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Old 23rd October 2005, 15:19   #46
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ofcourse a router will solve this. i think we are trying to avoid that expense. if you got DHCP then the gateway will be blanked out. in this case a gateway should be set automatically as well. go to the DOS menu (type cmd in the run option under the start menu) and type ipconfig /all. let us know what comes up.
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Old 25th October 2005, 13:45   #47
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Ran, "cmd" on my desktop, this is what I got:

The D-Link Ethernet adapter is used for the LAN connection to my notebook, while the RealTEK onboard ethernet adapter is used for my cablenet connection.

Last edited by ported_head : 25th October 2005 at 13:47.
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Old 25th October 2005, 14:11   #48
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Basics first.
Cable modem's adapter usually takes the Phone connection jack or any modem providers jack and hits your computer.

The internet adpater is used so that a network connection is established with your ISP all the time, with a valid IP address.
You do not need to configure DNS as the ISP's name servers woudl take of this.

Can you connect to the internet without bringing your Laptop in the picture.
If yes.

Do the following
An additional nic card would be required to connect your Laptop and your PC
If you have the nic card

Connect the cross over cable from your laptop to your PC
if you not have a cross over cable

You would need a HUB, a SWITCH or a router
As a straight cable cannot be used to connect two computers

If you have a cross over cable

Go to Network connections, Properties -- TCP/IP address configuration
Check the IP configuration of your desktop
Eg: if the ip address is, Subnet

Then the laptop's ip address should be 10.12.13.x subnet mask should be

Gateway address should be

This should ensure that you can communicate with the PC box
You could try a ping to the desktop from the Laptop and check the return

In addition to that you can add a host file entry for the PC on to your Laptop so that name resolution also takes place.

If you are looking for a host file
You can find it c:\winnt(windows)\system32\drivers\etc

If you cannot communicate to the internet with the cable modem, then you need to call the ISP

I hope this helps.

Raaj KS
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Old 25th October 2005, 14:15   #49
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In the RealTek adapter's properies, give default gateway as
and in the D-Link's properties, give as default gateway.

In your LT, give as the default gateway.
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Old 27th October 2005, 14:03   #50
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Man, I've beaten this thread to death with redundancy. Still no avail....

The LAN works fine. Could it be the cable? If LAN works fine, that means the cable is alright too, right? Could it an issue with my ISP? Do they have any control over my idea of routing a connection via another computer?
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Old 27th October 2005, 14:18   #51
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Well if LAN is working fine then it is a case of the gateway being specified wrong. The ISP has no control at all. Try fixing it, if you cant then by a 2 port hub for 250rs, the easiest way!
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Old 28th October 2005, 17:58   #52
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Hi Ported.

This really sucks. Man, I wish I was in Mumbai. Just last week, I configured 4 setups - all exactly like yours using Xp and a INR 250 hub. 15 minutes each is all the time spent and belive me, I have zero formal education wrt computers.

If the LAN works well (try to actally Xfer files; big ones and see that all works well. The guy who crimped my cables the first time, got the colors mixed-up. The machines wud ping, the LAN would work but all verrrrrrrry slow. Fresh and correct crimpings sorted that out)

I ditto tsk on the 'hub' - Go for it and save youself the headache. Also, while you are it, buy a few patch cords (ready made straight crimped cat5cables) of suitable lengths. That way, you will be sure of the 'hardware'.

Keep us updated.

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