Team-BHP - Worried of being Waylaid? Some tips to ensure safety

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Off late, there have been several reported incidents of vehicles being waylaid by ruffians. Some of these happen on empty roads in the middle of the night, while others rear their ugly face in broad daylight. Simple fact is that safety cannot be taken for granted.

Some basic preparation and common sense can go a long way in ensuring an enjoyable drive for your loved ones and you.

Here are some tips that I picked up along the way.

1 – Prevention and Precaution go a long way.

2 – What if someone tries to stop you forcibly?

3 – What if a confrontation cannot be avoided?

4 - Things to keep in mind:

I know that we cannot always avoid mishaps. But that is no excuse for not trying. Please do feel free to add more ideas and tips. After all, there is no such thing as too much safety.


*mods – A search did not reveal a similar thread in the ‘Road Safety’ section. If needed, please merge with an existing topic if available. Thanks!


Originally Posted by Tassem (Post 3289944)
[*]Do not try to inflict intentional bodily harm. [*]If you cannot escape, avoid picking a fight. This is not a test of bravery. Going back to your life safe and sound should be your priority.[*]Comply with their demands, seek help once you’re safe.

Say you were forced to get out and they are inflicting intentional bodily harm on you. What should one do in such a case?

Any weapon/contraption that you carry for safety purposes, might be snatched and used against you.

So use it judiciously.

Tassem, I think you should shed little more clarity on the meaning of waylaid.

Is it

Are you suggesting the same prescription in the above situations?

Just back from an incident that happened in broad daylight in one busy junction in Madurai-This was just a day after I bought my MM550 and that was my Wedding Anniversary too. We were not waylaid but a drunken rowdy in a half-police garb and seemingly built like a Policeman stopped his Pulsar right in the middle of a 4 lane junction, pulled out his mobile and started talking aloud causing a traffic pile on all four lines which has no traffic signal. We started moving slowly, making way for the others too to cross beyond the man. None of the riders honked cos they thought he was a Policeman, but I did when I was just about to cross him as he moved the bike to stop the traffic still.
He saw my wife and kids in the Jeep, looked at the registration number and since it was from another locality, started shouting abusively; He turned the tale stating I was about to run over him and who will feed his wife and kids if he passed away. He made people stop, brought them along and made the scenario appear like I had caused the traffic jam. He asked me to get down, tried opening the door and I was at my wits end and wanted to run my Jeep on his Pulsar and wanted to bang him with the opened Jeep door.
I held the door and shouted back bringing people's attention to his talking on the cell phone and the gathering crowd was moving away. He was still insisting on me getting down and I knew it would be the ugliest episode ever and if he were a Policeman, then the cops can only build stories and evidences in their own lines and hence chose to remain calm and shifted my eyes from staring him and started signalling the other vehicles to move on to my left and right.
The moment the drunkard understood that the crowd had dispersed and I couldn't be intimidated, he let go off the door and took his bike and left the place.
I was jittery about the way mob could turn based on false claims and running into an insane cop on a happy Wedding Anniversary that too driving a Jeep for which I had waited for more than 20 years was the least that I could expect.

The lessons that I learnt:
  1. Be calm
  2. Respond to the situation and dont react
  3. Avoid argument at any cost
  4. Peace is the toughest armor in which lies our safety
  5. Staring into the eyes, raising the eyebrows, pointing fingers, waving viciously, trying to reach for weapons and other such body languages are the most hazardous moves once can make
  6. Be on the lookout for alternatives while being alert on the next move of the attackers
  7. The point of provocation could be in the form of a dent or damage to our vehicle about which we are passionate about.
  8. They might even trick you into flaring up through purposely perpetrated attacks on the vehicle
  9. When its possible, list out those precious things in life that you would be out to hold on dear to you should an eventual incident crop up. Meditate on how to safeguard them all a couple of times and rehearse it in your mind. Then its easier to handle such a situation even if the body is tired after a long drive


Originally Posted by Samurai (Post 3290475)
Say you were forced to get out and they are inflicting intentional bodily harm on you. What should one do in such a case?

To be honest, I believe you can drive away from almost all situations. What happens however, is people are worried about damaging their vehicles. It's second nature and cannot be blamed. But drive in whichever direction possible and do not worry about dents, scratches etc. Ram into the vehicle that is blocking you. Do not do this at full speed because your engine may cut off. Instead drive into it and then accelerate. I know in a moment of emergency remembering these instructions are difficult. But with a little presence of mind, you can do it. I'm sure you'll agree.

However if for some reason you are dragged out of the vehicle, In most scenarios, if you comply with their demands (money, valuables etc.) they will leave you scathed but unhurt.

However, if you believe your life/modesty is at risk, and you cannot flee, you must be prepared to go on the offensive. A rock, or any other sharp object may be used as a weapon. But be judicious. A loss of life even under self defense would warrant several months of torment from our law. A pepper spray helps a lot in these situations as it does not require contact and can be used from a distance. Due to its diminutive size, its difficult to pry it away from you as well.

Having said all that, using your vehicle is still the best option and provides the highest degree of success.


Originally Posted by ramzsys (Post 3290498)
Any weapon/contraption that you carry for safety purposes, might be snatched and used against you.

So use it judiciously.

I completely agree!


Originally Posted by Samurai (Post 3290588)
Tassem, I think you should shed little more clarity on the meaning of waylaid.

Is it
  • Road rage situation
  • Angry mob situation
  • Robbery/Rape situation

Are you suggesting the same prescription in the above situations?

By waylaid, I mean a situation where someone blocks your vehicle with the intention of robbing you. Road rage usually fizzles out quickly if you do not react. However robbers wont.

If there is a lady in the car, then you should spare no effort in driving away from the scene.


Originally Posted by JEHU (Post 3290609)
Just back from an incident that happened in broad daylight in one busy junction in Madurai-This was just a day after I bought my MM550 and that was my Wedding Anniversary too. We were not waylaid but a drunken rowdy in a half-police garb and seemingly built like a Policeman stopped his Pulsar right in the middle of a 4 lane junction, pulled out his mobile and started talking aloud causing a traffic pile on all four lines which has no traffic signal. We started moving slowly, making way for the others too to cross beyond the man. None of the riders honked cos they thought he was a Policeman, but I did when I was just about to cross him as he moved the bike to stop the traffic still.

Thank you for sharing your experience. What an ordeal!

I'm glad you had the presence of mind to act sensibly. And yes, such situations are commonplace these days. The exact reason behind this thread.

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