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Old 28th September 2020, 20:10   #196
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by sivasain View Post
In fact the dealer did try to pass off the Showroom floor car earlier last week as new car that is assigned to me. I rejected it and asked them to get another one.
Congratulations on your new buy. Hope it serves you for long long time.

Can you tell us how did you identify that it is a showroom floor car?
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Old 28th September 2020, 21:26   #197
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by fordday View Post
Can you tell us how did you identify that it is a showroom floor car?
The carpet in the rear was dirty and sunroof had lots of finger prints on the inside. And the smell. I kind of have an OCD for these things.
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Old 29th September 2020, 10:28   #198
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

I got an SMS from ASS,KHT Motors Bangalore, about TML launching Extended Warranty for Nexon EV

Here is the EW pricing mentioned

3+1 EW : Rs 17999
3+2 EW : Rs 24999

SMS also had a note : These prices will increase by 10% after September.

While offering EW is a welcome move , not sure about the pricing.
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Old 29th September 2020, 11:05   #199
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Got a message from a Tata dealer regarding the price hike for Nexon of about 25k to 35k in ex-showroom prices from October 1. Don't know whether this is legit, but still if a dealer claims that there will be a price hike, there might be one!
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Old 29th September 2020, 11:40   #200
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

The news about the price hike, if true, is totally uncalled for. Battery technology improves every year, while the price of existing tech drops significantly. We as customers expect Tata to pass on the benefits.

Seems the marketing teams are hung up on their standard practice of increasing prices every now and then for no good reason. The sooner they realise that EVs will not work that way, the better it will be for everyone.
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Old 29th September 2020, 18:47   #201
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by urbanzameendar View Post
...not comfortable with installing the 'White Potential Explosives' in the form of CNG Tanks
CNG is a safe technology. Despite 2 decades of use in India and me living in a city that has a very high penetration of CNG use, I have never seen a vehicle go BOOM... be it India, Italy or Bangladesh, 3 countries where CNG is used and I visit frequently.

Originally Posted by urbanzameendar View Post
the average lifespan of the battery is one thing which no one talks about. With such rapid use, say a couple of thousand kilometers a month for an average user, how long will the battery survive before it's rendered useless and needs a replacement?
If a company like Tata is offering an 8 year battery warranty, they are sure to have kept a buffer. Since their battery suppliers, who are likely to have approved the 8 year assurance and most likely supply to at least half a dozen other applications, these guys are very sure. So ideally 9 years should be possible.

Originally Posted by urbanzameendar View Post
what would be the resale value of the car ideally after 5 years and 60 thousand kilometers (a lower count though).
Keep an eye on 2nd hand car sales sites abroad. I am sure that many 5 year old EVs are coming on resale already abroad. Also Sri Lanka has a fair number of old Japanese EVs running there. So Lankan car sites should give you data.That should give you a ballpark figure of the kind of depreciation to expect.

Originally Posted by urbanzameendar View Post
EVs can't be serviced by regular joes with a set of 'paana-pakad' unlike their ICE counterpart. Emergency breakdown on highways, ease of after-warranty service at FNG is questionable, specifically due to Tata's after-sales service's reputation.
How often do you service your electric ceiling fan or mixie? I am still running the stuff I bought 25 years ago. I think my grandparents house has fans from pre-independence period, but they may have undergone some service. EVs have the advantage of very few moving parts. The few moving parts are also rated at very high levels of reliability. Hence, Tesla is discussing Infinite Warranty for their cars. Arguably, Tata and Tesla have little in common except the first letter, but still reliability is a given in EVs.

The only glitchy part in an EV is the software and with every OTA Update that gets more and more robust. Remember the heating, hanging and rebooting of early Android phones. With Android 9 and 10 it is bullet-proof!

Originally Posted by urbanzameendar View Post
no one knows what sort of issues and problems the car is going to throw at you down the line.
An EV is the agglomeration of old, proven tech.The upsides and downsides are known. It is not like cold fusion or CRISPR gene editing where we don't know the pitfalls. Modern testing protocols for automobiles are robust and the number of absolute lemon of a car that you will see has petered down drastically in the last decades.

Originally Posted by urbanzameendar View Post
Also in my opinion, until the time battery swap is available at every nook and corner like fuel stations, EVs do not particularly make much sense to me. The Govt. should setup an infrastructure in every fuel pump across the country where "swap & go" sort of battery packs are available like LPG cylinders. Getting your vehicle charged every 250 kms is highly impractical.
Battery swap is not practical given that one cannot get 50 odd cell phone manufacturers to agree on common charger protocols.This cannot be Govt. driven in any case.

Again drawing on the cellphone analogy - I used to carry massive charge banks, buy obscure phones with 5000 mAh batteries to last me the whole day. These days I use a OnePlus 7T with 3500 mAH battery and it works well for me. Why? 1) The software and hardware are more energy efficient 2) I know what things to switch off to keep my battery consumption controlled and 3) The 30W fast charge lets me top up 20% additional charge in minutes.

Exactly the same thing is happening with EV batteries and fast chargers. We shall see batteries getting more and more energy dense, the whole eco-system getting more efficient with power optimal use and the chargers get cheaper / faster and more ubiquitous. Why can't every 10th city street lamp-post become a fast charger? Mark my words - it will.... when the hardware and software can be packed into the cylinder of the lamp-post.

As for 250 kms of range - 80% plus private car owners in India don't clock that kind of daily mileage. If an EV is your 2nd car and your daily runabout / commuter, what is the issue?

Originally Posted by urbanzameendar View Post
Govt. should make it mandatory for the battery to be of standard dimensions across all segment of EVs, which will allow a faster penetration of the technology into mass market. If an electric bike needs 1 battery, a car should need 4 or 6 of the same size and power, as per the requirement. Just like the standardized form of USB cable.

The bottomline is, I for one, wouldn't be comfortable with an EV unless it's battery is hot-swappable just like fill it, shut it, forget it. Till then, I prefer to stick to a traditional engine.
The history of communism is proof that the market is a better mandate than the Central Govt. and I'd let the market sort it out. Ultimately no one but the individual user can decide whether they will stick to a horse buggy or try out the new-fangled inventions they call 'horse-less carriages'. But within 3 to 5 years ICE vehicles are dead.

I just bought myself a car before the Nexon EV got launched. But I am very sure, my next car is gotta be an EV. And that Nano I keep as a run-about is gonna be modified into a stonking EV the moment I find a trust-worthy modifier. . . . Gonna smoke some boy-racers with an electrified Nano
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Old 30th September 2020, 19:55   #202
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Question to existing Nexon EV Owners: Is there an engine number for the EV and if yes where can I find it physically on the car?
My Nexon EV has arrived at the dealership and I did a PDI today. I couldn't find out the Engine number neither did the SA had any clue.
In my E2O, the engine number written on a plate riveted inside the engine compartment. Couldn't find anything similar in Nexon EV.
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Old 30th September 2020, 21:32   #203
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by Holyghost View Post
Question to existing Nexon EV Owners: Is there an engine number for the EV and if yes where can I find it physically on the car?
My Nexon EV has arrived at the dealership and I did a PDI today. I couldn't find out the Engine number neither did the SA had any clue.
In my E2O, the engine number written on a plate riveted inside the engine compartment. Couldn't find anything similar in Nexon EV.
Nexon has a Motor Number. I had got it from my sales advisor when the car left the factory. Not sure where it is found.

When i did the PDI ... i just verified the chassis number.
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Old 1st October 2020, 18:04   #204
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

For all those who want views from the existing owners of the car, please check : (Ownership Review: Tata Nexon EV (1000 km))
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Old 2nd October 2020, 06:56   #205
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by sivasain View Post
The carpet in the rear was dirty and sunroof had lots of finger prints on the inside. And the smell. I kind of have an OCD for these things.
Wow, didn't see this coming. congrats.

- The fat guy from Goa.
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Old 2nd October 2020, 10:56   #206
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Electric Vehicle Awareness drive/rally by Tata Motors at Cubbon Park. 2 Oct, 10.30 AM onwards. Events are back!
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Old 2nd October 2020, 11:47   #207
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by akshay380 View Post
Wow, didn't see this coming. congrats.
Thanks. So got the delivery exactly on the date I was promised. Manu from KHT motors, Kundanahalli, Bangalore was quite responsive and provided great service.

Did some 50km of driving last night ... Tata has come a long long way in the last 10 years. I expected built in navigation since they advertised what 3 words etc. But it relies on AndroidAuto/CarPlay plus Companion App on the phone to work.

Not able to register on the zConnect app yet, it says the Chassis number is not mapped to the customer yet.

Like everything else about the car.
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Old 3rd October 2020, 09:47   #208
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

You are correct on the navigation, the what3words is kinda pointless and redirects to google maps on phone to work. Tata missed out a lot on having an esim and not delivering navigation and other features through the onboard entertainment unit.
Coming to ZConnect, lesser we say about it the better.
1.) I may have unlocked/locked two to three times in my two months usage. It just doesn't work.
2.) Never got the AC on/off, lights on/off and other features to work till now.
3.) the trip history just stops working and resumes whenever it feels like.
4.) The driving score is a joke in the app. Maybe, a toddler designed the algorithm for that.
5.) The only feature that has worked till now is the intrusion detection alert. I was inside the parked car with my daughter, so hit the central locking button on dashboard, and I opened the door from inside. This instantly triggers a text and an app notification saying intrusion detected.

The people in charge of ZConnect and connected features should rent a ZS or any other connected car and use it. Probably, they will learn a thing or two to design it correctly.
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Old 5th October 2020, 17:21   #209
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Hey Nexon EV owners , Tesla Club India is looking for partners for installing an EV charger along the Bangalore- Mangalore route, they will supply the charger.

It will help the EV owners in Karnataka on long distance travel.

Queries can be send to their email :

We are looking for a establishment on Bangalore-Mangalore highway to install our first charger. If any of you have establishment there or someone you know. We will provide EV Type 2 charger.
#EV #India #Bangalore #TCIN
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Old 5th October 2020, 18:03   #210
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Nexon EV continue to sell in good numbers in September.

Review: The Tata Nexon EV-evsalesindia.jpg
  • For the last 3 months, sales are hovering around ~300 units. I wonder if that is the current production capacity for Nexon EV.
  • ZS is selling in decent numbers and better than Kona. Interior space is actually helping ZS over Kona it seems.
  • Pathetic numbers for Tigor and e-Verito should prove to Tata and Mahindra that people need decent range (200+ kms) from EVs. People are more willing to pay premium for decent range EVs than cheaper vehicles with low range.

I hope Tata launches Altoroz EV as soon as possible. Altroz EV along with HBX EV will bring EVs to much wider audience in the country.

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