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Old 27th August 2014, 16:34   #19006
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Checked out Nexus 5 and HTC 816 at Chroma store today. Camera wise Nexus 5 is big let down in comparison with 816. 13MP shooter is league ahead in terms of picture quality, color reproduction, contrast and clarity. Same with its 5 MP front camera.

This is primarily one area Nexus 5 lags behind.

Rest performance wise Nexus 5 is any day better than 816, apps were opening more fluidly than 816.

But camera on Nexus 5 disappointed me which as a hobbyist photographer is my priority to have a good camera phone.
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Old 27th August 2014, 16:35   #19007
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

The Samsung S5 Mini is going to be over 21-24K, as per Zauba ( It's going to be a tough sell!
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Old 27th August 2014, 16:42   #19008
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I am pretty sure that this Mi3 pullout is a hoax. Multiple things don't add up here. Too bad that PhoneArena decided to fall for it. Show me one press release from Xiaomi that says they are doing this? No company will commit such a harakiri. It creates doubts about your business model in people's mind. And when you are a chinese company you should be doubly wary of that.

U huh! I would like to wait on that one... till otherwise proven with some news elsewhere on this I would rather treat that as hoax.
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Old 27th August 2014, 16:46   #19009
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

My friend is in need of a simple android smartphone as his Galaxy Ace Plus went kaput. Budget under Rs. 10k.

He already has a Nexus 7 (2013) for work. So phone is needed only for calls, light browsing and whatsapp. He can't wait for Redmi 1S, as his phone's unusable. Not considering the MotoE due to the bad camera and no flash. Leaving aside local/lesser known brands, what's his best buy?

I have advised him to raise his budget by another 2-3k and get either of the following:
1. MotoG
2. HTC Dsire 516
3. Samsung Galaxy Grand Quattro (I have this one)

Is it worth to go for the MotoG now as the next one's due quite soon? And what's the best buy under Rs. 10k?

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Old 27th August 2014, 17:11   #19010
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Zappo View Post
I am pretty sure that this Mi3 pullout is a hoax. Multiple things don't add up here. Too bad that PhoneArena decided to fall for it. Show me one press release from Xiaomi that says they are doing this? No company will commit such a harakiri. It creates doubts about your business model in people's mind. And when you are a chinese company you should be doubly wary of that.

U huh! I would like to wait on that one... till otherwise proven with some news elsewhere on this I would rather treat that as hoax.
if you see Flipkart trend, registraton for nwxt flash sale ( 2nd Sep) was announced to be ON from 6 pm yesterday ...but its showing message now ' Registration for Mi 3 sale is now closed ' .

why this sudden change in this week in FK? lets wait for 1 days , things will be clear hopefuly.
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Old 27th August 2014, 17:28   #19011
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by n_aditya View Post
Drain the battery completely till the phone dies and then charge the phone. Do this a couple of times and the battery life will be better over the long run.

I charge the phone in the morning just before I get to work and by the time I leave it's at around 70% charge. Data, BT, WiFi all on through the day and after I reach home my son plays games on it for a few hours till his bedtime. The phone gets down to 20% charge by then only to be plugged in for a recharge the next morning (and it is at 15% the next morning).
Wow! That's one (duracell like) long lasting battery ! I really hope it hasn't got anything to do with my battery. Let us consider if my phone's battery is the culprit then do I have to send it back to flipkart or can the Mi3 service centers help me out with the replacement?

Did your Mi3's battery life increase after doing the exercise which you have mentioned? Or even your Mi3's battery wasn't unlocked to it full potential until you did what you have mentioned above?


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Old 27th August 2014, 17:33   #19012
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Amazing View Post
why this sudden change in this week in FK? lets wait for 1 days , things will be clear hopefuly.
Well, looks like it's going to be killed. There is an article on NDTV too.

Guys, saw this about the Xiamoi 1S on flipkart. Does it mean that it supports CDMA and GSM. If yes, does it mean CDMA with 3g and GSM with 2G?

"If you are the person that requires two SIM cards for your personal and business life, then this phone is the one for you. The Redmi 1S comes with a WCDMA slot for 3G data and a GSM slot for 2G data"

Last edited by pareshraheja : 27th August 2014 at 17:58. Reason: Some more info added
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Old 27th August 2014, 17:38   #19013
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Raccoon View Post
Thanks! Does it look good though? I may not hesitate to use it so much if its on a easily replaceable back panel. But on non-removable ones, it causes more concern; esp. when it says it uses an "aggressive adhesive:! I saw that they have similar legs for laptops too. Great if you have a laptop that has lost a leg.

I wonder why seller/manufacturer is targeting only iPhones and Galaxies.

This is such a simple but effective solution, I wonder why manufacturers don't bother to provide something similar. I guess they would rather you buy an exhorbitantly priced back panel from them instead.
The feet are transparent rubberized material, so it doesn't mess with your phone's look at all, plus they aren't very big to look out-of-place, at least not on larger phones. Targeting Apple and Samsung? The two biggest brands I suppose, but this should work with ANY surface, not just phones.

My take on the crappy (or at least fragile) build quality from OEMs is they arm-twist you into spending money on their overpriced accessories to protect your precious and already overpriced phone, it's a whole industry by itself. They aren't getting any of my cash though, I wouldn't bother with these feet either, if the S3 had a textured back-plate like the original Galaxy Ace phone, instead of a paper-thin scratch magnet.

Last edited by Chetan_Rao : 27th August 2014 at 17:43.
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Old 27th August 2014, 18:58   #19014
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Moto G users - It seems Flipkart is clearing the stocks of all the Motorola branded cases and covers for the G, I suppose in preparation for the G2 launch next month.

All covers, including the grip and flip covers now available for just 199/-.

Get yours now, while stocks last.
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Old 27th August 2014, 22:35   #19015
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Originally Posted by pareshraheja View Post

Guys, saw this about the Xiamoi 1S on flipkart. Does it mean that it supports CDMA and GSM. If yes, does it mean CDMA with 3g and GSM with 2G?

"If you are the person that requires two SIM cards for your personal and business life, then this phone is the one for you. The Redmi 1S comes with a WCDMA slot for 3G data and a GSM slot for 2G data"
No. WCDMA is 3g on GSM as far as I know. CDMA 3g is via EVDO so no, you can't use a CDMA sim in the 1S.
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Old 27th August 2014, 22:53   #19016
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Flipkart has sold approximately 85,000 units of Mi3 till now. Last import being 25-August. And today we get the registration closed message

Looking at the per unit cost it looks like flipkart was hardly making a profit of 1000 bucks on each phone. Although this is not a reason for their discontinuation
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Old 27th August 2014, 23:07   #19017
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Please pardon for this noob question.

Just wanted to know if dual sim phones have any health hazard associated with them as two radios are working for two independent sim cards?

SAR value is 0.54W/Kg for HTC 816 dual sim.
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Old 27th August 2014, 23:50   #19018
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Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
Flipkart has sold approximately 85,000 units of Mi3 till now. Last import being 25-August. And today we get the registration closed message

Looking at the per unit cost it looks like flipkart was hardly making a profit of 1000 bucks on each phone. Although this is not a reason for their discontinuation

Isn't that a cool 85 million revenue for flipkart? That's less?
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Old 28th August 2014, 09:46   #19019
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by n_aditya View Post
both my wife and I feel that the Mi UI is a lot friendlier and easier to use compared to the UI in the MotoG.
Thats because it's an iOS UI clone and women instinctively like that UI.
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Old 28th August 2014, 09:56   #19020
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Octane_Power View Post
Let us consider if my phone's battery is the culprit then do I have to send it back to flipkart or can the Mi3 service centers help me out with the replacement?
Flipkart will not provide any kind of support. You will need to go to the Mi3 service center.

Don't fret over this.

Open dial pad, punch in *#*#6484#*#* in the keypad and the diagnostics for hardware will open. You can check here if you have any battery issues. 6484 by the way stands for MIUI.

Originally Posted by Octane_Power View Post
Did your Mi3's battery life increase after doing the exercise which you have mentioned? Or even your Mi3's battery wasn't unlocked to it full potential until you did what you have mentioned above?
I remember the phone was at around 40% charge out of the box and it went down to 15-20% that day after using wifi to install apps and configure the phone. I'd recommend the battery kill-recharge method. Use the charger supplied in the box as it recharges the phone very quickly compared to other chargers.
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