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Old 21st January 2023, 13:25   #31
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

Originally Posted by Nanolover View Post
Even after 100% charge, the range as per the app is 11 kms
I would say not to take the range as a sign of further issues. I assume your car hasn't covered all that many miles during the previous discharge cycles and the low range indication could be because of that. I'm not so sure myself, but for your sake I hope that's the case.
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Old 21st January 2023, 13:44   #32
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

Originally Posted by Nanolover View Post
Yup always home charged and to 100% always. However for the last charge, the charge refused to rise above 26 to 65% even after 8 hours overnight ( usual charging time is 10% every hour) .
Does tata have a on-the-fly diagnostic service where they can quickly scan the BMS remotely? I heard from my friend in the US that Tesla offers such a support when he saw similar issues with charging, they could scan it at the very instance saving a trip to the service station.
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Old 21st January 2023, 14:05   #33
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

Originally Posted by Nanolover View Post
Update: the entire LV wiring harness is being changed. The part has arrived and now work in progress changing it.

Hopefully will receive the car next week.
Sometimes logic defies these service center guys diagnosis. How can a new wire harness be the culprit unless it has been chewed down or damaged due to some accident. Hope they know their job well and this actually gets to fix your problem.

EVs had been catching my fancy lately but seeing these issues am gonna resist my desire for another two to three years. Also waiting for Maruti to launch theirs. They usually get the basic recipe right.
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Old 23rd January 2023, 14:25   #34
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

I cancelled my Tiago.EV booking as I am not mentally prepared to face such issues, especially with my wife expected to drive it more often, with kids sometimes. Felt sad to cancel as the Tiago EV is otherwise a great package as a second car for city drive which was my primary requirement. I had no worries about range anxiety or any issues with charging at home.

I will wait for at least one more year watching out whether Tata takes concrete steps to avoid getting stranded. Until then I will manage with the Santro AT as city car. There may be some other good options by then. At this time Citroen eC3 is also too new to consider.

May be what they can do - perhaps these are silly suggestions - Just like we get some warning about the ICE car battery becoming weak , something should be added in BMS to give early warning when there are some battery issues or circuit issues.
Perhaps they can add more QC checks on batteries procured which can reveal any defects.

I am sure they can do something with so many of their EVs on road with customers. There are quite a few instances reported in T-BHP with their EV cars getting stranded.

Last edited by mohan41 : 23rd January 2023 at 14:33.
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Old 23rd January 2023, 16:58   #35
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

I'm not sure if this is an issue but just sharing my experience of the tiago ev test drive. During the test drive I had to stop just before a signal so that I could ask my wife to sit on the backseat to see if it feels comfortable. The tiago ev was in N. The signal turned green and I had forgotten that I had the car in N and pressed on the accelerator. The car started to crawl (I don't know if this is default behavior in N). I realised that the car was really slow to cross the signal (perhaps under 5km/hr) and then tried to turn the dial to D but no matter what I did, it would not turn over to D. The tata sales guy who was sitting behind asked me to press the brake and then change it to D (which is think is ridiculous as someone not paying attention could have struck us from behind). When I got the opportunity after crossing the signal and with no one behind, I tried pressing the brake with the car moving along in N mode but it still did not change over to D. We then had to stop the vehicle on the left, press the brake and then it moved over to D mode. The sales guy was silent and did not comment on why this could happen.
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Old 23rd January 2023, 18:51   #36
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

Originally Posted by oli.ferns View Post
I'm not sure if this is an issue but just sharing my experience of the tiago ev test drive. .
This is pure OT to the OP's problem here.
Still, the vehicle shouldn't move an inch when the gear is in neutral unless it's a natural gradual decline on the road.
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Old 23rd January 2023, 19:41   #37
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

Originally Posted by saisree View Post
This is pure OT to the OP's problem here.
Still, the vehicle shouldn't move an inch when the gear is in neutral unless it's a natural gradual decline on the road.
Right and I expected the same, it should not have moved in N. I can't say for sure if there was a bit of a slope (as I had released the handbrake too. Its the signal before the right turn to the bibewadi devaki motors tata showroom, Pune) but it should have atleast moved over to D while in motion - it did not do that.

Last edited by oli.ferns : 23rd January 2023 at 19:44. Reason: added more info
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Old 23rd January 2023, 23:19   #38
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

Originally Posted by oli.ferns View Post
The tata sales guy who was sitting behind asked me to press the brake and then change it to D (which is think is ridiculous as someone not paying attention could have struck us from behind).
Every automatic car I’ve driven requires us to do this. And there is sound logic behind this. You do not want your kids accidentally engaging drive for one. There are other reasons as well.

In fact my e-parking brake also no longer dis engages in my new car unless i have the brake pedal pressed.

Im not sure about your test drive experience, but my wife’s kwid sometimes refuses to engage drive unless brake pedal is fully 100% depressed.

I realise this has gone off topic and I apologise.

@Nanolover - i know you’ve mentioned that communication has been a problem but did you get confirmation on any visible damage to the old wiring harness? Im assuming this is generally not exposed under the body. Being from Bangalore, im just thinking of our unscientific road humps.

Last edited by Abhiram : 23rd January 2023 at 23:24.
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Old 24th January 2023, 10:04   #39
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

  • Car is still at the workshop for the 8th day ( 12 if you count the first breakdown also)
  • Apparently some module also has to be replaced. Ordered the part and is yet to arrive.
  • No courtesy car provided.
  • Will check as to when the part will arrive and update me.
  • This was after me calling up and asking.

Goes to show the short sightedness I had in thinking I can live only with an EV and sell off the Celerio. In fact now I am thinking of the reverse- sell the Tigor and be in the safety of tried and trusted technology.
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Old 24th January 2023, 10:15   #40
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

Tata Motors has good experience in servicing their electric cars, so once it is sorted out, you should have a reliable experience. The warranty is long to address these concerns. Dealer incompetence is a problem though.
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Old 24th January 2023, 12:17   #41
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

Originally Posted by ohaak View Post
Tata Motors has good experience in servicing their electric cars, so once it is sorted out, you should have a reliable experience. The warranty is long to address these concerns. Dealer incompetence is a problem though.
This may be slightly off topic, but I’d like to share from experience that it is easy to blame the dealer as a scapegoat for customer unfriendly policies and reliability concerns in TML cars.

If one reads the TML annual report, the points about customer complaints and product reliability concerns are featured as key concerns for stakeholders.
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Old 24th January 2023, 23:06   #42
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

Originally Posted by oli.ferns View Post
I'm not sure if this is an issue but just sharing my experience of the tiago ev test drive. During the test drive I had to stop just before a signal so that I could ask my wife to sit on the backseat to see if it feels comfortable. The tiago ev was in N. The signal turned green and I had forgotten that I had the car in N and pressed on the accelerator. The car started to crawl (I don't know if this is default behavior in N). I realised that the car was really slow to cross the signal (perhaps under 5km/hr) and then tried to turn the dial to D but no matter what I did, it would not turn over to D. The tata sales guy who was sitting behind asked me to press the brake and then change it to D (which is think is ridiculous as someone not paying attention could have struck us from behind). When I got the opportunity after crossing the signal and with no one behind, I tried pressing the brake with the car moving along in N mode but it still did not change over to D. We then had to stop the vehicle on the left, press the brake and then it moved over to D mode. The sales guy was silent and did not comment on why this could happen.
Automatic cars generally require you to press the brake when shifting away from P (park) as a safety feature. However Tata hasn't deemed it important to give a Park selector in their gear selector so this safety feature has been implemented in Neutral (N). So what this means:

1. Your car moved because it was on a slight decline. Nothing to do with your pressing the accelerator.

2. A normal automatic would not have moved since the Park cog will hold it in place. Thus pressing the brakes to change gears wouldn't lead to any change in car movement so this safety feature wouldn't become an unintended hazard/incovinience.

3. A normal automatic has no problems shifting from D to N or from N to D while the car is moving, even at highway speeds. Accidentally hitting the gear shifter and going to Neutral wouldn't require you to come to a stop in fast moving traffic to go back into gear.

4. It is unsure whether shifting to neutral while Tata EVs are moving will then necessitate coming to a full stop to go back into D or if this safety lock only triggers when the car is already at a complete halt. A thoughtful engineer would have implemented it only in the latter. More experimentation required, hopefully someone with a Tata EV can try it out and tell us.
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Old 28th January 2023, 11:37   #43
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved


The car was returned to me yesterday and per service advisor the BCM module ( battery control) was replaced and the LV wiring harness also.

They will also replace the charger under warranty. However it will take a week plus to arrive as it is not in stock.

Drove a distance of 15 kms back home , no problem till now.

Will drive more over next week and keep all of you updated.
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Old 29th January 2023, 17:46   #44
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

Originally Posted by Nanolover View Post
Hi All members,

Wanted to bring my plight to your notice and a warning to anyone considering Tata EV as their ONLY mode of transport.

The most frightening part is the car switching from D to N on its own on steep slopes, busy junctions, midway when you cross a traffic signal which leads to total chaos and swearing from other road users, not to mention me and my family stuck helpless in the middle of busy junctions looking for people to come help push my car. ( multiple errors pop up on dashboard from HV critical failure, aux battery fault and the charge falls from 92 to 0% and says no charge!)

This should scare away any potential buyer/ newbies looking at an EV for a fuss free experience. Now I am sending my kids to school in the Celerio. Boring and hum drum car maybe, but bulletproof reliability and backed by proper service.

Sharing my ordeal here, so that all members are aware of the pitfalls when switching to a new technology which is backed by a clueless service team.
Do you sit in the car listening to the radio with the car switched off? This will drain the 12V battery. Always start the car when you operate the radio or other equipement in the car.
The drive switching from D to N sounds like a 12V battery fault. Every time you switch on the car, the 12V battery is getting charged, you dont need to drive.
These problems were many in the early days of the EV in Norway.
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Old 9th February 2023, 00:14   #45
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re: 5-month old Tata Tigor EV breaks down for the 2nd time in 3 days | Battery changed; issue resolved

Originally Posted by Nanolover View Post

The car was returned to me yesterday and per service advisor the BCM module ( battery control) was replaced and the LV wiring harness also.

Will drive more over next week and keep all of you updated.
I would also recommend doing a range test a few times to notice if there's been a change since the replacement.

Seems like VW's ID4 had a similar issue
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