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Old 3rd May 2013, 13:42   #3031
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by rajakumar View Post
2. Draw a separate line from the main panel for the AC. Getting this line using the duct and existing channeling can be a difficult proposition. In this case what is wire size/capacity that is required? The electrician is saying that we need to go with higher capacity wire than the geyser one.
What size of cable has the electrician suggested? 16 amp points are normally provided with 4 sqmm cables. The next size 6 sqmm would be overkill. Choose a good brand like Finolex.
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Old 3rd May 2013, 15:10   #3032
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread


Planning to buy an AC for cooling the living room (350sqft) of a 7th floor apartment (out of 15 floor) with an average room temperature between 29 - 31 through out the year. Can a 1T do the job?

Also need your views on the Invertor ACs and other new power saver jargons before making a decision.
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Old 3rd May 2013, 21:41   #3033
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Originally Posted by jacs View Post

Planning to buy an AC for cooling the living room (350sqft) of a 7th floor apartment (out of 15 floor) with an average room temperature between 29 - 31 through out the year. Can a 1T do the job?

Also need your views on the Invertor ACs and other new power saver jargons before making a decision.
1 ton is only effective till max 120 sq feet according to indian temperatures and that also for an inverter model. Do not go by sq feet ratings from US/european sites.
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Old 3rd May 2013, 23:22   #3034
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Due to some dependent factors, had to postpone the a/c purchase but inability for the family to cope with the warm temperature in B'lore, I finally decided to buy one today.

As discussed and understood from the other owners & learned gents here, I finally booked a Sharp 1.5 ton Inverter a/c, model AH-XP18MV [uses R410a refrigerant]. Coordinated with Sharp company directly to book the ac. All inclusive final price including a stabilizer and outdoor unit mounting frame/brackets cost 47K [installation by Sharp certified technician].

Delivery and installation scheduled for tomorrow and I'll share feedback once that is done.

Btw, Sharp's only brand showroom in Bangalore [right now] is in Malleshwaram. They are looking to soon open one in Indiranagar. This particular ac model can be viewed in Croma showroom in Marathahalli Outer Ring road [no demo, only view product].

Last edited by k_ajay : 3rd May 2013 at 23:27.
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Old 4th May 2013, 07:00   #3035
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by M5_fan View Post
1 ton is only effective till max 120 sq feet according to indian temperatures and that also for an inverter model. Do not go by sq feet ratings from US/european sites.
Thanks M5_fan. Does it warrant me a 2T? But then its going to be really expensive I think.

Originally Posted by k_ajay View Post
I finally booked a Sharp 1.5 ton Inverter a/c, model AH-XP18MV [uses R410a refrigerant]. Coordinated with Sharp company directly to book the ac. All inclusive final price including a stabilizer and outdoor unit mounting frame/brackets cost 47K [installation by Sharp certified technician].

Delivery and installation scheduled for tomorrow and I'll share feedback once that is done.
I'm tuned in for the feedback.
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Old 4th May 2013, 08:40   #3036
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Originally Posted by jacs View Post

Thanks M5_fan. Does it warrant me a 2T? But then its going to be really expensive I think.

I'm tuned in for the feedback.
Yes 2 T would be an ideal size. However, if the hall has a lot of openings then even 2 T would be less. Go for inverter acs, awesome cooling. I am using a ouple of sharp inverter acs and also a couple of panasonic inverter acs. Both are doing really well. I also have a daikin inverter ac that is problematic since day 1.

Negotiate with the sharp dealers. For eg. In delhi, i bought a 1.1 ton sharp inverter ac for 31000/- from a sharp brandshop. I think it is an awesome price for an inverter ac. It even has an ioniser and that really helps in purifying the air. The difference can b easily felt.
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Old 4th May 2013, 08:49   #3037
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by M5_fan View Post
Yes 2 T would be an ideal size. However, if the hall has a lot of openings then even 2 T would be less. Go for inverter acs, awesome cooling. I am using a ouple of sharp inverter acs and also a couple of panasonic inverter acs. Both are doing really well. I also have a daikin inverter ac that is problematic since day 1.

Negotiate with the sharp dealers. For eg. In delhi, i bought a 1.1 ton sharp inverter ac for 31000/- from a sharp brandshop. I think it is an awesome price for an inverter ac. It even has an ioniser and that really helps in purifying the air. The difference can b easily felt.
Thanks. I might have to call off the plan for little longer then. I am thinking of reusing my 1.5T there as currently its in a small bedroom and replace with a 1.1T Inverter.

You got a steal for 1.1T Sharp Inverter at 31K
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Old 4th May 2013, 09:18   #3038
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Originally Posted by M5_fan View Post
I also have a daikin inverter ac that is problematic
Can you give more details about the exact problems you face with the Daikin please
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Old 4th May 2013, 11:53   #3039
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Originally Posted by manim View Post

Can you give more details about the exact problems you face with the Daikin please

Problems faced :

1. Low cooling inspite of proper quantity of refrigerant.
2. Stale and weird smells despite proper cleaning and maintenance.
3. Compressor frequently cutting off in spite of being an inverter ac.
4. Plastic of indoor unit makes squeaks and creaks.
5. Poorly trained support staff who don't even know the difference between a normal ac and an inverter ac.
6. Not enough savings but that is actually mentioned in the spec data if one analyses it carefully.

After a lot of heated discussions, i got the outdoor unit replaced but still problems 1,2,4 and 6 remain.
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Old 4th May 2013, 14:25   #3040
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Is that my remote acting up?

Hello Experts,

My Whirlpool split is acting weird at times. When I set for a preset temp say for 24C on the remote, the front panel will show the same temp and start working. But after few hours it’s going into some loop mode like it’s working on full throttle, the display on the panel will be “—“ but from the ambient temp is too cold to make us uncomfortable at night. There’s no cut off happening once the preset temp is achieved or the timer off. The remote display won’t show anything except a triangle on the left side like some error code. I searched for the user’s manual for the reference but unfortunately my junior had already taken custody once I read it for first time. I think this has started almost within the warranty period but now only (after 2years) am noticing it, during the deep sleep I was not able to figure out the temp settings, instead, I used to switch it off from the remote for not getting disturbed. If I want to make it working normally, I have to press the mode button to normal mode and continue. I’ve even noticed that even if the A/c is off, the remote display is showing the triangle. Is that the remote acting up or the front panel board? Remote is still in pristine condition, no dropping or scratch marks are present.

Please advice.

Thanks in advance.
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Old 4th May 2013, 15:03   #3041
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by Guite View Post
What size of cable has the electrician suggested? 16 amp points are normally provided with 4 sqmm cables. The next size 6 sqmm would be overkill. Choose a good brand like Finolex.
Yes, the electrician is recommending 4 sqmm cable from finolex. I am planning to go with separate electrical line for the AC
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Old 4th May 2013, 16:05   #3042
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Originally Posted by jacs View Post

I'm tuned in for the feedback.
Sure. The AC boxes has been delivered. Installation has been moved to tomorrow.

The Indoor unit and installation kit.
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The outdoor unit.
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Old 4th May 2013, 17:26   #3043
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Guys, first of all thanks a lot for all your wisdom and queries here, I've not been a participant lately but had been closely following this thread and PMing BHPian 'Khoj' quite frequently regarding the choice for AC's.

Got 2 Daikin 1.5 Ton Split AC's (5 Star Rating) FT50M (in full - FT50MV16) for Rs. 35,700 each from Nayyar Television Pvt. Ltd., Kamla Nagar, Delhi.

The AC's have been bought for Office, two separate Cabins of Size 12x12 ft. approximately each. My earlier choice was the Grey Market General 1 Ton, knowing that its powerful enough for a Room of this size but then we went in for 1.5 Tons just to be on the safer side. I've a 1 Ton General Split (Grey Market), that's why I mentioned that its powerful enough.

Further, I was tilted towards the Grey Market Generals in 1.5 Ton capacity with Reciprocating Compressor but since the usage at the max will be for 6 hours a day, we decided to look over them due to price factors.

Regarding Installation, won't be getting it done from Daikin. My Uncle was into this Business for more than 2 decades and have their experienced personnel to undertake the job. Piping and all is already in place for about 1.5 years now.

Now, for those who're interested in General's Grey Market pricing & all, here it is:

1 Ton Window - 22.5k
1 Ton Split - 25k
1.5 Tonnes Split (Rotary Compressor) - 34.5k
1.5 Tonnes Split (Reciprocating Compressor) - 39.8k

Thanks a lot Again guys!
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Old 5th May 2013, 03:23   #3044
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

I'm planning to get a Hitachi Ace 1.5 Ton Split AC (RAU518ETD). Am completely clueless about its performance or durability as this will be my first high end AC purchase. Is it a good unit? Getting it for 40,000 here in mumbai.
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Old 5th May 2013, 15:04   #3045
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by omar View Post
I'm planning to get a Hitachi Ace 1.5 Ton Split AC (RAU518ETD). Am completely clueless about its performance or durability as this will be my first high end AC purchase. Is it a good unit? Getting it for 40,000 here in mumbai.
Pls be kind to yourself and avoid a Hitachi.
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