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Old 26th August 2009, 18:23   #616
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Hitachi and General are for the Accord and Passat buyers; us Swift buyers have Samsung and LG

But we should take into account the life expectancy and cost of ownership to see if we are really saving money
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Old 26th August 2009, 18:38   #617
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Whether I buy General/LG o whatever, I will feel the inevitable urge to replace within 3-4 years. However, as compared with Carrier, I can definitely say that General has saved me money =power bills, compared with say 4K more on equipment cost (replaced Carrier with General in 2004).

Can I get some clarification on point 2 thread post 612.
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Old 26th August 2009, 19:24   #618
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...point 2 thread post 612.
Do you mean that the thermostat can be set higher?

I have lived with Samsung split and Samsung window. The max temperature on both has been 30C. I can't say about lowest, as I hate being cold, so never set AC to low temperatures, usually sticking to 27-plus.

One thing most window ACs can do that I have not seen on split (Samsung, at least) is to draw in some outside air, which helps to keep a room fresh.
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Old 26th August 2009, 19:33   #619
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Originally Posted by vasudeva View Post
I find that window ACs can be operated at higher temps=lower power bills. Split ACs operated at lower temps (remember temp for sleeping is lower than temp for relaxing/lounging)= higher bills. On this point, I am not so sure as I have heard that splits are more efficient. Does this mean that even though splits are required to be operated at lower temps than windows, do they consume less power for the same cooling effect.
I meant this. What I said that for sleeping (as compared with lounging), my family (and perhaps most of us) need a lower temp (24 vs 27-28). I have a spliy AC too, have used that for sleeping sometimes, and they need to be operated at a lower temp to give the same effect. Plus they also take a bit longer to create the same effect as a window AC. I wanted to know if over a period of 8-9 hours, which will take less power to create the same effect- splits at 18-20 C or windows at 24-26.
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Old 26th August 2009, 21:32   #620
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Originally Posted by vasudeva View Post
Does this mean that even though splits are required to be operated at lower temps than windows, do they consume less power for the same cooling effect.
Originally Posted by vasudeva View Post
I have a spliy AC too, have used that for sleeping sometimes, and they need to be operated at a lower temp to give the same effect. Plus they also take a bit longer to create the same effect as a window AC. I wanted to know if over a period of 8-9 hours, which will take less power to create the same effect- splits at 18-20 C or windows at 24-26.
I operate my split AC at 28 degC all the time and that does not seem to be lower than what others have set their window AC to. I did hear that splits are more efficient than windows and that's why you will rarely find 4 or 5 star rated window AC.

By effect I hope you mean achieving the ambient temperature at which you are comfortable. If you don't mind cold air blowing directly at you, then, yes, window AC will achieve your desired temperature faster because it is located at and blows air from normally occupied level. As for me I prefer diffused cooling (if such a term exists).

Originally Posted by vasudeva View Post
I meant this. What I said that for sleeping (as compared with lounging), my family (and perhaps most of us) need a lower temp (24 vs 27-28).
Are you sure? The night mode in all brand of AC's infact raises the temperature as your sleeping hour progresses! This is because due to decrease in outside/ambient temperature as night progresses to dawn, you need less artificial cooling. Let's look at it another way. Why do you feel hot during and after running? More physical activity, right? So you need more cooling after running = set AC temperature lower. So compare lounging and sleeping vis-a-vis physical activity involved: it becomes obvious that you need less cooling during sleep = set AC to higher temperature.
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Old 26th August 2009, 21:57   #621
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Originally Posted by vasudeva View Post
I meant this. What I said that for sleeping (as compared with lounging), my family (and perhaps most of us) need a lower temp (24 vs 27-28). I have a spliy AC too, have used that for sleeping sometimes, and they need to be operated at a lower temp to give the same effect. Plus they also take a bit longer to create the same effect as a window AC. I wanted to know if over a period of 8-9 hours, which will take less power to create the same effect- splits at 18-20 C or windows at 24-26.
Ahh... I have a similar experience!

In my old house, our window AC temperature was remarkably accurate, measured with a digital thermometer on the other sided of the room. If set for 28, one could see that the room was 28.

With the split in my current bedroom, to get 28/29, I have to set 26/27. I had been putting this down to lack of accuracy in the temperature sensor, thermostat and other AC circuitry.

(I also find that I am too warm at 27, and too cool at 26 --- I guess I am just too fussy for the machine, but a degree is actually quite big.)

Guite... I also prefer what you call diffused coolling, that is I want the air in the room to be a regular, cooled temperature; I do not want to sit or sleep in a draft.

My wife wants a draft... It takes a lot of fine balancing of the machine flap before we can both be happy!
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Old 19th September 2009, 16:38   #622
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I need advise on the following. I'm looking at either a 2.5/3 Ton split airconditioner and in this specification, choices are quite limited. I currently have a 2 Ton Samsung split unit which is just not serving the purpose, and hence getting rid of it. I have shortlisted Hitachi/O General/Blue Star/Voltas in this specification. I find blue star to be comparitively cheap to the others, however im a little apprehensive about the service and support post sales in chennai. I have heard only good thing about Hitachi/O General however not too sure about the others in reliability aspect. Can any of you experienced people advice me on my decision? Thank you in advance.
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Old 11th November 2009, 14:52   #623
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Originally Posted by Guite View Post
A bit of a late response but its only now that I have the basis to calculate, see my previous post above. So lets see for a 1 ton AC whose standard cooling capacity is 12,400 btu/hr = 3634 W.

Star ___ E.E.R. ___ Power consumed_
5 star ___ 3.3 _____ 3634/3.3 = 1101 W
4 star ___ 3.1 _____ 3634/3.1 = 1172 W __ Difference = +71 W = 71/1101*100 = +6.45%
1 star ___ 2.5 _____ 3634/2.5 = 1454 W __ Difference = +282 W = 282/1172*100 = +24.06%

So, hypothetically, my one month AC bill of approx. Rs.800 for a 5 star AC would have gone up by 800*0.0645 = 52 rupees if it were a 4 star AC! In response to mithun's question there would have been a 24% increase = Rs.852*0.24 = Rs.204.

I tried various other methods of calculation and still end up with similar figures. I am a bit disappointed. Is my calculation method wrong? Difference between two consecutive star is negligible considering the initial investment. It makes sense if you compare a 1 star to a 4 star or something like that. Of course the difference is more pronounced at higher capacity like 2 ton.
that's a nice piece of info. Thanks.

Any suggestion for 1-1.5ton VFM AC. Its for a friend. I have suggested LG and Samsung.
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Old 11th November 2009, 15:01   #624
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LG and Samsung would have the best after sales service.
Voltas is more VFM.

If you want the best, look out for O'General (costly) or even Carrier.
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Old 12th November 2009, 17:07   #625
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We have two logicool & one Voltas. Logicool gets the more cool very quick than voltas. Logicool belongs to Hitachi.

Any AC if set to AUTO mode will save lot of power consumption & keep the room cool for the whole night.
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Old 27th November 2009, 01:40   #626
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Originally Posted by bala80 View Post
I need advise on the following. I'm looking at either a 2.5/3 Ton split airconditioner and in this specification, choices are quite limited. I currently have a 2 Ton Samsung split unit which is just not serving the purpose, and hence getting rid of it. I have shortlisted Hitachi/O General/Blue Star/Voltas in this specification. I find blue star to be comparitively cheap to the others, however im a little apprehensive about the service and support post sales in chennai. I have heard only good thing about Hitachi/O General however not too sure about the others in reliability aspect. Can any of you experienced people advice me on my decision? Thank you in advance.
Have you already purchased the unit or are you yet to do so? What is the application area viz office, showroom, restaurant etc.
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Old 27th November 2009, 15:56   #627
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I thought I'd post an update. I decided to buy a Hitachi Quadricool window AC in April this year (see post #405) after going through this thread, and after seven months the AC is still going strong. I had planned to use it only briefly during nights but as I've been working from home over the past six months, some extra use was inevitable. And Reliance power doesn't come cheap. My average monthly electricity bill went up from Rs 700 to Rs 1300, which is fine considering the machine is on for about four hours during the day and four hours during the night. The Kaimin and timer features help in keeping the usage under control.

I have no prior experience with ACs in my bedroom, but the sound from this one is minimal. In fact I don't even hear it because my fan is noisier! The "clean filter" light comes on every two weeks or so, but I don't mind doing this diligently if it'll help extend the life of the AC. The service isn't bad either -- though I wasn't too impressed by the chaps who came for the demo, they did call me up sometime last month and came to clean/service the AC without my asking for it. On the whole I'm happy with my purchase.
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Old 1st December 2009, 22:07   #628
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@Edsel Rulez!
Is this model the one with two motors, one for the indoor fan and one for the condensor at the back or is it with a common motor running both fans.
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Old 2nd December 2009, 11:39   #629
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hitachi scores way above the samsungs and lgs
comes real close to the other high end ac's like daikin and mitsubishi
you enter an airconditioned room and just by sniffing the cold air you can make out difference in quality and dryness factor
but alas hitachi *** is not good but is usually not required as the machine is pretty sturdy
only shortcoming is that the panel displays only set temperature and not the actual temperature of room

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Old 2nd December 2009, 14:41   #630
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Originally Posted by khoj View Post
@Edsel Rulez!
Is this model the one with two motors, one for the indoor fan and one for the condensor at the back or is it with a common motor running both fans.
It has two motors, which I believe helps to boost efficency.

Originally Posted by eyedoc View Post
hitachi scores way above the samsungs and lgs
comes real close to the other high end ac's like daikin and mitsubishi ...
only shortcoming is that the panel displays only set temperature and not the actual temp of room
This is true. However, I have installed a room thermometer, which helps.
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