Team-BHP - The Official Joke thread

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I was visiting my son last night when I asked if I could borrow a newspaper.

‘This is the 21st century dad,' he said. 'We don't waste money on newspapers no more........... Here, you can use my I-Pad.'

I can tell you this........ that wasp never knew what hit it!

Low quality OC. Please enjoy.

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One from the T-bhp classifieds section.
A 1990 Omni (he is pushing it for a "vintage" tag) and comes with an asking price of 15L. I'd like to really know what this guy's been smoking!


Originally Posted by jeeva (Post 5156651)
One from the T-bhp classifieds section.
A 1990 Omni (he is pushing it for a "vintage" tag) and comes with an asking price of 15L. I'd like to really know what this guy's been smoking!

Good strategy, if nothing else.

Seller: 15 lakhs!!!
Buyer: Not a rupee over 2 lakhs!!
Seller: SOLD!!!

lol: rl:

PS: On a more realistic note, maybe he meant 1.5 lakh. Or even 15,000. And typo'd out on the zeroes. Who's to say.

Volkswagen's Upcoming Launches:

Based on recent events: :D

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I don't know if these have been posted here, or whether this is even the right thread for it, but the USA's IIHS has been 'crash-testing' Lego vehicles and assigning 'ratings'.

Germany's ADAC Technik-Zentrum (the official test laboratory for Global NCAP's #SaferCarsForIndia and #SaferCarsForAfrica projects, and Latin NCAP; and an accredited laboratory for Euro NCAP and by extension ANCAP) has been performing these too.

Also seen here in a clear view is the propulsion system used by the laboratory for bringing the car up to required test speed. Should help clear any doubts from the minds of those who were wondering if cars with AEB would have an unfair advantage in the offset-deformable barrier test.


Originally Posted by ron178 (Post 5168596)
I don't know if these have been posted here, or whether this is even the right thread for it....

Might be more appropriate in this thread:

Received this SMS today. Why would anyone want to work here?


Originally Posted by adi.mariner (Post 5168976)
Received this SMS today. Why would anyone want to work here?

I think that's too little money per day to slap the eel. What if it's electric?

Amazon often comes up with pleasant surprises. Sometimes, surprises get morphed into shocking listings.

Available here is an apparently new iteration of shirts wearable by men (from Mars???).

For your viewing pleasure:

My message to FB friends :-
I am scared to write
Happy birthday (someone's name) these days!
The spell check could do:
Happy birthday Jasper for Jaspreet
Happy birthday Shame for Shyam
Hence in these hyperactive spell check times, its only "Happy birthday" and no name!
Please bear up with me.

I was forwarded this one, and found it worth sharing...

Out of this world car seats..

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