installer 2 do it wrong and then go back and ask him2 redo ..u case..
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Old 17th September 2005, 11:04   #1673
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That is what I would do. It save me trouble in gound loops, and debugging. I run RCA and speaker wires on one side and power cables onthe other as power cables are the root cause of all this noise.
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Old 17th September 2005, 11:05   #1674
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Originally Posted by moodswings
Navin/Sam n others please enlighten.....I am experiencing a problem with my Car audio setup........when ever I acclerate there is a whistling sound and it increases with acceleration. The only option I have right now is to increase the volume of the system so that I do not hear the sound. What is the cause of this and how can this be overcome. You can well imagine that after spending around 50-60K on my Music system such a irritating issue arises and beleive me it is very irritating and it frustrates me to eternity.
Dont worry, can be solved.

Give us a list of the equipment in your car first.
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Old 17th September 2005, 11:09   #1675
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Yes do that and after we solve it Shoot the Installer! Sam, I'm sorry. We used to have this problem in the 70s. why does it still crop up today? Alternator whine should be dead.
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Old 17th September 2005, 11:18   #1676
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Originally Posted by zzzehar
First of all, Who'z that beautiful girl in the pic?

Also if I go in only for JBL 506CE (Components) and put them in front and do not but anything else for rear (Budget is very tight) Do you think they will fulfill my requirement of loud and clear sound with appropriate beats (bass)?
In this case the setup will be Sony 5510/Pioneer 5750 HU and only front JBL Components. Nothing else.

The beautiful girl is Carlie, from the JBL BMX cycle team. She's pretty and provides a nice third dimension to a otherwise flat logo

Only 506Ce in the front. Aseem would approve, I would agree, but wait for rears eventually. Loud and clear sound is fine, but you may find a lack of bass. Not that the mid-woofer of the 506CE is incapable of bass, the factory position does not make a nice box/enclosure enough to provide what can be termed as "bass" enough. It will sound nice.
It is always better to buy less, but buy good stuff than buy a lotta cr*p and regret later.
Incidentally the pioneer, coupled with the JBL may give you a little more treble than you expected. Some people like it, so this would depend on your taste.
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Old 17th September 2005, 11:21   #1677
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Originally Posted by navin
Yes do that and after we solve it Shoot the Installer! Sam, I'm sorry. We used to have this problem in the 70s. why does it still crop up today? Alternator whine should be dead.
Not dead Amigo. It's still inexplicable. Certain cars (read: Honda City often), certain equipment, certain cable....
anybody who says he has it licked is a liar. But yes, solutions exist.
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Old 17th September 2005, 11:32   #1678
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Originally Posted by navin
Yes do that and after we solve it Shoot the Installer! Sam, I'm sorry. We used to have this problem in the 70s. why does it still crop up today? Alternator whine should be dead.
I agree... Unfortunately, while there are a few decent brands & products available for the actual system, there are no options on cabling available with the average installer. I have seen installers using household electrical cables for amps, and most chinese RCA cables cost not more that Rs. 150-200. They have very poor noise rejection and tend to add their own signature to the sound.

As Navinji mentioned, the 'wiring route' rule if applied helps eradicate this problem. But, sometimes even thats not enough. The weakest component in the system, like dodgy EQs, DSPs (could be anything though) seem cause grounding issues and need extra attention.

Thats why we need good installers...
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Old 17th September 2005, 11:35   #1679
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not likced it but by now it should be easy to implement soltions X, Y or Z for the problem.

The problem lies with the fact that car maufacturers dont expect people to go around fitting EQs, amps and component speakers cars. I find most times that these are the main "pickup" points for the noise. components becasue their XO's inductors are nice pickup coils like that of a moving coil cartridge.

if you take care of the power cables (dont run them close to the RCA cables) run a rubber sheet between the power cables and the chassis and locate the XO boxes carefully. the chances are minimised. one funny install was my wife's sail.

The Alpine HU would give a whine. Change it to a Blaupunkt and the whine would go. I forget what we did to fix that. Maybe Leena at Bharat can remember. Took some tinkering.
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Old 17th September 2005, 11:37   #1680
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Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi

She's pretty and provides a nice third dimension to a otherwise flat logo

sam you really have a very good sense of humour..
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