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Old 2nd January 2010, 11:17   #3661
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I have a Canon 590IS. Got it last year. It seems that the model has been discontinued now. The camera takes out good photos but then it also consumes a lot of batteries. Say around 100 snaps with 2 new cells.
Anybody else facing this same problem with this camera?
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Old 2nd January 2010, 12:21   #3662
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Robimahanta wrote:
Just a piece of are reading too many reviews. Just quoting multiple reviews from different sources proving how good a camera is, don't mean a thing unless you can produce some quality results. A pro can always produce great pictures no matter what he/she is shooting with. There's more to a great picture than just the equipment.

That’s not the issue we are addressing: the Net has given us a great tool for vetting the humongous choices available, as we have neither the brick n mortar outlets nor the fantastic return policies of US mail order firms to try n buy. Why would you want to handicap yourself by not availing of this great resource?

Robimahanta wrote:
I am not talking about chucking away my DSLR don't have to tell me that. I just said that there's no point comparing Pns to DSLRS as its like comparing apples and oranges. When you say "No DSLR can give as sharp an out put over the entire range it covers: 24-300mm equivalent!"..a lot of amateurs who are thinking about getting a DSLR can be misleaded.

That’s a pretty vague statement: a high percentage of amateurs don’t even know what to expect from DSLRs. They just buy to take all precautions against a wrong purchase. And they would ask for clarification for the statement I made: I can’t qualify every thing I say, because the scenarios are so varied. But I would hope that I shocked a few into pursuing THAT line of enquiry for a perfectly acceptable alternative with a smaller investment in cash and energy. Having said that, the point being made was that you can get better capabilities in SOME areas for less trouble: to get the equivalent range, you would have to carry a wide angle as well as a zoom, and you would lose time changing lenses. As for IQ:

LX3's pocketability and ZS3's image quality? [Page 4]: Panasonic Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review
Unless you are shooting low light, the IQ between the two is very subjective versus differentiating. There have been many samples on this forum proving just that. Low light, sure, I could go as far as saying a 'different league'. Shooting in bright light, this vast difference between the two is just not there.

This is the same principle as an article I just read not too long ago, that compared a $300 Nikon kit lens with an $1800 'Pro' lens in terms of sharpness and differentiating qualities in 'typical' shooting conditions for the common amateur. Again, the differences weren't there and you'd be very hard pressed to tell the images apart, despite the price point differences. However, in poor lighting, the more expensive lens easily won at the faster aperture. In fast action, the AF of the more expensive lens was superior. In terms of build quality, again the more expensive lens won. But in typical bright daylight shooting, the average user couldn't tell the difference.

Its the same principle here. You may want to see a 'different league' of a difference, because you think that it should be there, but in 'real world' comparisons, its just not there.

Maybe I should have qualified my post by saying that "No DSLR can give as sharp an out put over the entire range it covers: 24-300mm equivalent in 5 secs"! My bad, I read the review a few months ago and I posted a gist of what I remembered.

Robimahanta wrote:
Adaptability (read changeable lenses), AF speed, optical viewfinder, manual controls, iso range, depth of field, quality optics are some features which very few PnS can give when compared to even entry level DSLRS.

If a PnS user was knowledgeable enough to want and shop for those features, I would think he would ask for more clarification before plunking down cash for an advanced PnS. And a DSLR user would appreciate that the ZS3 is more versatile than any piece of kit he already owns.

Hope that clarifies my view!

Last edited by proton : 2nd January 2010 at 12:24. Reason: tidied up
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Old 2nd January 2010, 22:15   #3663
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I am looking for a new camera in next few days. I already have a canon S2 IS and nikon L6 for pocketability.

One of the primary criteria is good zoom and video, since this will be my primary video shooting equipment. I narrowed down to following models:

1. pana FZ35 - strongest candidate -
2. canon Sx20 IS - offers articulating LCD, unlimited time lapse recording etc but I get most if it from my S2 IS already. no CHDK yet.

3. Sony HX1 - almost 500$ but has CMOS sensor, and some cool features like sweep panorama, 10 FPS burst mode (but that leaves camera useless for next 18 seconds while it processes them.)
4. canon SX1IS - again CMOS - almost 500$, promises better quality, and super HD resolution. I doubt if any of my computers will be able to play those clips. CHDK available.

and then some more

5. casio FH20 - hyped for upto 1000FPs movies and going back in time for capture, but the still image quality is not satisfactory. and you have to choose between audio and optical zoom while shooting video.
6. samsung HZ25W - has good reviews but I think the video zoom is too jerky. Samsung is not exactly known for cameras either.
7. olympus SP 590 - not as innovative as others.
8. pentax X70 - HD movies at 15 FPs only.
and then some other KODAKs, Fuji S2000D etc not really putting a lot of thought on HD movies though.

Am I leaving out anything good here? And more importantly, My question is, Will I gain anything with the premium I pay for SX1 IS or HX1?

DSLR like controls are desirable, but I am avoiding DSLRs because I hate maintenance. Changing lenses (hence looking at super zooms), storing and cleaning sensor, lenses etc. I would rather spend my time with kids if i can get any out of my job and the part time MBA which starts next week.

EDIT: I left out pana FZ50/Leica V-LUX1. can somebody explain what the premium is for? the zoom is 12 X and not true HD though.

Last edited by vivekiny2k : 2nd January 2010 at 22:20.
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Old 3rd January 2010, 02:18   #3664
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I have finally narrowed down on the Panasonic FZ-35 after looking for a good super-zoom camera within Rs.22,000/-. Today called up the Panasonic showroom in Jayanagar and the sales guy had no idea about the existence of FZ-35. Then called up the Panasonic showroom in Koramangala where the sales guy said FZ-35 will be available for sale only by January end and will cost Rs.28,995/-

How reliable is which is offering the FZ-35 for Rs.19,695/- with 6 months vendor warranty?

jjmehta is offering the FZ-35 for Rs.22,500/- with 3 months vendor warranty.

Any other suggestion to pick up a Panasonic FZ-35 from a reliable vendor in Bangalore??

Last edited by dreamdiesel : 3rd January 2010 at 02:22.
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Old 4th January 2010, 10:04   #3665
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Originally Posted by proton View Post
If a PnS user was knowledgeable enough to want and shop for those features, I would think he would ask for more clarification before plunking down cash for an advanced PnS. And a DSLR user would appreciate that the ZS3 is more versatile than any piece of kit he already owns.
Proton, I got my wife a Fuji F70exr (she will get it when she gets back) and while I was at it picked myself up a Canon S90 from JJ Metha. Both will bill and warranty (3 years for Fuji and 2 year for Canon) from JJ Metha for 42.5K. Each camera came with only a 2GB SD card so I will get 8GB cards separtely.

Thank you for your help the last few days.

Originally Posted by dreamdiesel View Post
jjmehta is offering the FZ-35 for Rs.22,500/- with 3 months vendor warranty.
JJ Metha is in Mumbai. Being from Mumbai I feel comfortable dealing with them as I can go to their store etc.. but I would advise most people to buy locally where there is a Brick and Mortar establishment to touch and feel. Maybe it is my age but this Internet thingy (Ebay, PayPal, etc..) is something that I am not very comfortable with. The younger readers might feel as comfortable with the Internet as they are with Brick and Mortar. Just that I like to put a face and name to everything I buy. Old habits die hard.

Last edited by navin : 4th January 2010 at 10:06.
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Old 4th January 2010, 17:06   #3666
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Hi guys.

I am going on a short trip to Rajasthan and will be in Delhi tomorrow and need a superzoom within 24 hrs.

I have zoomed in on the Panasonic lumix fz35.Came to know that solar digital cam in palika is a reliable dealer.So called him up but hes out of stock for fz35.He has fz28 though and is quoting 19k for it.
Should I go for the Fz28 or are there any other shops in Palika or anywhere else worth checking.Need a trustworthy dealer.

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Old 4th January 2010, 17:31   #3667
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Go to Pritam's camera in Chandni chowk and buy from there.
Very reliable dealer. You can catch metro to Chandni chowk, and take rickshaw to camera market
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Old 4th January 2010, 18:06   #3668
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Ok so I have been calling various vendors frantically and this is their response:

1.Alfa Photos palika--have only official one fz35 for 27.5 k

2.Digicamzone palika--fz35 for 23.5k

3.Photo media palika--fz35 for 22k with 4 gb card and 1 yr seller's warranty

4.Pritam Studio in Chandni Chowk-no fz 35,fz28 for 21k

5.Solar digi cam fz 28 for 19k

6.linkers ,palika- fz35 for 22.5 k

Guys which one is the best option and What would be a reasonable price for your suggested vendor? I think there is some scope for bargaining in each of the above deals.
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Old 4th January 2010, 18:45   #3669
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Originally Posted by navin View Post
Proton, I got my wife a Fuji F70exr (she will get it when she gets back) and while I was at it picked myself up a Canon S90 from JJ Metha. Both will bill and warranty (3 years for Fuji and 2 year for Canon) from JJ Metha for 42.5K. Each camera came with only a 2GB SD card so I will get 8GB cards separtely.

Thank you for your help the last few days.

JJ Metha is in Mumbai. Being from Mumbai I feel comfortable dealing with them as I can go to their store etc.. but I would advise most people to buy locally where there is a Brick and Mortar establishment to touch and feel. Maybe it is my age but this Internet thingy (Ebay, PayPal, etc..) is something that I am not very comfortable with. The younger readers might feel as comfortable with the Internet as they are with Brick and Mortar. Just that I like to put a face and name to everything I buy. Old habits die hard.
+1 on the s90 choice! That is a truly pocketable camera and the lowlight capabilities are astounding. Its the lx3 killer for the moment. Congrats and post some piccies of your Spit soon, maybe a before and after comparo, or a step by step restoration saga!

And +1 on JJ Mehta: I bought a DSLR and a camcorder from Karthik and he's a nice gentleman on the phone. I hear if you walk in, you can get a better price or some extra freebies thrown in. You Mumbai-ites are lucky: we don't have a reputable vendor with an equivalent in-shop choice like him here in Bengaluru, so we have to skip the touchy feely part and enjoy vicariously the experience of others in cyberspace! Did you try the handling and ergonomics of s90 before springing for the purchase?

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Old 5th January 2010, 01:11   #3670
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Originally Posted by proton View Post
And +1 on JJ Mehta: I bought a DSLR and a camcorder from Karthik and he's a nice gentleman on the phone. I hear if you walk in, you can get a better price or some extra freebies thrown in. You Mumbai-ites are lucky: we don't have a reputable vendor with an equivalent in-shop choice like him here in Bengaluru, so we have to skip the touchy feely part and enjoy vicariously the experience of others in cyberspace! Did you try the handling and ergonomics of s90 before springing for the purchase?
We have his cousin Jayesh Mehta here in Bangy, considered to be the most sought after dealer in south. He is now a canon distributor as well. Also in case of canon, you can visit the canon image lounge and get the feel of the cams before buying.
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Old 5th January 2010, 01:42   #3671
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poor picture quality: canon sx20is vs s3is

can anybody confirm this. i recently got myself a canon sx20is and it is been a month. but 'm not satisfied with the colour reproduction and quality of pictures in general. i have used canon s3is earlier and it used to produce brilliant picture/colour.

'm especially disappointed with the the dull landscape pictures where as s3is would produce neat and rich colours. is this so in general: or would there be any problem with my piece.
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Old 5th January 2010, 02:42   #3672
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Originally Posted by Jaguar View Post
We have his cousin Jayesh Mehta here in Bangy, considered to be the most sought after dealer in south. He is now a canon distributor as well. Also in case of canon, you can visit the canon image lounge and get the feel of the cams before buying.
Where is this most sought after dealer located in b'lore ?
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Old 5th January 2010, 05:08   #3673
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Originally Posted by somspaple View Post
...but 'm not satisfied with the colour reproduction and quality of pictures in general. i have used canon s3is earlier and it used to produce brilliant picture/colour....'m especially disappointed with the the dull landscape pictures where as s3is would produce neat and rich colours....
Is the "my colors" option on the SX20 switched off?
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Old 5th January 2010, 10:15   #3674
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Originally Posted by proton View Post
Congrats and post some piccies of your Spit soon, maybe a before and after comparo, or a step by step restoration saga!

And +1 on JJ Mehta:

Did you try the handling and ergonomics of s90 before springing for the purchase?
1. The Spit was restored in the early 90s. I have a few photos on film but will to find thatm and scan them. Today the Spit still lives in my Godfathers house in Palos Verdes LA. In Mumbai we are starved of parking (2 of our cars are parked on the road and it often takes 30-40 min wait to get this road parking) and without a covered parking I would not want to bring the Spit here and ruin it. Jack (my Godfather) still drives it around about once a week so as long he can do that the Spit is safer there. Sad. I guess I will have to wait a few years to get the Spit to Mumbai.

2. One of my office boys went to JJ Metha and picked up the cams.

3. I did try the S90 at YL camera in Malaysia. I would have bought it from Malaysia but the shopkeeper had only the sample and was taking orders that could only be delivered after 2 weeks. My stay in Malaysia was not that long.
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Old 5th January 2010, 14:49   #3675
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Originally Posted by navin View Post
1. The Spit was restored in the early 90s. I have a few photos on film but will to find thatm and scan them. Today the Spit still lives in my Godfathers house in Palos Verdes LA.

Ah! Car City. A friend in Loma Linda took me for an outing to the beach (Redondo). I didn't know that a visit to the beach involved walking. That's one beach you don't go for a dip to: my swimming trunks stayed in my duffel!

Hope you and your Spit are soon united. It's becoming the same in Bangy re the parking. Ah! Progress...

I guess the lens protrusion of the LX is a deal breaker for most compact cam buyers. Enjoy your new cam!

To Jaguar: Thanks for the info about the Mehta connection!

To JMaruru: I think Jayesh is in Avenue Road.
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