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Old 30th April 2010, 15:59   #1051
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I have had Airconditioners of 4company with us in my home.
1. Amtrex. 1 ton. Window AC. I am not sure whether the company is still around. Been with us for the last 16 years and still working without any fault. Had to change the Stabilizer though. Have a local Airconditioner mechanic who does the minor repairs and servicing.
2. Voltas. 1.5ton. Window AC. Again been with us for the last 10 years. No issues.
3. Samsung 1ton. Window AC. Installed in 2005. Twice stopped working. Once within warranty. First time the mechanic took it with them and fixed it for us. But service was very shabby and the remote control section is not working and samsung denied responsibility. They said it was broken by us and not by the service engineers. The funny part was i did not see any Service ENGINEERS. They were couple of local mechanics. Vowed never to call them again. Unfortunately the machine again broke down one year previously. This time proper guys came and fixed it. Said the coolant tubing has rusted and needs to be changed. Charged us 3000 rupees for fixing it. Advised us never to buy samsung AC. Next time its breaking down i am throwing out the unit.
4. LG. 1.5ton. Window AC. Installed last year. No problems till now.
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Old 30th April 2010, 20:43   #1052
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Originally Posted by khoj View Post
But know this the indoors are not built for frequent opening as in every two or even three years. Apart from that what keeps me away from any exercise which would involve topping up or recharge of refrigerant is the quality of the gas available with the service industry. Majority of them use a mix which is only 85% to 95% pure the rest being well 'fillers'. So while the unit may be clean the compressor will certainly be stressed out once it sips the mix. .....
It is not the first time that major manufacturers will find to their dismay that well proven designs have the strangest ways of failing when it comes to India!

Do recall, from the days of White Westinghouse and GE ACs, that the GEs used a rats-nest hair like design for their condensers. No fins; it was a cluster of aluminium 'fronds' that were very successful at heat exchange due to the much larger area they presented, compared to fins.
A proven design; but it failed miserably in India's dusty environment!
There was no way to clean those condensers after a few years of use!
I junked two such units; they were guzzling power and offering very poor cooling!
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Old 30th April 2010, 21:20   #1053
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Originally Posted by anupmathur View Post
It is not the first time that major manufacturers will find to their dismay that well proven designs have the strangest ways of failing when it comes to India!

Do recall, from the days of White Westinghouse and GE ACs, that the GEs used a rats-nest hair like design for their condensers. No fins; it was a cluster of aluminium 'fronds' that were very successful at heat exchange due to the much larger area they presented, compared to fins.
A proven design; but it failed miserably in India's dusty environment!
There was no way to clean those condensers after a few years of use!
I junked two such units; they were guzzling power and offering very poor cooling!
Yes, we used to have a White Westinghouse top flow model, it had those fronds under the black coloured front panel. I cannot recall if it had a filter though. Another unit I remember from those days is a white coloured Voltas also with top flow and those fronds. The westinghouse used to chill to the bones especially after it had been washed even though it was much smaller physically compared to the Voltas unit. I recall a Sardarji who used to come two or three times between holi and independence day to service the units. It was a regular routine for years.
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Old 30th April 2010, 21:50   #1054
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Enthusiast Khoj, my uncle is unsure about availability of Daikin in Grey Market. OGeneral or General products are widely available.

Originally Posted by khoj
I recall a Sardarji who used to come two or three times between holi and independence day to service the units. It was a regular routine for years.
Sikhs and AC (Service and Repairs) are synonymous in New Delhi.

Last edited by tsk13 : 30th April 2010 at 21:54.
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Old 30th April 2010, 22:07   #1055
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tsk13, even I was hoping against hope. Well I guess I have to wait for next January's sale at Dubai. Will be worth a visit to anyone who wants to pick up large home appliances and latest gizmos at almost second had prizes.

Sikhs and AC (Service and Repairs) are synonymous in New Delhi.
Very true tsk13, even this year the service centre from where I got the units serviced is owned by a Sikh Gentleman.

Last edited by khoj : 30th April 2010 at 22:11.
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Old 30th April 2010, 22:17   #1056
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that is a good deal for e con pearl.
i am being quoted 38000 with stabilizer and installation for econ sapphire.
i guess the price difference is for the super tropical compressor in econ sapphire
please share your experience about installation and a/c.
what stabilizer did you get.

Last edited by drbabuanand : 30th April 2010 at 22:25.
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Old 30th April 2010, 22:23   #1057
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Originally Posted by khoj View Post
tsk13, even I was hoping against hope. Well I guess I have to wait for next January's sale at Dubai. Will be worth a visit to anyone who wants to pick up large home appliances and latest gizmos at almost second had prizes.
How does one manage the logistics of large appliances like AC's and Refrigerators from Dubai?
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Old 1st May 2010, 01:18   #1058
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Originally Posted by tsk13 View Post
How does one manage the logistics of large appliances like AC's and Refrigerators from Dubai?
People coming from Dubai with TV sets is a common sight. For larger appliances the stores that are selling put you in touch with freight companies who will ship the stuff to India, clear it through customs based on your purchase invoice and deliver at your place for a reasonable charge.

I had first seen this service advertised by some of the Dubai stores in the Srilankan airlines magazine a couple of years back. Last year some one I know bought and shipped quite a few appliances for their new house in Bombay using this channel. This year again I confirmed this with some friends who stay in Dubai and had stuff shipped over from the electronics sale in January/February this year. It is perfect, you buy cheap, pay freight and customs duty and the stuff is at your door step. Even if you end up paying as much as you would have paid for stuff at full price you still get the latest models or even models that you wanted but which have given our markets a miss. Rest I will find out for myself when I actually carry out the exercise.
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Old 1st May 2010, 03:43   #1059
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Daikin Inverter installed and working great...

As of today... A daikin split 1.5 ton = about 37000
A daikin split Inverter 1.5 ton = about 48000

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
I am surprised at your above comment, why do you think so?

Its fact. For 1.5 ton models, the COP for a Daikin non inverter machine is in fact higher than an Daikin inverter machine. I think 3.5 vs 3.3. The higher the COP, the higher the energy efficiency.

I read this in the Daikin spec sheet.

Overall, the running cost the difference is going to be minimal at best.

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
and in that case what are your reasons for spending the extra amount. Is it the novelty factor or something else that is not obvious upfront but beneficial to the user otherwise, kindly share your thoughts.

Comfort. In a normal A/c, set at say 24 Degree C, the A/C first delivers chilled air on 16 C and then warm air, of say 28 degrees, as the compressor cycles on and off to maintain temperature.

In an inverter A/c, the air is maintained at a constant temperature throughout, as the compressor never shuts off, it just slows down.

Hence its a more comfortable air conditioning.

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
As for the power savings manufacturers are claiming up to 50% power savings. I took that with a pinch of salt and was expecting say 35% which is still a lot of saving. Since I have no practical experience with one, will wait for your inputs regarding noticeable changes in the power consumption for that one install.

Marketing Bull. Daikin proudly displays its COP for the inverter models as 4.17 or something. However, big deeper and you ll see the high effieciency is only for the 0.75 ton model. All the rest have COP in the range of 3.3 to 3.5

Expect nominal power savings, dont expect to recover your costs. If I get time over the weekend, i ll take a clamp tester to both the machines and give you the figures.

P.s. All that said, I recommend the invertor technology, and highly recommend the Daikin at the reduced price...

Last edited by AbhiJ : 1st May 2010 at 03:45.
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Old 1st May 2010, 13:25   #1060
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The above prices are fantastic news. Now we can expect better and realistic pricing all around. How is the build quality compared to the earlier machine.

If you can do the current consumption test I think the inverter unit will surprise you even with the lower COP.
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Old 1st May 2010, 17:14   #1061
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I saw Hitachi's advertisement regarding Inverter Split AC (1.5T) in HT today. Their entire range was mentioned but where did Logicool go? I've seen new Logicool's being installed in my college but nowhere Hitach is mentioned, any idea?
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Old 1st May 2010, 20:54   #1062
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Originally Posted by drbabuanand View Post
that is a good deal for e con pearl.
i am being quoted 38000 with stabilizer and installation for econ sapphire.
i guess the price difference is for the super tropical compressor in econ sapphire
please share your experience about installation and a/c.
what stabilizer did you get.
Yes, you are absolutely right, the only difference between pearl and sapphire is super tropical compressor in sapphire and in my opinion it is not a big compromise as panasonic compressors are excellent worldwide like Hitachi and Toshiba.
I bought the Hylex stabilizer and installation was done by the panasonic guys which was included in AC cost.
To believe me as i live in jaipur and my room size is 16x 12 feet and one wall with 16 feet facing east; this piece of chilling machine is amazing and takes no time in chilling.
on a lighter note i found this brand the best in terms of value for money compare to all other brands in the market.
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Old 1st May 2010, 23:09   #1063
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Hi. As posted earlier, we need an Air Conditioner for my room. 0.8 ton, Window. 0.8 ton is what I'll need, due to only me using that room, and the room being small, and it receiving negligible amount of direct sunlight. AFAIK, LG and Voltas are the only two manufacturing 0.8 Windows, LG's being 1 star, and Voltas being 2 star. The AC will not be used much after an year or so as I'll get to a college.

We were gonna go for Voltas, but then I read about LG's excellent customer service in The Home Appliance Thread, which, again got us confused. Split is not required as I've been on Desert Cooler all these years so noise and looks aren't an issue. . So which brand do you gurus recommend ? LG or Voltas ? Any other brand or additional suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
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Old 2nd May 2010, 17:19   #1064
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Originally Posted by anku94 View Post
AFAIK, LG and Voltas are the only two manufacturing 0.8 Windows, LG's being 1 star, and Voltas being 2 star.
Hitachi makes 0.9 ton 5 star rated ac. Do check it out.
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Old 2nd May 2010, 22:42   #1065
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Originally Posted by surd_biker View Post
Hitachi makes 0.9 ton 5 star rated ac. Do check it out.
It's a split, and as mentioned, I don't really need one.

Where's khoj when you need him the most ?
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