Team-BHP - The Official Joke thread

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Originally Posted by mayankk (Post 4860316)
Stick through the video. The turn is, well, unexpected:

All EVs should have such an emergency/range extender generator.

Saw this funny video shared by Anand Mahindra. Hilarious.

Musk must be kicking himself in the face and Honda I'm sure is having a hearty laugh!

I read through the Twitter replies to make some sense out of it. It felt like a staged joke, could have been a innocent attempt to relieve ones anxiety of running out of charge, or pure ingenuity !

So I looked up on net on some of the specs.

A portable generator with weight of about 45 kg will provide ~ 3kva of power.
A Tesla level 2 charger at minimum power delivers 3kwh and charges about 10miles range in an hour.

So while in video that guy said 5 mins, but in reality he is going to sit there for 1 hr if nearest charging station is about 10 miles away....

I think this was just staged to have some fun.

Looks like the video is posted by Justin Flom. He is famous for posting such videos. Usually shows up in my facebook feed.

He comes up with some wierd ideas and pranks his wife. This time it appears that he has got a new character!

Discontinued would have been a better phrase :D

Wishes run like horses, desire flies like ...

Why does a chicken coop have only two doors?

Because if it had four, it would be a chicken sedan!

Courtesy Bad Dad Jokes!

What a nice truck.
Oh wait...
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Self explanatory.

Built like a tank, this time referring to a mobile phone by Nokia.

When cars are self-driven and have a mind of their own, why can't they have infections of their own?

The latest type of cpr as per a TV channel

Such types of Aatmnirbharta will only decrease the sales lol:

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This is an old one but wanted to share.
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I've felt the need for such a set up at times !lol:

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