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Old 24th December 2016, 15:45   #25096
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Red Liner View Post

Quick question: Does the turbo charge work as advertised? Some people say it takes over an hour to charge up.

Add Q for the others: Could someone list best practices to follow when giving away your old phone? Do I just do a factory reset - will that completely remove all the user data?
Turbo charging does work but my x force does heat up a lot during the initial few minutes. It does take some time but then it has a 3760mah battery to charge.

Just pissed off with moto as my x force is still in Dec 2015 security patch. One year and no updates?! And in what was supposed to be their flagship for 2015.

Factory reset is the best you can do.
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Old 24th December 2016, 16:26   #25097
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Originally Posted by Red Liner View Post
Quick question: Does the turbo charge work as advertised? Some people say it takes over an hour to charge up.
Just on the limited point of Turbo charging, it just works very well on my G4 Plus and I guess it charges up fully in one hour +.
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Old 24th December 2016, 20:05   #25098
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Originally Posted by Red Liner View Post
Wow! This is awesome! Now I will wait for New Year...hope there's some bundled offer with my credit card along with the exchange thing.

Flipkart's offer for my Xperia Z was 5,200 against amazon's 1950! What gives? Its a massive difference.

Quick question: Does the turbo charge work as advertised? Some people say it takes over an hour to charge up.

Thank you Suraj, you've been very helpful.

Add Q for the others: Could someone list best practices to follow when giving away your old phone? Do I just do a factory reset - will that completely remove all the user data?

Further, how do I keep all the data with me to install into the new phone without the old one in my hand? I am looking at things like App Data (Contacts, SMS etc can be done via google I assume).
Turbo charging works as advertised.

Used it in my Moto G Turbo, Moto Droid Turbo and now the Z Play.
Definitely works. No doubts.
Battery holds better with turbocharging.

If you have both phones together side by side - since Marshmallow Google has baked in a smooth transfer functionality when you start your new phone.
Right upto your current wallpaper and position of each and every icon on your screen.
Try it.
Ask the Flipkart guy to wait 5 minutes while you unbox the phone and confirm details.

If not, sms is the only concern. Super Backup works efficiently there.
Rest - Google does for you. Contacts, photos from Google photos. Dropbox maybe? Calendar. G drive.
You name it.
For whatsapp. Use the whatsapp backup feature. Since with your g drive.
Or copy that folder from phone memory onto your laptop. Paste it on the phone memory of your new phone BEFORE you install whatsapp.
When prompted, opt to restore.

Glad I could help whatever I could.
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Old 25th December 2016, 23:57   #25099
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Here's another meaningless article, one that I cringed at while reading every bit of the way.

Another Apple fan's attempt at using Android which failed to impress and hence automatically results in Android bashing. My question to such people is, why is this such a big deal at all? Every person is enamored by some brand, be it Apple, Sony, HTC or Samsung.. to those with disposable wealth and discerning taste none of these 3 will matter and they'd go and buy a Vertu Constellation (Android) with titanium unibody construction and sapphire crystal glass and keys. Love Apple? Use Apple, I've never bashed Apple as an Android user since forever, but I see many people bashing Android only to call it cheap, slow and non-premium. I disagree vehemently, if one has the budget and buys the right brand and takes time to tweak the software, Android is super-fast, efficient and extremely customisable.

I'm a Sony fan, and buying any other brand is out of the question for me.. it just so happens Sony uses Android so I'm using that OS out of no choice. Its sickening to read such horrible journalism more than anything. I'm saying this because both Apple and Android are great in their own ways and both are very credible, useful OS's. It just so happens that Apple makes their own hardware and optimises their iOS to suit their hardware thus its 100% optimised than say a 99% optimised software in Android because multiple brands need to tweak it to feel different. My phone is blazing fast btw, but that may not be necessary in a budget phone, but that doesn't give journos the right to stereotype and completely overlook the downsides of their favorite brands.

In the end, Apple or Android, we're all like this, just replace the Apple with an Android logo in the video and it's equally applicable :

Once again, the above video may be singling out Apple, but this behaviour applies to Android users too in equal measure, I sincerely don't have any hate for Apple at all.. whatever brand makes a person smile is the right brand for them, no logic at all here - just emotions.
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Old 26th December 2016, 11:01   #25100
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Can someone suggest a good android phone which will be available in a brick and mortar shop? (A relative of mine needs it urgently)

1. 5" Screen, 5.5" is also okay
2. Minimum of 32 GB internal storage
3. Finger print reader preferable
4. 2 or 3 GB of RAM
5. Near stock android preferable
6. All within INR 20k
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Old 26th December 2016, 12:25   #25101
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by landcruiser123 View Post
available in a brick and mortar shop? (A relative of mine needs it urgently)

1. 5" Screen, 5.5" is also okay
2. Minimum of 32 GB internal storage
3. Finger print reader preferable
4. 2 or 3 GB of RAM
5. Near stock android preferable
6. All within INR 20k
Redmi 3s plus, fulfils everything except #5. A relative of mine brought it over the weekend for Rs.9300

Last edited by lordvader : 26th December 2016 at 12:30.
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Old 27th December 2016, 11:50   #25102
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
Love Apple? Use Apple, I've never bashed Apple as an Android user since forever, but I see many people bashing Android only to call it cheap, slow and non-premium. I disagree vehemently, if one has the budget and buys the right brand and takes time to tweak the software, Android is super-fast, efficient and extremely customisable.
There are more Apple haters out there than the other way around. It once used to be Microsoft who used to be at the receiving end of haters which has slowly been replaced by Apple. Fact is these people need something to hate, and most often the targets are the more successful entities. So they make a business case for the hating business and then enrich their lives.

And as far as I've seen Apple users are unaware of just don't care. They keep selling kidneys () to buy their beloved iPhones.

ps: I use a nexus.

Last edited by civic-sense : 27th December 2016 at 11:51.
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Old 27th December 2016, 22:21   #25103
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post

Another Apple fan's attempt at using Android which failed to impress and hence automatically results in Android bashing....
These kinds of articles are just for unnecessary bashing.

I love android+ the freedom it gives to customise your phone. - custom ROMs, launchers etc. I'm sure I use only the very basic customisation compared to what is actually capable. Most people don't use any customisation options at all.

Apple products work extremely well if you have the whole set of products- Macbook, apple tv and iPad etc. Such level of connectivity is not yet offered by Google.

iPhone in USA is not a big deal because of the pricing on contract. In India, it's VERY expensive.

And yes, similarly priced android phones have good performance.
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Old 28th December 2016, 07:19   #25104
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I have an Iphone and no I didn't sell my kidney since i could easily buy one. Does that mean I hate Android, nope. I still have my Moto G3 which houses my second sim and still works flawlessly without any issues at all. Moreover it doubles up as a GPS unit for my motorcycle. Never owned a tough nut like the G3. I have lost count as to how many times I have dropped it (one time even in a swimming pool). Android experience was superb since it was stock.
Apologies for going off topic, but this IOS Vs Android debate gets on my nerves all the time.
Coming back to topic, I need to buy a phone for my dad who uses FaceBook, Instagram,Whats app and Gmaps. Zeroed in on the Moto E3 power. Is this a good decision?

Last edited by rakesh_r : 28th December 2016 at 07:22.
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Old 28th December 2016, 08:54   #25105
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by rakesh_r View Post
Zeroed in on the Moto E3 power. Is this a good decision?
If you like stock android, I think Moto G4 play is better.
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Old 28th December 2016, 10:35   #25106
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Finally checked out the Pixel phones in person at Chroma and they look really sweet, specially the black ones. Absolutely premium and it easily allays any concern people had when one was looking at the phone online.

I still don't like the big chin it has got a la' the iphone. The XL is huge as compared to the regular version. Had it been a bit compact I would have serious considered it over the OP3t (which is out of stock as of now)
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Old 28th December 2016, 11:48   #25107
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Red Liner View Post
I have to take a bet between the Moto Z and the Play.
Originally Posted by Dr.Suraj View Post
Why I picked it over the Z.

Presence of 3.5mm jack (sacrificed in Z to make it slim)
And bigger battery.
Just to add to Dr. Suraj's comments, it seems that the Moto Z uses an older generation camera sensor. As per Anandtech's review, the Moto Z Play camera performed better than the Moto Z ( . Regarding performance, the SD 625 seems to be capable enough to handle even heavy games, based on the few reviews i have seen, so it should be perfectly fine for normal day to day activities. Add the phenomenal battery life, 3.5 mm jack and the price, Moto Z Play makes a more compelling case than the Moto Z, in my opinion.

Both Moto Z Play and OP3 are solid choices i think. OnePlus didn't have a great track record with updates, but they do seem to be changing around on that front with the OP3. Time will tell how well they are able to keep up, but their phones have good custom ROM support, so I am not too worried.
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Old 29th December 2016, 15:31   #25108
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Motorola has started Android N updates for G4 Plus.

Just got this update :

Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-screenshot_20161229110934.png
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Old 29th December 2016, 15:50   #25109
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Thanks. Just checked my G4 plus and update is available. Will update in the night.
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Old 29th December 2016, 16:15   #25110
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I am looking to buy a phone with below requirements- (in no particular order)
1. Good Camera Quality
2. Internal memory - Min. 16GB (Better if 32Gb or more)
3. No Hybrid Slot (can compromise on this if needed)
4. Should support LTE (If supports VOLTE, better)
5. Budget 10-15K Max.
6. No Samsung (no offense meant to Samsung lovers and owners)
7. Should be able to connect to Windows PC without any PC Suite.
8. Screen Size 5-5.5"
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