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Old 28th March 2016, 14:30   #226
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Does anyone has any update on the ruling? Will the ban be lifted after March 31 or are there any chances of extension?
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Old 30th March 2016, 21:46   #227
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

According to this article,
  1. either SC Lifts the ban in Delhi
  2. Or extends the ban to 5 other metros

Something to watch out tomorrow.
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Old 31st March 2016, 16:54   #228
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Ban on registration of diesel vehicles above 2000 cc engines continues :(
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Old 31st March 2016, 17:31   #229
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Thursday said that its ban on registration of diesel vehicles above 2000 cc engines will continue for now.

A three-judge bench led by Chief Justice of India TS Thakur said it would lift the ban only if the car makers agree to a one-time environment compensation on the registration of the vehicle which could be around 25 or 30 per cent of the vehicle cost.

The Centre in fact opened the door to such a charge by agreeing to pay a 30 per cent charge for registration of special armoured Toyota Fortuners.

The ban will continue till further orders.
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Old 31st March 2016, 21:20   #230
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

First of all, let me say that I'm for change which does good for the environment.

The number of diesel cars having displacement > 2000cc is far lesser than the number of diesel cars having displacement <2000cc.

When you ban sale of a large capacity diesel, you should see the other side of the coin - pollution caused by large number of cars with small diesels is more than pollution caused smaller number of cars with big diesel engines.

We should look to reduce the number of diesel cars if only it is proved that their pollution is more harmful to the environment than equivalent petrol counterparts.
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Old 1st April 2016, 13:28   #231
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

India is still not in that stage of development where it can sustain policies like odd-even number plate rule, or this 30% charge on diesel vehicles. If the government or the courts want to discourage the use of a product with ecological conservation in mind, it has to provide other alternatives. In this case, ensuring proper public transport or electric vehicles and infrastructure for its sustenance.

On the outset, diesel does pollute the environment a trifle more than petrol cars. But by that logic, petrol cars pollute more than bullock carts. The more immediate solution than promoting electric cars or public transport would be constructing and maintaining proper WIDE roads, free of encroachment and parking and sensitivising the public on the advantages of carpooling. Somehow, the court is oblivious to all these.
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Old 1st April 2016, 13:53   #232
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Supreme Court suggests 30% of the cost of the Diesel Vehicle above 2000CC as environment cess for it to allow registration of these Diesel Vehicle.

Government pays 30% for Vehicles for SPG.

The court also suggested a charge of some 25 to 30 per cent on the cost of the vehicles to neutralise the advantage now enjoyed by diesel car owners. The judges urged them to devise a formula keeping in view the public interest in this matter. “It is your city, and all of us breathe the air. Help us to reach a reasonable conclusion. This model may be followed in other cities.” It is not only in Delhi that diesel vehicle manufacturers are at risk. Bihar recently proposed a ban on diesel vehicles. The auto industry’s investments in diesel will be at risk if the other states also look at similar measures.

The court, however, exempted high-security vehicles belonging to the Special Protection Group from the diesel registration ban, but said 30% of the vehicle’s price will have to be paid as compensation.

Last edited by dinesha : 1st April 2016 at 14:18.
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Old 1st April 2016, 14:32   #233
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Shouldn't the 30% surcharge based on emissions rather than engine capacity? But then, you can't expect any logic here, can you!
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Old 1st April 2016, 14:54   #234
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

On my way back to work, saw a usual Delhi MCD decade old truck without any tail lights, number plate and possibly last washed only when it rained, happily chug along the ring road, belching out black smoke as if it was on fire. It just made me ask myself, how many years/kms would it take for any of those 2000 cc diesel cars to contribute the same amount of pollution that this single truck would manage to do in less than a day?

We are going down the drain. Period. This policy will not change unless the car makers start arm twisting the government. It is just so illogical and ridiculous. Do nothing about the real reasons for the pollution but keep acting like a jerk and abuse your power by passing such judgements and then having the audacity to continue it further.
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Old 1st April 2016, 18:36   #235
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

As usual the Government is using the Environment as a means to increase revenue.

That has been the bane of India.
. Traffic Police are there to collect fines not instill traffic discipline.
. The Environment conscious government is happy to make a fast buck at the expense of the poor owner.
. It will now seem that larger diesel engines are fine as long as you pay!

At every stage of the "Governance" you put a price on non compliance. When will we realize that certain rules are for benefit of all and no amount of "blood money" will make the wrong right.
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Old 1st April 2016, 18:41   #236
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Petrol attracts more tax than diesel, a diesel vehicle of the same size consumes at least 30% less than a petrol one. State Governments practically survive on tax collected on fuel, but natural that they are going to discourage diesel in favour of petrol.

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Old 1st April 2016, 19:04   #237
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
Shouldn't the 30% surcharge based on emissions rather than engine capacity? But then, you can't expect any logic here, can you!
Logically it should be emission/seating capacity. That gives how much the vehicle is polluting to transport 'a person'.
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Old 1st April 2016, 19:49   #238
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Originally Posted by drmohitg View Post
On my way back to work, saw a usual Delhi MCD decade old truck without any tail lights, number plate and possibly last washed only when it rained, happily chug along the ring road, belching out black smoke as if it was on fire. It just made me ask myself, how many years/kms would it take for any of those 2000 cc diesel cars to contribute the same amount of pollution that this single truck would manage to do in less than a day?

We are going down the drain. Period. This policy will not change unless the car makers start arm twisting the government. It is just so illogical and ridiculous. Do nothing about the real reasons for the pollution but keep acting like a jerk and abuse your power by passing such judgements and then having the audacity to continue it further.
I see such trucks daily and wonder why aren't they watched. However, it is Supreme Court this time and not the government.

Originally Posted by Aroy View Post
As usual the Government is using the Environment as a means to increase revenue.

That has been the bane of India.
. Traffic Police are there to collect fines not instill traffic discipline.
. The Environment conscious government is happy to make a fast buck at the expense of the poor owner.
. It will now seem that larger diesel engines are fine as long as you pay!

At every stage of the "Governance" you put a price on non compliance. When will we realize that certain rules are for benefit of all and no amount of "blood money" will make the wrong right.
It would be easier to challenge them if it was the government. Whom do we go to if SC is passing such illogical judgement?
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Old 1st April 2016, 22:24   #239
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

It is scary to think the kind of unscientific and arbitrary arguments which are being floated in this debate at the Supreme Court.
Get this as a sample, "(Amicus curae, Aparajita Singh) said the running cost of diesel cars because of their superior fuel efficiency was 25-30% less than petrol cars. This incentive must be neutralized by imposing a green cess, which could be 25%-30% of the cost of a diesel car, to dissuade people from going for diesel cars," she said. "The bench in principle appeared to agree with Singh's argument". Source: Times of India

Few issues in this argument:
1. How can saving in running cost be equated to the cost of vehicle. It is sheer nonsense.
2. By her own logic diesel is more fuel efficient. How will penalising users help the environment.
3. Petrol is priced where it is due to govt. policies, whereas diesel is more realistically priced. Why does petrol running cost constitute a benchmark - petrol is no less polluting.

Petrol, while cleaner, causes more of a long term risk through higher CO2 emissions. Why not ban it as well. It is the government's prerogative to frame policies, the court should be pushing it to frame these, rather than stepping onto its domain. A measured judgement would be welcome, but the current one has no roots in logic, but seems to be based on inaccurate and prejudiced arguments.
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Old 1st April 2016, 22:28   #240
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Most people in my circle were waiting for this deadline to get over before buying a car from that category. Now with this latest news of indefinite extension, almost all are considering buying it from an outside state and getting it here. In the end, Delhi government will lose out on road tax.
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