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Old 9th November 2011, 18:55   #6526
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
Samsung for all the hardware brilliance are ALWAYS behind the HTC & Sony phones.
I am sorry, but I will need to disagree with you on that one. Samsung hardware is the best in world as on date and in fact inside most of the brands that you have mentioned including HTC and err.. Sony!! (a lost case imho). It is much better than Motorola too in almost all aspects. And that has made Samsung the no. 1 smartphone manufacturer in the world as on date. Google's partnership with Samsung on almost all of its cutting edge phones (like the upcoming Galaxy Nexus) is proof enough of its superiority over Motorola (which now Google owns) and others in this regards.

Only Iphone can match (and even better) Samsung, and that too only in some aspects of hardware design. Where Samsung lags a little is perhaps on the software front in which HTC leads the pack with its Sense interface. Still even in that its much better than Motorola et al...

Last edited by dkaile : 9th November 2011 at 19:04.
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Old 9th November 2011, 19:15   #6527
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by dkaile View Post
I am sorry, but I will need to disagree with you on that one. Samsung hardware is the best in world as on date and in fact inside most of the brands that you have mentioned including HTC and err.. Sony!! (a lost case imho). It is much better than Motorola too in almost all aspects. And that has made Samsung the no. 1 smartphone manufacturer in the world as on date. Google's partnership with Samsung on almost all of its cutting edge phones (like the upcoming Galaxy Nexus) is proof enough of its superiority over Motorola (which now Google owns) and others in this regards.

Only Iphone can match (and even better) Samsung, and that too only in some aspects of hardware design. Where Samsung lags a little is perhaps on the software front in which HTC leads the pack with its Sense interface. Still even in that its much better than Motorola et al...
Samsung wins in the VFM factor.HTC/MOTOROLA are comparatively pricier.but no 1 in hardware/design it is not./
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Old 9th November 2011, 19:50   #6528
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Bluengel180 View Post
Samsung wins in the VFM factor ~ but no 1 in hardware/design it is not./
Well I dont quote out of context casually and without proper research. Some points about Samsung which the majority may be unaware about -

- Samsung produces one of the highest capacity OE batteries which have benchmarked efficiency ratings
- Samsung has the lowest power consumption in its RAMs, NAND and Processors
- Samsung in its S2 e.g. has the MALI 400 M4 GPU which is the Best in class
- Samsung will be the first smartphone to get the official Ice Cream Sandwich update (already running on its Samsung Google Nexus-S model)
- Samsung were amongst the Pioneers to introduce Gorilla Glass to smartphones
- Samsung has the Exynos chip which gives the highest CPU ratings in all tests worldwide. e.g. My HTC EVO3D (the flagship from HTC as of now) had a Quadrant Score of 1885 compared to the S2's score of 3156 (almost double)

Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-quadrant-score-htc-evo3d.jpg Name:  34 S2 Quadrant Score 3156.JPG
Views: 681
Size:  132.1 KB

- Samsung uses the Wolfenson Audio chipset which is again best in class
- Samsung has one of the thinnest form factors and LED/AMOLED screens and uses proprietary plastics which make it the amongst the lightest and the strongest
- Samsung is amongst the few manufacturers to give 10 point Finger multi touch
- It has amongst the loudest external and ear phone quality as well as the loudest headset quality without deterioration
- Its phones run cooler than any other especially in the android market
- Its AMOLED technology is un-paralleled and even its LCD's are used by most leading smartphones behind the scenes

Last edited by dkaile : 9th November 2011 at 19:54.
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Old 9th November 2011, 19:56   #6529
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by dkaile View Post
Well I dont quote out of context casually and without proper research. Some points about Samsung which the majority may be unaware about -

- Samsung produces one of the highest capacity OE batteries which have benchmarked efficiency ratings
- Samsung has the lowest power consumption in its RAMs, NAND and Processors
- Samsung in its S2 e.g. has the MALI 400 M4 GPU which is the Best in class
- Samsung will be the first smartphone to get the official Ice Cream Sandwich update (already running on its Samsung Google Nexus-S model)
- Samsung were the Pioneers to introduce Gorrilla Glass to smartphones
- Samsung has the Exynos chip which gives the highest CPU ratings in all tests worldwide. e.g. My HTC EVO3D (the flagship from HTC as of now) had a Quadrant Score of 1885 compared to the S2's score of 3156 (almost double)

- Samsung uses the Wolfenson Audio chipset which is again best in class
- Samsung has one of the thinnest form factors and LED/AMOLED screens and uses proprietary plastics which make it the amongst the lightest and the strongest
- Samsung is amongst the few manufacturers to give 10 point Finger multi touch
- It has amongst the loudest external and ear phone quality as well as the loudest headset quality without deterioration
- Its phones run cooler than any other especially in the android market
- Its AMOLED technology is un-paralleled and even its LCD's are used by most leading smartphones behind the scenes
LOL . how many samsung phones do the following points apply to?one?two? doesn't make it the best by a long margin.And plenty of phones who pioneered a lot of stuff,like dual core processors and thinner form factors.and MUCH better design and build quality.and seriously.Quadrant is outdated and doesn't count anymore .
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Old 9th November 2011, 20:07   #6530
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Bluengel180 View Post
LOL . how many samsung phones do the following points apply to?one?two? doesn't make it the best by a long margin.And plenty of phones who pioneered a lot of stuff,like dual core processors and thinner form factors.and MUCH better design and build quality.and seriously.Quadrant is outdated and doesn't count anymore .
That is not to say that 'other' good brands don't exist or are not better than Samsung in some respects. But when it comes to choosing the best, the 'flagship' product of the company has to be considered. Samsung produces a vast majority of handsets catering to a plethora of consumer choices. Kindly do not take it as advertising a particular brand, I try and use the best products in the market at that point of time, whether HTC, Motorola or Samsung etc. But as of now Samsung seems to be leading the pack especially in the Android market. And Android as we all know is leading the smartphone (46%) market.

Finally, if still not convinced, to each his own, I guess then. What may seem rational to me, may seem the opposite to you and vice versa.

Last edited by dkaile : 9th November 2011 at 20:13.
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Old 9th November 2011, 20:12   #6531
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Rationality can.fanboyism wont.

You cant just refer to the flagship product of a company and ignore the rest of it portfolio. if "samsung" is regarded as cutting in design and technology just because of the galaxy nexus. shouldn't that that crown go to motorola because their flagship is the droid RAZR?

Doesn't work that way does it?
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Old 9th November 2011, 20:39   #6532
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Bluengel180 View Post
Rationality can.fanboyism wont.

You cant just refer to the flagship product of a company and ignore the rest of it portfolio. if "samsung" is regarded as cutting in design and technology just because of the galaxy nexus. shouldn't that that crown go to motorola because their flagship is the droid RAZR?

Doesn't work that way does it?
Well, we are discussing about performance and hardware part than anything else. Razr is a very capable and smart product, but in terms of performance, can it beat the Samsung? I think not. It also has a poorer camera and non-removable battery aka the much maligned iphone (at least on this topic). It doesn't use the most cutting edge processor either.

You may seem to think the Quadrant and other benchmarking scores mean nothing, but others may not agree. Certainly the most respected Engadget certainly does not agree with your facts and puts Quadrant scores on top of all other benchmarking tools.

Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-motorazr-vs-s2.jpg
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Old 9th November 2011, 20:59   #6533
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by dkaile View Post
Well, we are discussing about performance and hardware part than anything else. Razr is a very capable and smart product, but in terms of performance, can it beat the Samsung? I think not. It also has a poorer camera and non-removable battery aka the much maligned iphone (at least on this topic). It doesn't use the most cutting edge processor either.

You may seem to think the Quadrant and other benchmarking scores mean nothing, but others may not agree. Certainly the most respected Engadget certainly does not agree with your facts and puts Quadrant scores on top of all other benchmarking tools.

Attachment 839880
Did you lose the plot somewhere?we are talking about cutting edge design and overall build quality.WHY are you bringing quadrant scores into it?

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
So please get your facts right before any such fanboy post next time!

PS: I respect Samsung for their awesome cutting edge hardware integration (as with the Galaxy S phones) but cutting edge design they are not. Sorry. Here's what engadget said on the HTC sensation for eg: HTC Sensation review -- Engadget - All these design similarities are hardly coincidental, HTC sees that arrangement and styling as a winning combination and we have to agree.
Totally thumbs up
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Old 9th November 2011, 21:01   #6534
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Anybody using samsung Kies? How do you update it. The update just goes on and on. Doesnt stop. Please help
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Old 9th November 2011, 21:10   #6535
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Originally Posted by zteg
Anybody using samsung Kies? How do you update it. The update just goes on and on. Doesnt stop. Please help
Welcome to Kies. Just wait it out. It takes a really long time but does the job.
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Old 9th November 2011, 21:19   #6536
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by roy_libran View Post
Welcome to Kies. Just wait it out. It takes a really long time but does the job.
After a while it says " Internet not connected, Please connect and try again"
Now what?
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Old 9th November 2011, 22:16   #6537
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by zteg View Post
After a while it says " Internet not connected, Please connect and try again"
Now what?
Hehehehe. Try again, and again.
Kies is slow, buggy and endlessly frustrating. It is the most user-unfriendly piece of software I have seen in recent times. But, eventually it does the job.
In fact read up the thread and you'll find multiple people advocating patience when it comes to Kies.
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Old 9th November 2011, 23:03   #6538
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

So please get your facts right before any such fanboy post next time!

That sums up my reaction to your post. I still repeat that Motorola and Nokia designs are at least a generation older than the current smart phones.

Picking on some quotes from websites without bias and comparison, even the galaxy s2 can be quoted from engadget as below

"Given the veritable spec sheet overload that Samsung has included within the Galaxy S II, we consider its thin profile a stunning feat of engineering."

Stunning feat of engineering must say its just stunning in design and performance.

But overall my post was clearly worded as "my guess" and what "appears" to me as old generation.

I have all the rights to express my views and i have zero reason to research when i am making a statement that clearly is not a judgement but my own guess.

You can do the research for us and do post all the quotes and reasoning you want, and we welcome your service.
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Old 9th November 2011, 23:10   #6539
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by dkaile View Post
I am sorry, but I will need to disagree with you on that one. Samsung hardware is the best in world as on date and in fact inside most of the brands that you have mentioned including HTC and err.. Sony!! (a lost case imho). It is much better than Motorola too in almost all aspects. And that has made Samsung the no. 1 smartphone manufacturer in the world as on date. Google's partnership with Samsung on almost all of its cutting edge phones (like the upcoming Galaxy Nexus) is proof enough of its superiority over Motorola (which now Google owns) and others in this regards.

Only Iphone can match (and even better) Samsung, and that too only in some aspects of hardware design. Where Samsung lags a little is perhaps on the software front in which HTC leads the pack with its Sense interface. Still even in that its much better than Motorola et al...

sarkar aapne selective quoting mai mujhe english fail kar diya.

This is the sum and substance of that post:
I respect Samsung for their awesome cutting edge hardware and hardware integration (as with the Galaxy S phones) but cutting edge design they are not. Sorry
PS: My humble defy gets 2400-2500 quadrant scores man!! cantbeleive HTC scores!
PPS: We agree on the software too - but i disagree a bit. blur is heavy. touchwiz is plain jane. both bow before HTC - where we agree!!
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Old 9th November 2011, 23:43   #6540
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Beg my pardon sir, I do not agree your humble defy can even touch 2000. It has to be a corrupted defy with steroids. No pun intended, hope u got what i mean ;-). Galaxy s2 on steroids can go upto 4000+ i do not know much aboit the HTC.
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