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Old 6th December 2018, 16:05   #28246
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Thank you all for your valuable suggestions, truly grateful for all the responses.

I went with the Motorola One Power. I booked it during the sale and I got it at around INR 13k. The short comings in terms of camera quality is acceptable as I don't use the phone camera much for other than scanning or a click for ID.

The more I read about other offerings the more I realized the need for fast charging, long battery back up and dual sim features. All my mobiles till date was single sim device and often Airtel struggles to reach at some places where Jio network reached seamlessly. The reason I went with a Motorola again was the confidence I got from using the Moto X play. It works flawlessly.

I need some help on the Moto X Play. The screen is damaged and I want to replace it to the OEM or the best display available. I live in Pune (Hinjewadi). Can somebody please suggest where I can get this done.
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Old 6th December 2018, 23:07   #28247
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

In keeping with Google tradition, Pie is the single most useless update I've seen, not glad I downgraded to this bloated code-junk.

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi icons are now invisible in the status bar when activated, they only appear when "connected".. but I want a continuous status bar reminder to have them switched off when not needed.

The settings menu is utter crap.. half the options are hidden and require a press of the bottom arrow tab to expand. Why hide any options in settings?! Why not reveal one setting at a time and hide the rest if Google is getting so mod-unfriendly.

Android is pulling an Apple.. very soon it will become just as rigid and dictatorial.
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Old 7th December 2018, 16:37   #28248
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
In keeping with Google tradition, Pie is the single most useless update I've seen, not glad I downgraded to this bloated code-junk.
Android Pie has reduced the RAM usage (from 2.4GB to 2.0GB) in my 7 plus. That aside, they screwed up the UI. The new quick toggle icons look ugly. The settings app is screwed.
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi icons are now invisible in the status bar when activated, they only appear when "connected".. but I want a continuous status bar reminder to have them switched off when not needed.
True, yesterday I was looking for the bluetooth icon and thought that it was some bug. Now I know it is their new feature.

Android is pulling an Apple.. very soon it will become just as rigid and dictatorial.
Somehow they think they are obligated to copy all the bad things of Apple. They are competing with iPhone for the ugliest notch award with the super deep notch of the Pixel 3XL. And they disabled call recording capability in Pie.

Hope things make a turn for the better when they retire Android and adopt Fuchsia OS.
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Old 7th December 2018, 21:45   #28249
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
Hope things make a turn for the better when they retire Android and adopt Fuchsia OS.
What is Fuchsia? Ok I googled but I'm not much of a tech junkie so I'm not sure if it'll make any difference to the overall user ease. Give me Android KitKat or even Ice Cream Sandwich anyday.. loved how simple and pure they were before all this Material-Design thingy.

The day I buy a phone with a notch OR an iPhone is the day I will stop using a phone altogether. Give me an old fashioned droid any day. I'm using an Xperia and while the hardware and ruggedness is top notch, the software is getting worse by the update.
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Old 7th December 2018, 22:28   #28250
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Ordered the Motorola One Power as I got it for a good price of ₹13.5k in the ongoing Flipkart sale, using HDFC card discount. I was all set on picking up the Nokia 6.1 Plus until recently, but then realised that I couldn't live with it's average battery life as I am a heavy user and depend on my smartphone a lot.

I really like Nokia for their commitment towards providing frequent and timely software updates, but the small capacity battery (by today's standards) in the 6.1 Plus is a letdown, and it doesn't charge all that fast either. Hence, was left with no other choice. I can't live with anything other than a stock bloat-free UI, so I don't prefer any phone with a custom UI skin.

I know Motorola has not been good with updates, but since this particular device comes under the Android One programme, I am hopeful that they'll keep up their promise of timely updates. The dedicated MicroSD slot, the huge battery with fast charging, sturdy metal build (I wouldn't prefer phones made out of glass) were the reasons to pick this over the Nokia. I use my phones for a minimum of 2 to 2.5 years, and these factors do enhance the overall usage experience over a long time.

I'll post my impressions after I receive the device and use it for a few days.
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Old 8th December 2018, 10:17   #28251
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by binand View Post
Some people have reported success using this app:

Be aware that it needs some intrusive permissions, but none implausible given its feature set.
Originally Posted by Rehaan View Post
Has anyone tried the TRAI's blocklist / DND app?
Originally Posted by kavensri View Post
I recently installed this app. Even after me blocking a number through messaging app, sometimes i used to get the SMSes from the same number. So, I installed this app, but there is no improvement even after blocking that number through this app. So, I am not sure of the effectiveness of this app.
Originally Posted by mjumrani View Post
This sums up my experience with the DND app / TRAI.
Originally Posted by _chikku View Post
Yes. I am using this app from more than 6 months now. If your complaint is registered the spamming number gets disconnected in 10 -20 days.
I installed the TRAI DND app recently and have reported all the transaction pipe promotional sms that I receive. These are mostly for real estate or health check ups from providers I never signed up with.

But most of these complaints are closed with a note "not a telemarketer", "service sms", "opted preference". The status goes on to say if I am not satisfied with the resolution, I can approach the appellate for further action.

Which appellate are they taking about? Airtel or TRAI? Any contact details if anyone has done so earlier?
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Old 10th December 2018, 08:34   #28252
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Does the DND app work on hyphenated alphabetical sources (HI-IMSPAM types)? These seem to have become dirt cheap because even the local personal loan sharks don't send SMS from a number directly these days.

Last edited by Chetan_Rao : 10th December 2018 at 08:35.
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Old 10th December 2018, 08:55   #28253
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Dry Ice View Post

But most of these complaints are closed with a note "not a telemarketer", "service sms", "opted preference".
Ditto here. And subject to calls from Vodafone (/operator) to just inform you that the issue has been resolved; with no other action from their side.

But since the reporting the smses seem to have reduced (even if only for a temporary period). Will keep a track on this.

Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao View Post
Does the DND app work on hyphenated alphabetical sources (HI-IMSPAM types)?
Yes they do. It allows you to mark any sms that is not linked to a contact ID in your phone for reporting as spam.
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Old 10th December 2018, 09:57   #28254
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I have been using the TRAI DND app for a while now, but it seems even the telemarketers are smart, they change the ID from which they send the messages so if you block for example "HP-BUYFLAT" using the TRAI app, you won't get messages from them for about a week or so and then you will be bombarded with text messages from the new ID until you block the new ID. It seems to me like an infinite loop.
I also have DND activated on my number, but it's just as useless as the app and I honestly think service providers are gaining huge monetary benefits and hence they are not interested in blocking these spammers.

Last edited by francis_vaz : 10th December 2018 at 09:59.
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Old 10th December 2018, 11:21   #28255
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Hello BHPians,
What is the major difference between Moto One power and Nokia X6? Mom needs a phone and these are the two we've narrowed it down to.
A good Camera would be welcome
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Old 10th December 2018, 11:34   #28256
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

The TRAI App is a piece of crap. Absolute waste of space on your phone. I uninstalled it after the last update. Any alternate solutions to block or delete these pesky SMS's without me having to go through the check delete cycle? I don't want to use truecaller as it is a bit too intrusive. Anything which gets the job done that comes from a non chinese origin is fine.
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Old 10th December 2018, 11:50   #28257
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by longhorn View Post
The TRAI App is a piece of crap. Absolute waste of space on your phone. I uninstalled it after the last update. Any alternate solutions to block or delete these pesky SMS's without me having to go through the check delete cycle? I don't want to use truecaller as it is a bit too intrusive. Anything which gets the job done that comes from a non chinese origin is fine.
Have you tried out the Microsoft SMS organiser? It would not delete the SMS's but intelligently sorts them into different tabs.
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Old 10th December 2018, 15:00   #28258
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SMS Organiser does delete "promotional" messages after a set time. But they still count towards unread count, and i wish the time could be set to less than 7 days.
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Old 10th December 2018, 15:46   #28259
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by ninjatalli View Post
But since the reporting the smses seem to have reduced (even if only for a temporary period). Will keep a track on this.
That's what I have noticed too. I don't get rouge SMS now, maybe 1 per week, but that I can deal with. The constant flow of the real estate/health related providers has stopped. So, I am assuming our provider does send a report to the offender's provider who in turn report it to the offender to get an explanation. At this point, they may be removing our numbers from their directory and replying with a standard template which follows the same chain back to us. This is pure speculation but I am just trying to think of reasons for the spam SMSs to stop suddenly after reporting it.

Originally Posted by francis_vaz View Post
I have been using the TRAI DND app for a while now, but it seems even the telemarketers are smart, they change the ID from which they send the messages so if you block for example "HP-BUYFLAT" using the TRAI app, you won't get messages from them for about a week or so and then you will be bombarded with text messages from the new ID until you block the new ID. It seems to me like an infinite loop.
I also have DND activated on my number, but it's just as useless as the app and I honestly think service providers are gaining huge monetary benefits and hence they are not interested in blocking these spammers.
Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao View Post
Does the DND app work on hyphenated alphabetical sources (HI-IMSPAM types)? These seem to have become dirt cheap because even the local personal loan sharks don't send SMS from a number directly these days.
Originally Posted by longhorn View Post
The TRAI App is a piece of crap. Absolute waste of space on your phone. I uninstalled it after the last update. Any alternate solutions to block or delete these pesky SMS's without me having to go through the check delete cycle? I don't want to use truecaller as it is a bit too intrusive. Anything which gets the job done that comes from a non chinese origin is fine.
Please try to "report" the rogue SMSs and give it a week. The amount of SMS you get will surely drop once you start reporting the unsolicited messages. The App does little to stop/block the messages at the phone level.

If you would want to use a "blacklist" kind of an app, I guess there have been a few recommendations in the past pages.
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Old 10th December 2018, 16:43   #28260
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Dry Ice View Post
Please try to "report" the rogue SMSs and give it a week. The amount of SMS you get will surely drop once you start reporting the unsolicited messages. The App does little to stop/block the messages at the phone level.

If you would want to use a "blacklist" kind of an app, I guess there have been a few recommendations in the past pages.
If you look at the section in the app where you report the messages you can see only text messages upto three days old and none after that. When I spoke with the Vodafone Nodal representative they said that these messages can be reported only if they are less than 72 hours old, any time longer than that no action can be taken on those spammers.
I have done all that you have suggested and as I said earlier, it works for about a week or so and later you have the same menace starting again with a higher rate.

Last edited by francis_vaz : 10th December 2018 at 16:50.
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