Team-BHP - The Official Joke thread

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Here's a true "Team-Bhpian"....

The relationship between a law abiding, tax paying citizen and the government.

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Hope I am not condored here.

Disclaimer - I too own a blue car.

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^^ I guess he meant the one parked farther.:uncontrol

^ Exactly the reason why Arun posted that here :).

Something like this :

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Yesterday we went to a restaurant to pay taxes. VAT, Service Tax, Education Cess, Krishi Kalyan Cess, Swachh Bharat Cess etc. The people there were really nice and warm. They even gave us food. ��

Courtesy: WhatsApp forward

Cops in Dimapur, Nagaland know their memes.

Another 'Copy-Paste' job :Frustrati

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Source (download the attachment)

Mistakes do happen, but how come on a document like e-Auction sale notice which will (should) pass multiple level of checking & approval before being sent for publishing? :Frustrati

This is a real question asked by a parent on Quora.

The answers are, well let's say, not too flattering either.

When one door closes, another one opens. That's when you realise that...
you've bought a really bad second-hand car!


Originally Posted by arunphilip (Post 4167376)
When one door closes, another one opens. That's when you realise that...
you've bought a really bad second-hand car!

ha, ha!

I just learned that this is a perfect example of paraprosdokian!!

Just received this in a whatsapp forward : Very true - for Bangaloreans

For others: These are the biggest bottlenecks on the stretch which hosts maximum tech companies, and hence a daily grinder for most of the IT folks at bangalore

Attack that chariot!!

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Picture courtesy: Military Memes

Received this as a watsapp forward. It relieved my mind today. I was rolling on floor after watching this. :uncontrol

Mod Note: If this has already put up earlier in here kindly excuse me.

A WhatsApp forward. Enjoy The Official Joke thread-img20170326wa0000.jpg

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