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Old 19th December 2017, 13:02   #26821
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Pancham View Post
I am posting this in both Android and iOS threads as this is important for both the users. I moved from iOS to Android as I got myself a OnePlus 5T. I have been using iOS for close to 3 years. All the points are my observations only and I would be very happy if someone corrects me as I am on Android now. Some key points observed by me:

Completely agree on the points about applications and updates. I also like the notifications management of iPhone better. Rest of the points really depends on the phone/brand I guess. Managing calls, photos etc. are much easier on Android.

Camera, I don’t think iPhone hold the crown anymore. I had the Samsung S7 Edge and now the LG V20, both can easily match/better the picture quality of my iPhone 7 or wife’s 7+. Recently got the 7+ exchanged for the Note 8, and the camera is just brilliant.

Last edited by vb-saan : 19th December 2017 at 13:08.
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Old 20th December 2017, 11:42   #26822
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Pancham View Post
I am posting this in both Android and iOS threads as this is important for both the users. I moved from iOS to Android as I got myself a OnePlus 5T. I have been using iOS for close to 3 years. All the points are my observations only and I would be very happy if someone corrects me as I am on Android now.
6. I can't seem to find a notepad like that in iOS. It was one of my most used app.
If you're looking for a replacement to the iOS notes app, try Fairnote on play store. Its the closest to what you get on iOS in terms of functionality. Also over time you'll start appreciating certain things like no more in ear vibration during calls if you receive any messages, truecaller, all google apps work flawlessly on android and a few others
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Old 20th December 2017, 13:51   #26823
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Pancham View Post
2. Camera: this is a known fact. Except pixel and some other flagships I doubt there is any camera that matches iPhone's. The OnePlus 5T's camera is nowhere close. They have really screwed up the camera this time.
3. Display: the display is brilliant and I am sure it's better than the iPhone. But the interface of iOS coupled with the retina makes it look really good and sufficed my requirements.
If you talking features then comparing iOS and Android makes sense as the features are an attribute of the OS.

If you are talking camera/display then you should talk of specific phone models like IPhone se, or pixel 2 or oneplus 5 etc. That's because even within IOS you have phone's between 17k to over a lakh. With Android the phones are from 3k to close to a lakh. So, obviously you get what you pay for......
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Old 24th December 2017, 09:22   #26824
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

3 months Free Gaana Subscription!

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Old 31st December 2017, 10:21   #26825
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by procrj View Post
I purchased the Honor 9i last weekend primarily because:[list]
I also got my 9i yesterday and first impressions is I am loving it.

While setting up Apps and data there was a small glitch as Phone Clone was not connecting in my Moto G4 Plus even after trying 5 times. But then went ahead and did the cloning using CLONEit App which was a breeze to work.

My first impressions below:

- I am loving the bezel less screen display, even ignoring the bezel less design, the screen is bright and good. My Moto G4 Plus doesn't hold a candle in comparison.

- EMUI 5 is quite good. I have started liking the interface. Moto was quite boring that way and I had changed the Home App to Nova Launcher even in my Moto.

- There was some bloatware Apps like Games etc, but good thing is Huawei allows you to uninstall those. First thing I did was to uninstall all unwanted Apps.

- Tiny bits like Health care, in built SOS App are very good.

- Liking the Twin Account facilitation for WA. Don't know if this is a feature of Android 7 or Huawei. If it is indeed Huawei a big Thumps Up to them.

- Fingerprint scanner works like a charm every single time.

- I have not yet tried the Camera and Music, so will reserve my comments on those.

Overall it is a very good phone for the price bracket. I am not a gamer or heavy user so the mid range Kirn 659 does its duty well for me.

The deal was sweet as I bought it from Honor store instead of FK. Got a 1250 Super cash on Mobikwik and also got a Gift box from Honor which they say is worth 2K. Box and items look very neat and good quality.

Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-img20171231wa0003.jpg

Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-img20171231wa0002.jpg

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Will write further as I observe.


Last edited by KK_HakunaMatata : 31st December 2017 at 10:25.
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Old 1st January 2018, 17:53   #26826
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Received an update for the Nokia 8 this morning.

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Not sure what I see any different from last night, but I'm glad that HMD is sticking by its commitment to provide regualar updates for the phone.

Tiny review of the Nokia 8 from the past month or so of use:

Negatives First
  • Bland Design, zero wow factor, fat bezels for a 2017 flagship were not a good idea.
  • Camera leaves a lot to be desired for a flagship. My brother's S7 Edge grasps far more detail than the N8, there was some news on an update due for the camera app, but nothing concrete yet.
  • Size is massive for someone coming from 5 inch phones. Don't get me wrong, it still is a one hand phone for most people, but coming from the compact Sony ZL and Samsung S5, this is a proper 1 size larger.
  • Music player app (Play Music) is extremely spartan. I have been using Poweramp for whatever little music I play off this phone.
  • Lack of accessory support, low volume phones just don't have ample variety or support for covers, scratch film, etc.
  • Resale value should be rather below average, buy it only if you must keep it for a couple of years unless you don't mind burning a big hole in the pocket.

  • Super quick everything, blazing fast.
  • Adequate 64 GB internal memory with SD card support is just perfect.
  • Terrific build quality, feels solid to hold too.
  • Brilliant screen despite being an LCD panel.
  • Batter lasts me till 9-10 pm compared to the 4-5 pm on the Samsung S5 with the exact same use.
  • Exclusivity, however this is more on the lines of 'who buys a Nokia in the current day'
  • Popular opinion on the Nokia 8, think of it as the Nexus device we always wanted, blazing fast operating system coupled with adequate battery life and SD card support.
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Old 1st January 2018, 22:26   #26827
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Mostly concur with your review - the only divergence being the looks and form factor that I have grown to like. Looking at the numbers from, Nokia 8 is one of the slimmest smartphones around with a width of 7.9 mm. Feels very nice to hold without the cover.

Specific Issues With Nokia 8 Camera:

1) Poor zoom photos
2) Blurry photos of moving objects/people when flash is OFF. My brother's OnePlus X does not have this problem.

If you are unhappy with low light photos, switch on HDR and take a snap with firm hands. Results are excellent -

Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-img_20171216_204226.jpg

Originally Posted by manson View Post
Received an update for the Nokia 8 this morning.
Thanks. Downloading it now. I wonder why updates don't get downloaded/ installed automatically?

Terrific build quality, feels solid to hold too.
Some interesting videos -> Looks like HMD Global is serious about build quality/ durability


NOKIA 6 Vs Nokia 3310 Drop Test

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Old 2nd January 2018, 13:40   #26828
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Anybody using the LG G6? How would you rate the video camera?
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Old 2nd January 2018, 15:42   #26829
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Dry Ice View Post
Anybody using the LG G6? How would you rate the video camera?
I am not a video camera buff person and mostly stick to still photos. But, the limited videos that have taken so far, I would say they are pretty decent. Colors come as natural and sound is good. In broad day light conditions, videos taken while walking are very much stabilized and it won’t end up with those haziness things.
Again, I have to admit, I have not yet taken any video in low light condition. I will try to take few videos and update here when time permits.
Sorry for not being too helpful.
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Old 2nd January 2018, 16:11   #26830
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Got Oreo update for my Mi A1 yesterday. I was desperately waiting for this update and in fact i brought this phone just for that purpose
The most important feature for me in PIP. I always use gmaps while driving and whenever i get a call, i have to switch back to gmaps after accepting the call and same thing i have to do when i initiate a call. But with this new PIP feature, i need not do that!
Other than this feature, Mi has also enabled 'fast charge' for this mobile and battery management is also improved. For 11.7k, this handset is total VFM for what it offers!
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Old 2nd January 2018, 18:44   #26831
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by smartcat View Post
If you are unhappy with low light photos, switch on HDR and take a snap with firm hands. Results are excellent -
Agreed, the HDR mode is a saviour. Been using the camera with HDR always on by default and have been satisfied with it. The results are great but I was expecting more pop considering the price point and flagship status over the G5+ I was considering.

Originally Posted by smartcat View Post
Thanks. Downloading it now. I wonder why updates don't get downloaded/ installed automatically?
I got a prompt when I powered on the phone yesterday morning. Btw, did you notice anything different in the interface?
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Old 2nd January 2018, 19:13   #26832
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by kavensri View Post
Got Oreo update for my Mi A1 yesterday. I was desperately waiting for this update and in fact i brought this phone just for that purpose
The most important feature for me in PIP. I always use gmaps while driving and whenever i get a call, i have to switch back to gmaps after accepting the call and same thing i have to do when i initiate a call. But with this new PIP feature, i need not do that!
Other than this feature, Mi has also enabled 'fast charge' for this mobile and battery management is also improved. For 11.7k, this handset is total VFM for what it offers!
Mate I too am an owner of the A1 and bought it just after it was launched. There was some FK offer which bought the price down by 2 K and @ 13 K too it felt like a steal for what it offers.

Proud owner am I - A resounding no. The whole reason I bought it was pure Android experience. I still miss my Nexus 4. But the issue with Google App has really bought the overall experience down.

Otherwise too there are problems with Real Racing 3(I had absolutely no problem either with Moto G5 Plus and even my Nexus 4). There are frame freezes, frame loss while game play. And if I don't connect to Wi-Fi the sound is garbled.

With Google App it freezes and takes a long time to even open. Sometimes it doesn't even open and crashes. Work around - I have to clean the cache and uninstall all updates. It works fine for a few days and the same problem starts again.

I have gone through various forums and see folks with similar issue. All workarounds have been tried and the net result is after a few days the problem again occurs. I use Google App a lot - this is my go to app for mail, news updates, gmaps update and everything else.

The experience is so bad that I sometimes feel what optimization has Xiaomi done on this phone that even pure Android stutters every now and then. I have used so many Moto phones after Google stopped the Nexus brand and never had any issues. Even my Nexus 4 ran smooth for 4 years before I changed it.

Hoping you don't face the issue else you will have no option but to

Let me see if the Oreo update fixes anything.

Last edited by nibedk : 2nd January 2018 at 19:15. Reason: Correction
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Old 2nd January 2018, 19:31   #26833
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by nibedk View Post

Hoping you don't face the issue else you will have no option but to

Let me see if the Oreo update fixes anything.
I am not a 'gamer', but i do use lots of apps in my mobile. My mobile is just couple of weeks old, so I have not experienced any of the issues that you have listed. I was using G4+ before and it had a 'ghost touch' issue. I have read numerous forums and found that this issue cannot be resolved. I also observed that Moto series quality has gone down since G3. My friend who is using G4+ is having some screen issues. Inspite of these issues, I was still interested in G5s+ and almost brought it once. As my budget was around 12k and I wanted a phone with assured android updates, I was not having much of options. After waiting for 4 months, i finally brought Mi A1 during that FK offer. As mentioned above, so far so good. But I will update here if i start seeing any of the issues.
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Old 2nd January 2018, 20:33   #26834
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by kavensri View Post
I am not a 'gamer', but i do use lots of apps in my mobile. My mobile is just couple of weeks old, so I have not experienced any of the issues that you have listed. I was using G4+ before and it had a 'ghost touch' issue. I have read numerous forums and found that this issue cannot be resolved. I also observed that Moto series quality has gone down since G3. My friend who is using G4+ is having some screen issues. Inspite of these issues, I was still interested in G5s+ and almost brought it once. As my budget was around 12k and I wanted a phone with assured android updates, I was not having much of options. After waiting for 4 months, i finally brought Mi A1 during that FK offer. As mentioned above, so far so good. But I will update here if i start seeing any of the issues.
Well I do hope you do not face any issues. I was using a Moto G5 Plus before switching to A1. Actually this was meant to be gift for my father. But he chose to have the G5 Plus which was slightly smaller at 5'2 inches.

The software experience in G5 Plus was way ahead of A1. Rest of the things are either equal or A1 is better. But with slight add-ons on pure Android G5 Plus was much better in software experience. I regret not getting the guaranteed exchange for 99 bucks when I bought A1. I am hoping Oreo update fixes things. A1 either matches or is better in most things when compared to G5 Plus. But sucks in one area which matters the most. User experience. Waiting for the next iteration of Android one phones either from HTC or Moto else will go for Nokia next time.

I have already done hard reset couple of times and will take it to service center once after the Oreo update if things continue to be still bad. Still in warranty so am hoping I can get a new piece if they are not able to fix it.
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Old 3rd January 2018, 14:03   #26835
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I have a Sony Xperia XA1-Plus and am looking for a suitable glass protector for the screen. The problem is that this screen is slightly curved at the left and right like a S7 and as it was released only this September, accessories are not out yet.

I ordered a glass + transparent back cover combo from Amazon but while the back cover is OK, the glass leaves about 2-3 mm from left and right sides and the borders don't even stick to the screen. Very bad product by HELIX.

As for the phone, it's awesome. I bought it for the bigger battery and it doesn't disappoint one bit. Multimedia is great and overall great experience.
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