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Old 17th June 2008, 13:10   #586
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Originally Posted by m3_07 View Post
any clue, at what price the htc diamond is debuting at???
Airtel will bring it for 27500.00 probably locked and with a contract.
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Old 17th June 2008, 13:29   #587
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Originally Posted by normally_crazy View Post
Ok - the SMSD application fails to launch on my iphone. i installed it via the Installer. I am on version 1.1.4.

How to get it working ?
The same thing happened on my 1.1.4, I am using iSMS now.
You can try that as an workaround.
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Old 24th June 2008, 12:48   #588
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Guys I am planning to get an iphone.
However I have recently seen some people selling their iphones.
Is there any kind of issues with iphone right now ?
I would like to know the issues which people are facing with their iphones before I go ahead and buy it.
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Old 24th June 2008, 13:03   #589
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People are selling their iPhones because the 3G one is being launched on 11 July and they might wanna get their hands on the latest one.
I dont think there are any specific issues with the current iPhone, just that the new one will have some enhancements. Having said that, Apple is also going to release firmware 2.0 for the current iPhone which would bring allot of enhancements in the old iPhone as well.

OT: My 2 month old iPhone is also up for sale!
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Old 24th June 2008, 13:45   #590
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SMSD works like a charm on mine. I am on 1.1.4. I got it from here - Post # 1

Last edited by normally_crazy : 24th June 2008 at 13:50.
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Old 24th June 2008, 14:19   #591
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Well iPhone prices have dropped to 199$ and 299$ respectively. That's the good news. The bad news is that unlike before you have to sign the AT&T contract to even buy the fone. Now that is a problem!

One way to overcome this is to sign the contract and then cancel it after 30 days (looks like if you do it before 30 days you have to return the fone). For cancelling the contract looks like we have to pay something like 175+40$. The iPhone is then yours to keep. Now that effectively makes the fone price $414 and $514 respectively.

Does anyone know a workaround to this problem.
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Old 24th June 2008, 18:00   #592
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Originally Posted by csentil View Post
Well iPhone prices have dropped to 199$ and 299$ respectively. That's the good news. The bad news is that unlike before you have to sign the AT&T contract to even buy the fone. Now that is a problem!

One way to overcome this is to sign the contract and then cancel it after 30 days (looks like if you do it before 30 days you have to return the fone). For cancelling the contract looks like we have to pay something like 175+40$. The iPhone is then yours to keep. Now that effectively makes the fone price $414 and $514 respectively.

Does anyone know a workaround to this problem.

well as u said that we have to sign a contract with At&T before leaving out from the store itself!!

But i would love to tell you that we have a point to get hands on iphone 3G easily !

But we cant' get it at same price and from US only !
If u have read that iphone will be launching in almost 22 countries including US on 11th july that means we can have a chance of getting 3g somehow at a cheaper price !!

All carriers aren't that like AT&T (iphone is so stupid to loose it's almost 50% of customers which are unlocked )!
I am having a word with my friend to get hands on 3g asap ,but still have to wait till 11th july and lets see what is APPLE have storing for us !
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Old 24th June 2008, 19:19   #593
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Heard that Airtel dealers are getting brochures for the iPhones. Also heard something about Rs.999 rate. Would that be the two year contract, with the phone being free? I wonder.

Also heard that they would sell by July 4th (highly doubt that). But if that is true, then the first batch wont be the iPhone3G version.

Any Airtel dealers/contacts in this forum? Can anyone find out more?
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Old 24th June 2008, 19:27   #594
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Originally Posted by srijit View Post
Also heard that they would sell by July 4th (highly doubt that). But if that is true, then the first batch wont be the iPhone3G version.

Any Airtel dealers/contacts in this forum? Can anyone find out more?

If this happens then the Left Parties will have another topic to go after the day-to-day life of Indians and will leave no stone unturned in disrupting our lives for a day or two, accusing Airtel of anti-nationalism and celebrating the American Independence Day.
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Old 24th June 2008, 19:48   #595
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Originally Posted by SumitB View Post
If this happens then the Left Parties will have another topic to go after the day-to-day life of Indians and will leave no stone unturned in disrupting our lives for a day or two, accusing Airtel of anti-nationalism and celebrating the American Independence Day.
so very true and if it's sold for the 999 a yr rate it would come to ~ 2k for the phone. Me being a Vodaphone user would happily pay the 2k for the phone and unlock it and use on vodaphone.
i highly doubt the phone being sold at this price i see it being sold for 10K + a contract with the service provider.
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Old 24th June 2008, 19:58   #596
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Originally Posted by smokin View Post
well as u said that we have to sign a contract with At&T before leaving out from the store itself!!

But i would love to tell you that we have a point to get hands on iphone 3G easily !

But we cant' get it at same price and from US only !
If u have read that iphone will be launching in almost 22 countries including US on 11th july that means we can have a chance of getting 3g somehow at a cheaper price !!

All carriers aren't that like AT&T (iphone is so stupid to loose it's almost 50% of customers which are unlocked )!
I am having a word with my friend to get hands on 3g asap ,but still have to wait till 11th july and lets see what is APPLE have storing for us !
Can you unlock a ALREADY activated iph? Even if you find a way to void the contract.
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Old 24th June 2008, 20:39   #597
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Originally Posted by whatcanthisbe View Post
so very true and if it's sold for the 999 a yr rate it would come to ~ 2k for the phone. Me being a Vodaphone user would happily pay the 2k for the phone and unlock it and use on vodaphone.
i highly doubt the phone being sold at this price i see it being sold for 10K + a contract with the service provider.
Dont think it would be Rs.999 per year. It would be per month, which with a 2 year contract works out to about 24K.
That's pretty reasonable, cos you are getting the phone without paying for it
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Old 24th June 2008, 20:47   #598
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Wooah please give some more details of these news sources also, airtel news.
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Old 24th June 2008, 21:06   #599
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Originally Posted by noidaboy View Post
Can you unlock a ALREADY activated iph? Even if you find a way to void the contract.

Well as per the iphone terms :

When you first purchase your iPhone all you can do is call 911 until you activate with AT&T (or similar). If you are using an official Apple carrier carrier then you can activate through iTunes; otherwise you will have to perform a hack to activate your iPhone. Once activated it becomes an iPod touch with camera and bluetooth at which point you will want to proceed to jailbreak and possibly unlock it for use on other carriers.

It means that we have to activate it to get into the iphone first !

as we already have activated it previously then we'll not having any issues to get it jail broken and unlocked!

Now the problem is that in now that all the things have been upgraded, so we'll have to wait for few weeks after the official launch of new 2.0 firmware !!!

In doubt that still there's a chance of WINPWN to get it unlocked because it's not easy to patch the pwn software reasoned that it automatically swipes the original one with the patched version and convinces the itunes that it's an original software for iphone,but have to wait till official launch and wait for dev teams to react on this !!

But i would love to say one thing ,no matter how many restrictions apple and AT&T will make to protect iphone ,there will be always a way to get an HACKTIVATED iphone some how!

well for your question we can get iphone 3g on 11th july but have to pay a bigger amount that $200, and i will do it .. mine are chances of coming on 15th july for sure
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Old 25th June 2008, 00:59   #600
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Unlocking will eventually happen, already some guys have made some amount of breakthrough with new firmware. What apple and AT&T are trying to do is to ensure that, customer sign up to a long term contract (AT&T or any other carrier) before they can take the iphone home. So even if you cancel connection after couple of hours they will ensure you pay a certain amount of big money or land up in a legal soup OR else return the phone back. Its a well thought out move to deter, then again there will always ways to over ride such things.

Apple sold around 6 million, with all the grey market sales also for version1 put together. With more stringent restriction unless the telecom providers are smart enough to launch and aggressively market the product, numbers might dwindle. Though it might not matter to Apple on a short term perspective, since the business model has changed, but on long term perspective, if things dont tick iphone may have to depend heavily on R&D and newer versions to keep it HOT, like the ipod.

Last edited by Jaggu : 25th June 2008 at 01:00.
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