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Old 2nd July 2011, 12:29   #1
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June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures


Market performance stats received so far; the rest will be added to the opening post as they come in.


3 Series : 163
5 Series : 246
6 Series : 3
7 Series : 30
GT : 9
X1 : 403
X3 : 2
X5 : 17
X6 : 14
Z4 : 3


Spark : 3318
Beat : 1614
UVA : 95
Aveo : 160
Tavera : 1738
Optra : 241
Cruze : 860
Captiva : 161


Linea : 350
Punto : 1150
Palio : 6


Fiesta Classic : 1077
Figo : 5698
Endeavour : 248


Ambassador : 250 (approx)
Pajero : 107
Outlander : 41
Montero : 8
Lancer + Cedia : 7
Evolution X : 0


City : 2802
Civic : 175
Accord : 103
Jazz : 361
CRV : 14


Santro : 7114
i10 : 10969
i20 : 7152
Accent : 941
Verna : 4102
Sonata : 24
Santa Fe : 100


Verito : 1510
Xylo : 2573
Scorpio : 3645
Bolero : 7558
ST + Maxx + Marshal : 767


M800 : 1823
Omni : 6683
Alto : 23240
Estilo : 1532
WagonR : 12215
Dzire : 2486
SX4 : 713
Eeco : 5499
Swift : 9468
A-Star : 905
Ritz : 5239
Kizashi : 32
Gypsy : 182
G.Vitara : 3


Micra : 1609
X-Trail : 16
Teana : 5
370Z : 2


Laura : 693
Fabia : 1461
Superb : 325
Yeti : 132


Fluence : 290


Nano : 5452
Indica : 8188
Indigo : 4882
Sumo : 1470
Safari : 1223
Aria : 356
Venture : 423


Innova : 4,665
Corolla : 629
Fortuner : 990
Etios : 5,002
Liva : 737
Camry : 9
Prius : 2


Polo : 2,679
Vento : 2,457
Jetta : 59
Passat : 197
Beetle : 3
Phaeton : 2


S60 : 5
S80 : 3
XC60 : 9
XC90 : 6

Thanks to BHPian Smartcat for the following charts, images & information:

It's obvious that monthly sales are falling:
June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures-4.jpg

Month-on-Month sales:
June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures-1.jpg

June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures-2.jpg

Last edited by GTO : 19th July 2011 at 11:52. Reason: Adding Volvo
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Old 2nd July 2011, 12:29   #2
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Re: June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Movers & Shakers:

- Overall, not a bright month for most manufacturers. Astronomically high petrol prices & rising interest rates are impacting growth.

- Headlines scream that Maruti's June 2011 sales are the lowest in 2 years. You can gauge the effect of the strike on the Dzire itself! However, even those cars unaffected by the strike have performed lower M-O-M (Omni, Estilo, Eeco, A-Star and even the Alto, though by far the best selling car in India). The practical, well-priced WagonR is able to sustain its impeccable performance and is the 2nd best selling car in the country. SX4 does miserably, though we can term the lull as only temporary, considering the diesel engine. Kizashi is officially a market failure. Well, it was priced to be from day 1.

- The C segment is like the Formula 1 world championship of 2010; new race winners ever so often. The new champion of the 7 - 10 lakh rupee sedan segment is the Hyundai Verna, for the 2nd month in a row. It's lead is so far ahead that the competition (currently) isn't even close. The Verna's design & fluidic branding seem to have worked wonders. Everyone I know, including people who don't usually talk about cars, is raving about the "fluidic's" great looks. Hyundai is also covering a wide price spectrum with 4 engines options.

- Say hello to the best selling sedan in the Indian market today; the Toyota Etios. Sure, it's no.1 position is due to the Dzire suffering a production setback, yet the 5,000 / month tally is simply outstanding. Don't forget that it doesn't even have a diesel engine on offer yet. I'm a huge fan of the Etios' torquey 1.5L engine, space, ride & handling and am happy to see the budget sedan where it is today. For the first time since its launch, the Innova is NOT Toyota's best selling product. Yet, the Innova remains the indisputed 8 - 12 lakh MUV leader. Doesn't look like the facelift did anything for the Corolla's fortunes. It's beaten by both, the Laura & the Cruze (in particular). The Fortuner meanwhile redefines the 20 lakh segment with its usual 1,000 / month score card. Liva despatches have begun, while the CBU-priced Camry remains a failure.

- It's amazing what a price cut and the resultant VFM can do to your product offering. The Honda City is back in the business, and overtakes the Vento again. Question is : Can it sustain this performance? With only a petrol engine? Honda should now realise that the Jazz, Civic & Accord also need price corrections, if their dismal market performance is anything to go by. Swallow the bitter pill, Honda, and move on.

- Hyundai's hatchbacks also bring in strong performances, and contribute to the company gaining marketshare in July 2011 (where most others have lost). Right from the cheap, yet competent, Santro to the premium i20, the sales performance is superb. The Sonata remains a dud though, and the Santa Fe - while no competition to the Fortuner - manages about as much as the Pajero & gang.

- Mixed bag of results at Tata headquarters. While the Nano's 5,500 sales are nothing to scoff at, it's still a sub-par performance for what is the cheapest car in India. Tata is unable to give the Nano the marketing & distribution brilliance that Maruti gives the Alto. On the other hand, the Indica sisters (Indica + Vista) post a very strong month crossing the 8,000 mark. The Indigo + Manza aren't performing up to expectation; the cut-price Indigo CS should bring in greater volumes, while the hugely competent Manza alone deserves to sell 5,000 copies a month. BHPian Arjab shares that the reason for the spike in Aria numbers is that despatches of the cheaper 4x2 variant have begun.

- Despatches of the new Fiesta haven't started yet (should in July). Figo seems to be settling down to a 5,000 odd monthly tally. Good for Ford, but considering its VFM price & diesel engine, the Figo should have been garnering consistent 6,500 - 7,000 sales. Ford needs to aggressively push the hatchback in the hugely competitive B segment.

- While the Vento & Polo are doing respectably well, the former simply isn't maximising the market potential. The Vento's diesel is the best in class and the sedan is one of the few all-rounders in the segment. 2.5K for the Vento is strictly average market performance, considering the product potential, while the Polo's 2.6K in the volumes-laden hatchback segment is nothing to write home about either. Clearly, Volkswagen needs to do more on the marketing & distribution front.

- Skoda has a good month with the Laura at nearly 700 units (even May 2011 was mid 600s) and the Superb comfortably demolishing all of its competitors. The Fabia, once tagged a failure, benefits from repositioning and is doing 3X the sales it was a year back. I find the Yeti's market performance very peculiar; it's amongst the best urban SUVs on sale in India, extremely well-engineered, versatile, packed to the gill with high quality parts and is easy to drive. Still, the Indian buyer doesn't seem to have taken to its small dimensions (for the price) & presence (we all need our SUVs to be brash & imposing, perhaps??).

- The Spark & Cruze continue to be Chevy's star performers. Strange for the Beat to be unable to sustain the 3,000 levels. It's a well-priced modern hatchback. The Beat diesel will surely regenerate market interest. Just hope that the 3 cylinder diesel is acceptably refined. Meanwhile the quick Cruze, and by a huge margin, is the No.1 C+ segment sedan in India.

- The Linea seems to be taking a beating from the slew of launches in the C segment. The Verna, Fiesta, Vento & SX4, all, now offer diesel engines. Still, the drop of 300 odd units is incredibly steep.

- Hindustan Motors never fails to shock us. The pre-historic Ambassador continues to outsell all of the company's other, more modern cars combined. Lancer + Cedia's meager 7 despatches show the HM management in poor light.

- It's now proven that Mahindra does it better when alone. The Verito @ 1,500 units is superb, when you consider the same car barely managed a third till a year back. Strangely enough, the more expensive Scorpio continues to outsell the cheaper, newer & more spacious Xylo. If you ever wanted to know how much looks & image count, this is it. Meanwhile, the Bolero maintains its domination of the Indian UV segment, and that to Mahindra's bottom line.

- Micra does alright, considering that the brand is new & the dealerships limited.

Last edited by GTO : 4th July 2011 at 10:29.
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Old 2nd July 2011, 12:36   #3
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Re: June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Thanks a lot GTO for posting the figures. So Honda City seems to be back with a bang. Price cuts have worked in its favour. Verna @ 4000+ leads the pack, but Etios @ 5000+ takes the cake. I guess it is the most VFM entry level C segment sedan. Most of the beating has been taken by the Dezire, just @ 2486, tremendous downfall. Indigo + Manza @ 4882 seems to be less affected

Just noticed Etios is now the top selling brand for Toyota in India, it has surpassed the Innova sales by a good margin. I can't just imagine what the Etios sales figures would be once the diesel variant is launched. Way to go Toyota

Last edited by AutoIndian : 2nd July 2011 at 12:39. Reason: Second para added
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Old 2nd July 2011, 12:43   #4
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Re: June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Thanks GTO. Overall it's not a good month for Auto industry. Rising interest rates and pricing is taking a toll on the industry. The biggest shockers were Beat and Linea. Both of them are good cars and deserve better sales. Beat D might do some wonders and give it a life line.

Originally Posted by AutoIndian View Post
Most of the beating has been taken by the Dezire, just @ 2486, tremendous downfall.
It is true that Dzire sales is affected by Etios but these low sales numbers for Dzire is mainly due to strike in Manesar plant. I expect sales too be again in 6-7K fron July month.
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Old 2nd July 2011, 12:44   #5
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Re: June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Verito : 1510
Mahindra continues to impress me. Logan/Verito's sales are slowly becoming respectable. Why is SX4 at 713? Shouldn't it be more as the diesel option is also there? Is it because of the strike?
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Old 2nd July 2011, 12:46   #6
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Re: June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Wow ! for Etios , that too with no diesel offering ! Its a tribute to Toyota's market understanding and the kind of goodwill that they carry . 3 runaway segement leaders from their stable out of 5 products (Prius and Liva can be ignored for the time being) thats great .
I would give this months's sales figure a pass if I were to pass a judgement on Maruti but am happy that VW is getting a smack on their face on account of their fairly stupid front office sales staff at the dealer's end.

Verna is clearly rocking the charts though there is a slight dip as compared to May . Is the 6-8 months waiting period already biting in?

Significant price cuts have done the trick for ANHC , its right priced . Also noted that Jazz has more than doubled as compared to May (Civic and Accord has not moved), unofficial deals driving its sales ?

Overall a pretty dismal month for car sales

Last edited by souravc : 2nd July 2011 at 13:04. Reason: including comments about multiple cars
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Old 2nd July 2011, 12:47   #7
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Re: June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Thanks for sharing the figures with us GTO. It is the most awaited thread on team-bhp.
So Finally Honda City has managed to recover from last few months of low sales and it has sold more than that of Vento. Vento is affected because of the fluidic Verna.

Considering the fact that Honda announced this price cut only after 15th of June, still it has managed to pull crowds to Honda showrooms, that's caused rise of good 1000 units as compared to last month. Honda City is the number one car in petrol C segment. I hope it to cross 3000 mark this month.
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Old 2nd July 2011, 12:50   #8
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Re: June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

For FIAT, while Punto maintained the mark, Linea failed miserably, thanks to the new arrivals in the segment. The number will only go downwards in the days to come. FIAT India should wake up from the deep slumber and change their marketing strategy to survive in the market. Even MS SX4 [713] became the victim [perhaps, due to plant closure because of labour unrest?] cannot bring solace to FIAT India.

Last edited by J.Ravi : 2nd July 2011 at 13:15.
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Old 2nd July 2011, 12:50   #9
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Re: June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Congrats Honda!! Finally they've realised that price cuts are actually an option that work!

Congrats Toyota! Even though the Etios is no breakthrough sedan, they're just proving that pricing is the KEY to success in India. Like what Honda's realising.
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Old 2nd July 2011, 12:51   #10
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Fantastic GTO as usual. This clearly shows that value for money combined with variants can do the job for any manufacturer in Our country.
Hyundai and Toyota have shown the way .Unfortunately aim unable to rate this thread 5 stars from my iPad :(
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Old 2nd July 2011, 12:58   #11
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Re: June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Thanks Rush !

- Linea at 350 is seriously disappointing. I think they should have offered 1.3 MJD and 1.6 MJD from the beginning like Hyundai did for the Fluidic Verna.

- Im surprised to see Fiesta classic at 1k levels. It surely deserves better sales when the car offers 2 fantastic engines. More surprising thing is Accent is selling 940 units ( only with a PETROL) where as Fiesta Classic with 2 engine options is just selling a tad more.

- City sales are up but will it sustain 2k+ units from now on? Honda needs to give the City a facelift without much increase in price soon. Civic and Jazz nos. are disappointing to say the least. Hightime Honda concentrates on these 2 models.

- Fluidic Verna deserves the nos. it is doing. Shame on you Ford for delaying the launch of New Fiesta ! But Ford MIGHT have an upper hand if the Fiesta is readily available off the shelves without a wait period.

- Laura near 700 mark is decent. Looks like more TSI are moving off the shelves. But they need to plonk more features on the base version of TSI.

- Aria sales seems to have jumped almost 10 times compared to previous month ( 37 vs 356) . I hope its not a typo

- Corolla at sub 1000 mark is surely not what Toyota expected. But the market surely has not given a thumbs up to the 1.4 Diesel. It surely needs a more powerful diesel.

- Polo selling tad more than the Vento. I think VW needs to replace the 1.2 TDI with the 1.5TDI ( as per market rumours). Polo top end 1.2 TDI ( 3 pot) at 7.5 lacs + is a joke. Polo deserves to sell 3k- 4k units.
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Old 2nd July 2011, 13:02   #12
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Re: June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
[b]Movers & Shakers:[/B

The market seems to have some renewed interest in the Aria.
That's because TML has rejigged the Aria product line and has introduced a
4x2 Aria starting from Rs10-11lakhs. Hence greater dealer offtakes reflect the improved ARIA figures.
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Old 2nd July 2011, 13:12   #13
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Re: June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Civic at just 175 units!!!! Is that the lowest number ever? Seems like the Verna has even taken down cars a segment higher!
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Old 2nd July 2011, 13:23   #14
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Re: June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

So price cut for City has done it for Honda. Honda, When is the price cut on Jazz coming in guys? And looks like Maruti took quite a beating with the strike. Surprising that Swifts managed a 9K sale while Dzire and SX4 sales were meager. Looks like they focussed on churning out more Swifts than Dzire & SX4 after the strike. And a peculiar trend for Aria - I see spikes for alternate months ! So are they producing volumes every second month ?

Looks like Safari sales also declined!
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Old 2nd July 2011, 13:27   #15
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Re: June 2011 : Indian Car Sales Figures

Originally Posted by arjab View Post
That's because TML has rejigged the Aria product line and has introduced a
4x2 Aria starting from Rs10-11lakhs. Hence greater dealer offtakes reflect the improved ARIA figures.
Are you sure about this? I dont remember reading about this anywhere and i just checked the website and there's no info there either
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