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Old 29th January 2011, 15:40   #1426
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Looking for Air conditioner units for house.

1. For the bedroom, looking for an ac with inverter. Room size is 14x10X10 with no side exposed to the sun. the unit will run for 6-8 hours everynight for 8-9 months. Any better/cheaper options?

Mitsubishi Heavy SRK13-YJS for 35K before discount
Daikin FTKS35 for 36K before discount
Toshiba 1.3 tonne for 44000

2. For another bedroom need a basic cheap air conditioner. Size is again 14x10x10. Will be used for 2-3 hours max everyday for 8-9 months. No side exposed to the sun. Any cheaper/better options?

Onida Ultra Slim mirror 1 tonne for 23K before discount
Voltas Vertis Gold 1 tonne for 25K before discount.

3. For the living room, need a powerful ac. The size is 14x22x10. It has 3 doors and 2 full size windows with one side exposed to the sun. It will be used 4-5 hours everyday for 8-9 months. Cheaper/better options?

Hitachi Star 2.2 Tonne Scroll for 51750 before discount
Voltas Vertis 2.0 tonne scroll (yet to check for availability)
Toshiba 2.0 tonne for 48000

suggestions, feedback appreciated. also please advise on the pricing and whether discounts are possible.

Last edited by devarshi84 : 29th January 2011 at 15:45.
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Old 2nd February 2011, 18:31   #1427
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Dev: I have an Onida 1.5 and 1 and have been extremely happy with them. The comp is from Hitachi and consumption is really low
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Old 2nd February 2011, 18:41   #1428
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Thank you for the feedback.

Update: Onida is not available since they are launching new models with price rise. Same for Mitsubishi Heavy (also new import container awaited).

I have finalized Hitachi 2.2 Tonne due to room requirements.

Also I have finalized Mitsubishi Heavy SRK13YJS. If not available I will by Toshiba RAS-12SKCV. If the price difference between TOshiba and Daikin is more, I will get Daikin FTKS35

Since the Mitsu Heavy guy offered a deal, I am wondering if I can get the .75 tonne for my 140 SQ.feet room. The brochure says it is ideal for 110-140 sq.feet. But then Voltas and MItsubishi Heavy .75 tonne have same specs.

Please suggest on which is better for inverter ac (MItsubishi Heave/ TOshiba/ Daikin)
Please suggest for 140 sq.feet (Voltas 1/ Voltas .75/ MHI .75/ Carrier 1)
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Old 3rd February 2011, 23:37   #1429
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Any good deals on this "off-season" ? Thinking of buying a 2T split for a large hall before the Delhi summer sets in!
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Old 4th February 2011, 01:06   #1430
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by devarshi84 View Post
Since the Mitsu Heavy guy offered a deal, I am wondering if I can get the .75 tonne for my 140 SQ.feet room. The brochure says it is ideal for 110-140 sq.feet. But then Voltas and MItsubishi Heavy .75 tonne have same specs.

Please suggest on which is better for inverter ac (MItsubishi Heave/ TOshiba/ Daikin)
Please suggest for 140 sq.feet (Voltas 1/ Voltas .75/ MHI .75/ Carrier 1)
The fine print on these air con brochures tells you at what ambient temperature(look out for the dry/wet bulb scales) and humidity levels a particular machine is adequate for the proclaimed square footage. Do check the same and decide accordingly.

Going by general weather trends I am doubtful if a 0.75 ton machine would be able to handle 140 sq ft in Ahmedabad's summer. I would recommend atleast a 1 ton if not a 1.2 ton machine.

As for the inverters Toshiba was the first in 1981 to incorporate the inverter technology in an airconditioning unit, Daikin sort of perfected it and Mitsubishi gives it to us at a better price point than both. However in our market when it comes to service which is very important in case one is buying an inverter, I would rate Daikin to be most proficient followed by Toshiba(Carrier by another name) and then the Mitsubishi since it is backed by an importer only and has no real time factory support.

Another unsolicited advise is to keep away from Onida and Voltas. Their machines are like a lottery, sometimes you get lucky most of the time you do not. If you are looking at a price point lower than Daikin, Toshiba etc you should look at Panasonic for inverters and non inverters and Whirlpool again for non inverter machines.

Originally Posted by aloathsomebrute View Post
Any good deals on this "off-season" ? Thinking of buying a 2T split for a large hall before the Delhi summer sets in!
Hey what happened to your post count?? I thought you had a few under your belt or am I mistaken.

Delhi dealers should be sitting on some slow moving stocks right now as most of the Japanese companies close their FYs on Dec 31 and try to offload as much stock as possible around that time and with enticing deals. The physical stocks would have come in / started to come in by now. Go around and talk to a few people and you will get a good deal for sure.

Last edited by khoj : 4th February 2011 at 01:08.
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Old 4th February 2011, 04:09   #1431
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

All of you might be interested ina new product that am currently looking at , at a dealer near my place . Its a split AC but the size of a window AC . Its the new panasonic CUBE AC . Its got a full fan inside it that blows the air over the coil so the cooling is pretty fast . Am yet to see a demo , they'll probably have it all set up this week. Will let you guys know . Its available in a 1.25 T and 1.5 T . The 1.25 is costing me about 16.5 including free installation since its a new product .
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Old 4th February 2011, 11:06   #1432
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

The rule of thumb which I have had time to verify is

1. 1 ton for every 1000 cu.feet
2. 1 ton for every 4 persons
3. 1 ton for every 3 KW appliance load

The assumptions are that
1. 20-25 degrees cooling over ambient, normal in North India (22 degrees when outside is 45)
2. There is no direct sunlight on the windows
3. There is no constant traffic to and from the room.

In case the whole house is air conditioned, then the load is much less as both sides of the inner room are cooled and heat loss due to constant opening of inner rooms reduced. That is why you will see that in a 2000 sqf flat 6-8 1.5 ton window AC are required, compared to a 7 ton package unit.

I have tested these rules and in Delhi summer they are validated. For example
1. In a 200 sqf room with 3x1.5 tons window AC, you get chilled till there are 8 persons, or normal with 2 working, with 15 the fans have to be on full blast, and beyond that it gets uncomfortable with temperatures hovering at 30 degrees.
2. in a 130 sqf room with no windows a 1.5 ton split is comfortable upto 4 persons, by if there are more the room heats up very fast.
3. In 160 sqf bed room with 2 ton split, it gets hot in day, while remaining pleasant at night

The advantage of inverters is that they adjust the cooling to your requirement, hence extra capacity will cool faster, and once the temperature is achieved they will slow down maintaining cooling while consuming less power.
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Old 8th February 2011, 15:03   #1433
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
Going by general weather trends I am doubtful if a 0.75 ton machine would be able to handle 140 sq ft in Ahmedabad's summer. I would recommend atleast a 1 ton if not a 1.2 ton machine.

As for the inverters Toshiba was the first in 1981 to incorporate the inverter technology in an airconditioning unit, Daikin sort of perfected it and Mitsubishi gives it to us at a better price point than both. However in our market when it comes to service which is very important in case one is buying an inverter, I would rate Daikin to be most proficient followed by Toshiba(Carrier by another name) and then the Mitsubishi since it is backed by an importer only and has no real time factory support.

Another unsolicited advise is to keep away from Onida and Voltas. Their machines are like a lottery, sometimes you get lucky most of the time you do not. If you are looking at a price point lower than Daikin, Toshiba etc you should look at Panasonic for inverters and non inverters and Whirlpool again for non inverter machines.
But considering inverters save upto 40% compared to 1 star machines, is it a worthwhile investment compared to 5 star machines? For e.g. Onida/Voltas Machines give a COP of 3.51/3.59. Even a Carrier with 3.33 COP is 25000 while Toshiba/Daikin/MHI inverters go at 35000.
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Old 15th February 2011, 14:08   #1434
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Hey Devarshi84,
Saw your post just now. The inverters will always save money compared to any non inverter machine irrespective of whether they are 1* or 5*. Depending on your usage the quantum of savings and thereby the ROI period will differ but savings will be there that is definite.

Coming specifically to your example a fair comparison will be the price of a non inverter Toshiba/Daikin to an inverter from the same makes, not that there is much difference in the prices that you have posted. On the performance side, figures on paper are one thing and real life performance is another. These figures need to be taken with a big pinch of salt as these are obtained under tightly controlled lab conditions.
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Old 15th February 2011, 16:42   #1435
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

HItachi star 2.2 scroll finalized.

Now here's the deal

I get two Onida High eer for 25500 each (Hitachi compressor I was told)
I get a Voltas for 23000 and MHI invertor for 35000
I get a Carrier Durakool for 24250 and Toshiba Invertor for 37000
I get a Daikin 1 tonne for 28000 and Daikin invertor for 35000

Which is the best alternative in the long run? I am interested in a high eer machine for guest room and a invertor for the main bedroom mostly with Onida and MHI invertor in mind.

Last edited by devarshi84 : 15th February 2011 at 16:43.
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Old 16th February 2011, 10:00   #1436
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by devarshi84 View Post
HItachi star 2.2 scroll finalized.

Now here's the deal

I get two Onida High eer for 25500 each (Hitachi compressor I was told)
I get a Voltas for 23000 and MHI invertor for 35000
I get a Carrier Durakool for 24250 and Toshiba Invertor for 37000
I get a Daikin 1 tonne for 28000 and Daikin invertor for 35000

Which is the best alternative in the long run? I am interested in a high eer machine for guest room and a invertor for the main bedroom mostly with Onida and MHI invertor in mind.
Get the inverter models. From the perspective of maintenance I would suggest that you get all your AC of the same brand. You will not only be able to negotiate a better discount at the time of purchase, but at the time of AMC.

As the cost of electricity is rising every day, any saving now in the bill will invariably multiply in future.
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Old 20th February 2011, 11:01   #1437
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

I am looking for a 1.0 TON split AC to be bought today/tomorrow. Please suggest one on the latest offers and reliability. Budget 20-22K. Is there someone who has been recently researching on this particular requirement in the last month help. Can any Chennaiite comment on the Vasanths/Shahs/eZones/etc who has bought a similar product a year or so back and who is satisfied and no complains? Thanks
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Old 21st February 2011, 09:59   #1438
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Bought a Panasonic Cube 1.2 ton split AC with remote for 16.5K from the Panasonic store this weekend. Waiting for the (free) installation to judge performance.

Only feature missing IMO is that it does not have directional controls to direct air flow!
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Old 21st February 2011, 11:03   #1439
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Can someone give me the prices of Daikin Inverter Acs. Will need 3 2.0ton Ac's and 1 1.5ton Ac's. Prices for both will be appreciated.

As of now the choice is 2.0ton Voltas Vertis Gold Ac's which I am getting for 30k per piece.
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Old 25th February 2011, 09:25   #1440
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Searching around for AC for home. Most shop guys tell me for 168sq.ft room I need a 1.5 ton AC. But in few friends and relatives' houses, I have seen 1 ton AC doing a satisfactory job in slightly bigger rooms.
My requirements is 90% at night and a temperature of 23-24 should be fine. The rooms have windows on two walls.
With a 1.5 ton AC, will I save more power assuming it will reach the required temperature faster?
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