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Old 31st December 2021, 18:34   #1
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Sri Amman Car Silencer Works | Madipakkam & Thiruvanmiyur (Chennai)

My Hyundai Xcent was making a lot of noise due to some cracks in the silencer. I was looking out for some mechanics to get this job done and inquired at a couple of places. All the places were suggesting that the exhaust pipe (after the catalytic converter) was to be changed and welding was no option for the same. While I definitely agreed to their point, the charge they quoted (Rs.4500-5000/-) looked a bit on the higher side to me.

Finally, looking at the Team-BHP review of German Motor Works (Car repair & maintenance - German Motor Works, Chennai), called them up and was answered by Mr.Imayavarman. Upon listening to my issue, he promptly directed me to Mr.Ashok Kumar of Amman Car Silencer Works in Madipakkam. Talked with Mr.Ashok and took my car to his workshop.

The workshop is a small one located in a street between Kamakshi Hospital and Kaiveli junction. The workshop can just accommodate a single car and there are two small metal ramps (not fixed - refer the photos below) to lift the car. Mr.Ashok inspected my car and suggested the same as others had told earlier - to change the pipe. And, I was quoted Rs.2800/- for the job.

Old cracked silencer:
Sri Amman Car Silencer Works | Madipakkam & Thiruvanmiyur (Chennai)-silencercracks.jpg

In the next half an hour, the job was completed and the car got rid of the unnecessary noise. I was totally impressed by the swiftness of the job and I would definitely recommend this place for silencer-related issues.

Old and New exhaust pipes
Sri Amman Car Silencer Works | Madipakkam & Thiruvanmiyur (Chennai)-silenceroldandnew.jpg

Workshop pics:
Sri Amman Car Silencer Works | Madipakkam & Thiruvanmiyur (Chennai)-workshopfrontage.jpg
Sri Amman Car Silencer Works | Madipakkam & Thiruvanmiyur (Chennai)-workshopinside2.jpg

WIP in my car:
Sri Amman Car Silencer Works | Madipakkam & Thiruvanmiyur (Chennai)-mycaratworkshop.jpg
Sri Amman Car Silencer Works | Madipakkam & Thiruvanmiyur (Chennai)-mycarwipunderbody.jpg

Finally, their business card:
Sri Amman Car Silencer Works | Madipakkam & Thiruvanmiyur (Chennai)-visitingcard.jpg

1. A place to take care of silencer/exhaust related issues - so, has in-depth knowledge of everything related to exhaust
2. No unnecessary cross-selling of products

Cons (I might be nit-picking here):
1. Very small workshop is in a narrow lane. If you are looking for 'customer lounge' sort-of facilities, this place is not the place to go. Has 2 steel chairs - and if its free, its all yours.

Location (Madipakkam workshop):
It's on the second left (adjacent to Karupatti Coffee) after the Indian Oil Petrol bunk when you are coming towards Velachery from Kamakshi hospital.

Contact Number:
I contacted Mr.Ashok Kumar @ 9600088438


Last edited by Aditya : 1st January 2022 at 20:21. Reason: As requested
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Old 31st December 2021, 22:49   #2
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re: Sri Amman Car Silencer Works | Madipakkam & Thiruvanmiyur (Chennai)

Very informative Mr Vijay, thanks for sharing. I request our fellow team members to share reference/contact of such workshops in Bangalore as my Eon's exhaust has become a bit loud due to small holes in silencer. According to Hyundai SA, it can be easily repaired outside using gas welding.
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