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Old 17th July 2011, 15:45   #4696
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Hey guys,

Looking for a camera for a family member. Basic requirements are that it should be a P&S camera, thin, and loaded with features.
Some of the models under consideration are:
- Nikon Coolpix S 9100 & P 500
- Panasonic Lumix ZS 10

What would you guys recommend? Any other models to look out for?
No fixed budget as of now, but it has to be one of the better P&S cameras in the market.
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Old 17th July 2011, 16:20   #4697
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by lamborghini View Post
Hey guys,

Looking for a camera for a family member. Basic requirements are that it should be a P&S camera, thin, and loaded with features.
Some of the models under consideration are:
- Nikon Coolpix S 9100 & P 500
- Panasonic Lumix ZS 10

What would you guys recommend? Any other models to look out for?
No fixed budget as of now, but it has to be one of the better P&S cameras in the market.
IMO, Panasonic is good in compact super zoom P&S camera. They were the first to bring such pocket-able super zoom models and ZS10 is an outcome of continuous improvements over few generations.
Check out the cameralabs review here:
Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ20 / ZS10 review | Cameralabs
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Old 17th July 2011, 19:25   #4698
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Whilst I think it is a great little camera, I was very disappointed with the snaps that I took a couple of weeks ago in Kerala. It may be, that in fully auto mode, the camera uses too high ISA setting, or something. I need to spend some time with the manual. We bought it last year in Singapore, and didn't have any problem with the Singapore photos.

One exception was some "Zoom macro" shots of a beetle. Taken in the dark (it is a firefly) by flash, from a couple of inches away, I expected the flash to just flood the pics, but they came out really well.

The built-in GPS is (IMHO) a waste of money. It's a neat gadget, but I'd rather have the same camera for less cash and do without it. I think that's available.
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Old 17th July 2011, 21:18   #4699
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by Safari_Beast View Post
HI Bhpians

Can someone let me know where i can get a adpater for canon sx 30 IS for fitting UV filter . I have serached palika bazar but it was not available there . Can someone please help me out .
Some people including canon have created useless fuss of this adapter..

just get a 52mm UV filter..try to reverse screw the filer and as soon as you get a click feeling, do a normal clockwise screw and the filter will fit like a adapter needed
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Old 22nd July 2011, 20:53   #4700
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Hey Guys,

I have a long trip (20-25 days) planned later this year and will be carrying my panny FZ100 as my primary and only camera. I have some questions with regards to the same.

1. Shud I many small capacity cards (upto 8GB) or few higher capacity (16/32GB) cards? I ask bcos i will not carry my laptop with me in this trip and will not have access to any computer systems to backup my pics/videos onto.

2. Do Filters (UV/CPL/ND etc) help in improving Picture quality (Especially in low-light) ? I will be in Desert country so you can get an idea of the lighting conditions.

3. Do TeleConverters improve Image Quality at full telephoto? I ask bcos I will need to click things far away and will not have an option to get close

Thanks for your advise.

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Old 22nd July 2011, 21:19   #4701
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by Zenster View Post
Hey Guys,

I have a long trip (20-25 days) planned later this year and will be carrying my panny FZ100 as my primary and only camera. I have some questions with regards to the same.

1. Shud I many small capacity cards (upto 8GB) or few higher capacity (16/32GB) cards? I ask bcos i will not carry my laptop with me in this trip and will not have access to any computer systems to backup my pics/videos onto.
I think it does not matter either way as long as you have enough space. In fact I would prefer a high capacity card to several low capacity cards, since you will not have to bother about changing the cards and storing them securely.

2. Do Filters (UV/CPL/ND etc) help in improving Picture quality (Especially in low-light) ? I will be in Desert country so you can get an idea of the lighting conditions.
No. Filters will not help in improving picture quality under low light. CPL and ND have different uses and they will actually reduce the light entering the lens. You can use ND filter under very bright light to actually reduce the light intensity. You can use CPL to cut reflections from water/glass and to make the sky look more saturated.

3. Do TeleConverters improve Image Quality at full telephoto? I ask bcos I will need to click things far away and will not have an option to get close

Thanks for your advise.
How can you use a teleconverter with FZ100? You cannot detach the lens, right? If you meant tripod, yes. Tripod will help you to get better pictures at full telephoto.

Last edited by pjbiju : 22nd July 2011 at 21:22.
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Old 22nd July 2011, 21:54   #4702
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by pjbiju View Post
I think it does not matter either way as long as you have enough space. In fact I would prefer a high capacity card to several low capacity cards, since you will not have to bother about changing the cards and storing them securely.

No. Filters will not help in improving picture quality under low light. CPL and ND have different uses and they will actually reduce the light entering the lens. You can use ND filter under very bright light to actually reduce the light intensity. You can use CPL to cut reflections from water/glass and to make the sky look more saturated.

How can you use a teleconverter with FZ100? You cannot detach the lens, right? If you meant tripod, yes. Tripod will help you to get better pictures at full telephoto.
1. I was thinking for cards with smaller capacities bcos if a card gets damaged then i lose lesser data. On the other than, more the cards more chances to getting lost and hassle of changing them

2. Thanks for clarifying the filters

3. Most Panny super-zooms come with threads on which a tele-converter is mounted. And If it wasn't possible why would Panasonic list it as an accessory, check the link below:
DMC-FZ100 | PRODUCTS | LUMIX | Digital Camera | Panasonic Global

I will carry my Tripod for sure, so lets leave that out of the picture for the time being

Any other suggestions on the questions are most welcome.
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Old 22nd July 2011, 22:03   #4703
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by Zenster View Post
1. I was thinking for cards with smaller capacities bcos if a card gets damaged then i lose lesser data. On the other than, more the cards more chances to getting lost and hassle of changing them

2. Thanks for clarifying the filters

3. Most Panny super-zooms come with threads on which a tele-converter is mounted. And If it wasn't possible why would Panasonic list it as an accessory, check the link below:
DMC-FZ100 | PRODUCTS | LUMIX | Digital Camera | Panasonic Global

I think the memory cards do not easily get damaged, especially while it is inside the camera.

I did take a look at the teleconverters. I was not aware of the availability of these for such cameras. I would say, not to bother about them. You already have a good zoom range with your FZ100. Best of luck for your photographic journey.
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Old 1st August 2011, 09:42   #4704
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Hey guys,
My brother's birthday is coming up and I want to give a P&S camera as a gift. max budget is 7.5K. Can you recommend me any models(Any brand) and what to look out for?
I'm a total noob..

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Old 1st August 2011, 12:17   #4705
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Looking for an XD memory card in Bangalore, It used to come on the old gen Olympus digi cams. Not available anywhere.
If any of you have one which you want to dispose off / Or that you can lend me for 3 weeks please do ping me on my TBHP id.

Ps: need one urgently and don't want to buy a new camera at the moment.

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Old 3rd August 2011, 02:04   #4706
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by Manoj2268 View Post
Hey guys,
My brother's birthday is coming up and I want to give a P&S camera as a gift. max budget is 7.5K. Can you recommend me any models(Any brand) and what to look out for?
I'm a total noob..

why such a huge budget for P & S cam.
i think you should consider this camera, Nice pics and excellent price.
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Old 19th August 2011, 12:42   #4707
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

have anyone purchased a digicam from LB? hows their service (delivery/ packaging etc)

I am bit skeptical about it as i haven't purchased any item above 9k through online before. so asking. How long it takes after ordering , to reach Bangalore.

response would be much appreciated.

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Old 19th August 2011, 15:24   #4708
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by pjbiju View Post
I think the memory cards do not easily get damaged, especially while it is inside the camera.

I did take a look at the teleconverters. I was not aware of the availability of these for such cameras. I would say, not to bother about them. You already have a good zoom range with your FZ100. Best of luck for your photographic journey.
I was also thinking of getting some filters if it could improve the PQ at low light for FZ100, however I have placed an order in ebay with Telephoto,Wide, Filters set of lens and adapter for the same.

I was really impressed with the Raynox Macro lens DCR 250, it would be worth the money spent on it.
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Old 19th August 2011, 19:27   #4709
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by e46 View Post
have anyone purchased a digicam from LB? hows their service (delivery/ packaging etc)

I am bit skeptical about it as i haven't purchased any item above 9k through online before. so asking. How long it takes after ordering , to reach Bangalore.

response would be much appreciated.

Bump! adding visibility.
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Old 20th August 2011, 07:31   #4710
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Talking about Raynox, I am using Fuji HS10 and was looking for Raynox lenses (WideAngle, FishEye, Tele, Macro). Any place I can find one's preferably in Mumbai.
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