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Old 2nd March 2010, 14:34   #691
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Got Voltas Vertis gold 1.5T from an auction for 6.5K
Any idea how much is fitting charge?

Also i need to buy a stabilizer. What would be the cost of same?
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Old 2nd March 2010, 14:56   #692
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A 1.5T for 6.5K ? Are you serious ? Not want to be a spoilsport, but it reminds me of the saying 'When something is too good to be true, it usually is' might be just lucky, but be careful.

And oh yeah, sorry for drifting off-topic. Well, when we bought ours a few years back, a desi one was available for 1-1.5k and a branded one for 2-2.5k....
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Old 2nd March 2010, 22:48   #693
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A/C problem - 22 month old unit given as "brand new" - Jayam & Co, Chennai


I've purchased an LG Split A/C

Model: LSA3ZG5NTY1

Indoor Unit : AN19R1 (II)
Outdoor Unit : AN19R1 (IN)

Serial Number:-
Indoor Unit : 805NLJN001412
Outdoor Unit : 805NLHV001489

Dealer : Jayam & Co, 15, North Vijai Nagar, Velachery, Chennai 600042.
Date of Purchase : 22-02-2010
Date the Product was delivered : 25-02-2010
Date of Installation : 26-02-2010

Name and Address :

Riju Jacob Rajan
Plot No.26 Ground Floor
Parthasarathy Nagar 3/100
Chennai - 600097

The pack was opened by the LG engineer. Before installation it was noted that there is a small piece missing from the bottom right corner in the indoor unit. I pointed out the same to the service engineer, it was told that this kind of "small" damage is normal and will not cause any harm.
I specifically asked if this will be any problem and if this will make any noise or loss in cooling efficiency during operation. I was told nothing will be wrong and gave personal assurance that "he will take care of it if anything goes wrong". Installation was done and the copper tube was cut in half instead of rolling it as I've seen in other cases and the rest of it was given to me.

During the test run, I pointed out the cooling seems to be low. I was assured that it is normal and will take around half a day of "running-in".

First day everything seemed ok except for the cooling, even a low setting of 22-24C was not enough to bring the temperature down.
I have a standalone digital temperature gauge showing 27C when A/C shows it has achieved 23C.

Its been 3 days now and with an approximate total usage of 6-8Hrs.
The cooling has not improved as the service engineer told and to make matters worse the A/C is now giving some noise during operation.
This comes and goes and it seems the whole body on the right side of the indoor unit is shaking and making the noise (this is where the damage is).

Also I was shocked to find that the sticker on the A/C said the unit says it was made in 2008.
Then I verified the box the unit came in and it said May/2008.

So this means I've got a unit which is 22 Months Old.
I've contacted the dealer through my friend (who recommended this shop)and he said they will contact LG and will update. He also mentioned that this was sourced from LG recently and item was not old stock.

I've also called up the helpline and created a request C1030109349 around 4:45pm yesterday and today an LG Engineer came down today he verified everything (Bill, A/C, damage, installation receipt). He said he will talk to his manager and will update me on Mar 3rd before noon.

How is it possible that a 22 Month old item was sold to the end customer as "brand new" ?
I'm not happy to have paid 23,000 for a 22 month old item which is damaged and now it seems that is causing the noise and the loss in cooling.

On calling the dealer (Mr. Prakash) today he initially said LG has been contacted and this can be resolved. On asking him what is the usual procedure he said in a very rude manner "what do you expect from me ?" I told him I just wanted to know what is the normal outcome in this sort of cases. He then lost his cool and blamed me for asking for a specific model. I kept my cool and requested if I can call him in case anything is required. He rudely said "there is no need to call me, you can speak with LG". I then understood there is no further use explaining my situation and thanked him and kept the phone down.

Just imagine this is what you get after spending 23000 and getting an A/C that is 22 months old. The dealer then literally shouts on the customer.

The only mistake I did is to trust this dealer. I hope at-least LG can help me. But I fear they might say to get back with the dealer. In that case I'll be forced to file a formal complaint.

Please share your views and suggestions.

The damage
The home / office air-conditioner thread-dsc02821.jpg

Shows the model and year of manufacture.
The home / office air-conditioner thread-dsc02823.jpg

Mods : If you feel this does't require a new thread, please merge as required.
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Old 2nd March 2010, 23:22   #694
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I think the dealer might have sold you an old piece. His attitude doesn't seem right.

But I trust LG to sort this out for you.

Please insist on getting a full replacement - indoor unit + compressor.

AC models are EOLed in a years time. I am sure this model will not be even available now.
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Old 2nd March 2010, 23:43   #695
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Jayam & Co has a showroom in Annanagar too.
They are pretty old in business and had dealt with Deposit lockers (safe vaults) too.

I have had experience of they disposing off the demo models to customers.

Please depend on LG for a replacement. Also, please lodge a written complaint with the LG headoffice with a copy to the consumer redressal forum. Send a cc to Jayam & Co.

This is absolute rubbish and cheating to the highest degree !
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Old 3rd March 2010, 05:24   #696
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Feeling sorry for your bad experience mate, you definitely deserve what you have paid for. +1 to what bnzjon has suggested. If it was a genuine mistake, dealer would have helped you out. What it appears here is, he tried to take you on a joy ride but to his bad luck, you figured it out and now he is just trying to get rid of you. Do one thing try contacting him once again and record your conversation if possible. This way you'll have proof of his unfriendliness and bad customer service. Then you can take necessary action i.e. forward the recording to LG or consumer forum. If LG is really concerned they'll take appropriate steps. Also, I believe if dealer gave you the wrong product he is liable for it not LG (if wrong A/c had come from LG, dealer wouldn't have spoken to you in that tone. He would have genuinely taken interest in your issue)

All the best
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Old 3rd March 2010, 08:00   #697
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Of late, I see lot of complaints on A/C. It seems the probability of failure is high.
If you approach any of the consumer redressal forum, I'm sure you get replacement.
I see lots of news on that - people getting help from consumer forum are getting replacement.
There is one such forum available in Anna nagar (shanthi colony) at AH block 1st street I guess. They are doing it for free.
First they draft a letter to the dealer/manufacturer - At this stage itself, you would get redress.
If the dealer is adamant, they will follow it till it come to conclusion.
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Old 3rd March 2010, 09:31   #698
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Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
What is the cooling distance for a 1.5 ton split AC?
I went ahead and took the risk and bought a 2.0 ton Whirlpool Chrome AC. Its the latest range that they have released in market ( Aviator and Chrome Series)

I picked up the Chrome Series. Highlights are :-

1. One of the most good looking AC's out there

2. Japanese Rotary Compressor

4. Four Star Energy saving rating ( 20% Savings)

5. Front Sliding Panel with LED lights and in a nice coral red color

6. Rs.28,500 ( inclusive of installation and stabilizer). Isnt that a sweet deal?

I was looking for a picture on the web for this model, couldnt find it. Can someone please post a picture of this AC here?
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Old 3rd March 2010, 09:34   #699
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Originally Posted by yzfrj View Post
Also I was shocked to find that the sticker on the A/C said the unit says it was made in 2008.
Then I verified the box the unit came in and it said May/2008.

So this means I've got a unit which is 22 Months Old.
They pulled a Michelin on you, pushing old tyres as new tyres at new tyre prices.

The attitude of dealer indicates that LG is not averse to the practice. If LG was strict about it, dealer wouldn't try to palm off outdated product and be rude upon get caught. Since you have inadequate cooling, you can argue for a case of defective product. If LG doesn't care, take it up with the consumer protection cell.

Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department
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Old 3rd March 2010, 10:14   #700
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Keep contacting LG and maintain the pressure. Demand a complete replacement.

I always view whatever items I need at a multi-brand store, and then buy only from the company exclusive show room, even if I lose some amount on the deal.
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Old 3rd March 2010, 10:30   #701
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Guys in the Annanagar area, please avoid Jayam and Viveks. Both of them are highly unethical. Shah and Girias are far more reliable. Or buy from the exclusive co. showrooms as suggested by Gansan above.
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Old 3rd March 2010, 12:38   #702
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Can I share an inside information....
To manufacturers, a dealer selling exclusive "their" products are no different to dealers who sell all the brands
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Old 3rd March 2010, 13:45   #703
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Riju methinks there is someone here on the forum who can help you with this problem. Have sent you a PM.
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Old 3rd March 2010, 15:58   #704
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Congratulations on your new purchase. Could you take a snap of your machine the indoor and the outdoor units and post them here.
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Old 3rd March 2010, 16:33   #705
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Need help for choosing an A/C.

Staying in a leased house (Another 2 yrs will be here) so window A/c is ruled out as the owner wont allow the cut the window grills.

Its a 12x10 Bedroom with two sides of the wall having windows, One faced at the parking lot (so no direct sunlight) and another window/wall facing towards open space, exposed to the direct sunlight and there is a floor above.

No idea about the brand/price/features as i never looked into this. Its for the use in Summer afternoon for giving comfort to my 1.8yr kid (1-2hr sleep) and at night for the rest of us too (10 p.m- 3 a.m Auto Off).

Please suggest a good one with a reasonable price and service.

Last edited by wildon : 3rd March 2010 at 16:45. Reason: more details added about the room/house
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