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Old 9th January 2012, 11:35   #7276
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I'm using a Samsung Galaxy SII.I would like to know how good is the quickheal antivirus for android?
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Old 9th January 2012, 12:14   #7277
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by BoneCollector View Post
I'm using a Samsung Galaxy SII.I would like to know how good is the quickheal antivirus for android?
Using of anti virus on any android phone is just a gimmick and nothing else. It will just slow down your phone and nothing else.
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Old 9th January 2012, 12:51   #7278
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Got a Galaxy Note recently.

Facing quite a bit of auto reboot issues. Been checking the net but don't see any specific resolutions applicable to me.

Brief history.
I connected the phone to Kies on the first day. It prompted a firmware upgrade. I accepted. Gingerbread 2.3.6 was installed.

Over the next 3-4 days it would automatically restart once or twice per day.

Then I put my Sim back to the old phone and started using the Note over Wifi at home. A couple of days later it restarted over 20 times in a span of 2 hours.

I backed up (strangely there was no restart for an hour during the backup). And then did a factory reset. It has been a week since then. still on wifi. No external SD card. It still restarts once or twice a day.

Hardly have any apps installed. Yesterday found all the apps were force closing if I tried to open them. Team-Bhp, IMO messenger, angry birds, .. So did a factory reset again. seems to be ok since then.

I had used Lookout and AVG for a couple of days. Not installed now.

Wondering if it's a phone problem. Or 2.3.6 problem. Or some app (but then hardly have any now) or wifi related, or due to ether lack of an active Sim card (it's in the phone and will be activated today.)

The phone was bought locally with B&W from The Mobile Store.

Any ideas what the problem could be?

(posting this from the phone)
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Old 9th January 2012, 12:54   #7279
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Has anyone had any luck getting a jelly cover for Dell XCD35? Tried flipkart/letsbuy but couldn't find anything for it.

Or is there something better than a jelly cover?

EDIT: Dell XCD35 is out of stock at both flipkart & letsbuy. Does anyone have any news if its production has been stopped?

Last edited by fine69 : 9th January 2012 at 13:16.
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Old 9th January 2012, 13:42   #7280
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Any info on the firmware upgrade present for the Samsung Galaxy S2..? Is it reliable or should we wait?
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Old 9th January 2012, 13:42   #7281
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Has anybody used the Optimus Net or Optimus Hub here? There seem to be hardly any reviews of these phones online.

@fine69 - XCD35 is still available at least on eBay. I doubt they will stop production just yet, as phones with 600 MHz proccies from HTC, etc., are still selling. But who knows...

If you can't find a jelly cover, just use a pouch.

Last edited by Raccoon : 9th January 2012 at 13:47.
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Old 9th January 2012, 13:43   #7282
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
Has anyone had any luck getting a jelly cover for Dell XCD35? Tried flipkart/letsbuy but couldn't find anything for it.

Or is there something better than a jelly cover?

EDIT: Dell XCD35 is out of stock at both flipkart & letsbuy. Does anyone have any news if its production has been stopped?

Here by Sofiz - ZTE Blade V880 - Cases

The nilkin TPU flexicases are the best ones. the 1$ ones are pretty good too
I would suggest buying multiple items(get screengaurds too) as you save on shipping.Usually takes around 2 weeks to get them.

As for depleted stocks. the original zte blade has been replaced internationally by the Zte Blade S. so expect Dell to shortly launch a re-branded version of it or the orange Monte Carlo

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Old 9th January 2012, 13:46   #7283
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by shuvc View Post
Got a Galaxy Note recently.

Facing quite a bit of auto reboot issues. Been checking the net but don't see any specific resolutions applicable to me.

Any ideas what the problem could be?

(posting this from the phone)
Well welcome to Android I would say! Thats a standard issue with most droids I would say! Thats my biggest pet peeve with Android. Why does the OS need to crash every now and then!!!
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Old 9th January 2012, 13:54   #7284
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by joslicx View Post
Well welcome to Android I would say! Thats a standard issue with most droids I would say! Thats my biggest pet peeve with Android. Why does the OS need to crash every now and then!!!
Just remembered the dedication from a book by Rodney Zaks on the Z80 in the early 1980's: 'To the bug free computer, if there is one'.
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Old 9th January 2012, 13:58   #7285
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Bluengel180 View Post
As for depleted stocks. the original zte blade has been replaced internationally by the Zte Blade S. so expect Dell to shortly launch a re-branded version of it or the orange Monte Carlo
Thanks, I already got the screen guard yesterday, it was for a blackberry model but fit perfectly on my phone, 100 bucks only.

As for the new version, should I have waited a little more?

Other questions:
1. The RAM, as opposed to what I read, is not 512 in the unrooted condition while some say that they received 512 in the stock condition only. Am I missing something here?
2. SanDisk Memory Card MicroSDHC MicroSDHC 16GB: Memory Card Does this card work for Dell XCD35? Plan on getting a 16 GB card for it but the phone model is not listed in the item description. There's one of Transcend also for 100 bucks less but this seems to be more popular, however not certain if it would work with Dell XCD35.
Are all microSD cards the same i.e. work on all phones or there is further categorization of it? (different classes viz. 4/6/10 I know of)
3. Some literature on rooting/unrooting phones, pros/cons etc. would be helpful, thanks.
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Old 9th January 2012, 14:11   #7286
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
Thanks, I already got the screen guard yesterday, it was for a blackberry model but fit perfectly on my phone, 100 bucks only.

As for the new version, should I have waited a little more?

Other questions:
1. The RAM, as opposed to what I read, is not 512 in the unrooted condition while some say that they received 512 in the stock condition only. Am I missing something here?
2. SanDisk Memory Card MicroSDHC MicroSDHC 16GB: Memory Card Does this card work for Dell XCD35? Plan on getting a 16 GB card for it but the phone model is not listed in the item description. There's one of Transcend also for 100 bucks less but this seems to be more popular, however not certain if it would work with Dell XCD35.
Are all microSD cards the same i.e. work on all phones or there is further categorization of it? (different classes viz. 4/6/10 I know of)
3. Some literature on rooting/unrooting phones, pros/cons etc. would be helpful, thanks.
Sandisk cards are known to work. the 16 gb one will be fine.
Class 4 will be fine if you want to use the card to store data/songs/movies etc. class 10 has much better read/write scores but only worth it if you're going to be running heavy applications from your SD card

Make sure that the screen guard doesn't cover the proximity sensor. people have reported to have problems with it when a screen guard is used.
Get a TPU case too.

As for root.most people with stock roms root the phones to get rid of the unnecessary bloatware that comes with it.the XCD35 comes with vanilla android so don't expect any rise in performance by rooting.(unless you want to install a custom rom) but once you root you get access to plenty of root-enabled applications

Rooting the phone is safe and you can always un-root it if you want to go for a warranty claim.

If you want to root your phone here is the app that will do it,install the app and run it.and then select "permanent root"
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Old 9th January 2012, 14:40   #7287
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Bluengel180 View Post
Sandisk cards are known to work. the 16 gb one will be fine.
Class 4 will be fine if you want to use the card to store data/songs/movies etc. class 10 has much better read/write scores but only worth it if you're going to be running heavy applications from your SD card...
Thanks. I'll do a proximity sensor test once back home, for those who missed, this phone is for my wife and would only be taken out once all the armory is in place.

The regular silicone jelly case, though not readily available at the shop I checked, is for 200 bucks so will check if I can get TPU case in a similar price range, else will go for the jelly case only.

Ok so installing a custom ROM and rooting a phone are two different things, I guess I'll need to read up on it a little.

By the way, I ordered for chocolate, why did they give me vanilla?!?!!

So what I conclude is that rooting basically means getting admin (or superadmin) access to the phone where all the apps can be shifted the SD card etc., right? And one can undo it so it doesn't void the warranty also, that's cool. But if I go by your ZTE Blade's "permanent root" method would I be able to install all apps to the SD card? Is that the only benefit of rooting this phone?

Now the second part of it, if I wish to overclock it or (what else?) I'd need to install a custom ROM (which I think isn't anything physical but some tweaking to the OS?) which wouldn be undo-able and would most definitely void warranty and if not done properly I could also end up screwing the phone as well as my marriage (ok may be not my marriage!) but the phone for sure but overclocking would enhance the performance of the phone if done right and upto certain limit only.

Do I sound a little wiser when compared to my earlier posts?
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Old 9th January 2012, 14:52   #7288
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

XCD35-specific accessories are hard to find in the market. i find the ones i order online to be of much better quality

Anyway you are right.rooting is asking to logging in as superuser. but it will only do move all apps to the sd you'll have so install a root-only app called apps2sd

I would really recommend going the custom rom way and upgrading to gingerbread. as it'll greatly increase the usability of the phone and allow you to overclock as for the warranty it is quite easy to get the phone back to stock form and i haven't actually heard of anyone having warranty problems with custom roms

You wont screw up the phone trying to install a custom rom.i'll guide you step-by-step if you ever decide to upgrade.just pm me
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Old 9th January 2012, 15:23   #7289
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Originally Posted by dkaile
Using of anti virus on any android phone is just a gimmick and nothing else. It will just slow down your phone and nothing else.
I agree. But some anti-virus apps also come with anti-theft measures like remote wipe and location tracking, which make them quite useful.

Originally Posted by joslicx

Well welcome to Android I would say! Thats a standard issue with most droids I would say! Thats my biggest pet peeve with Android. Why does the OS need to crash every now and then!!!
If your phone creases often, something is wrong somewhere. It's not representative of the OS as such.

Last edited by mobike008 : 10th January 2012 at 13:22. Reason: Merged the previous post into this one
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Old 9th January 2012, 15:28   #7290
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
Thanks, I already got the screen guard yesterday, it was for a blackberry model but fit perfectly on my phone, 100 bucks only.
Did you order the screenguard online or purchased from a local store? I'm also looking for a screen guard for my XCD35 (now ZTE Blade after flashing to CM7 ).
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